I! Don't!! CARE!!! Just Piss Off!

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Starting from the day F/n had woken up from his coma, the young man has changed dramatically ever since the day he was released from the infirmary.

How? Well...

1) F/n's attitude has became more stoic and rude towards people, ESPECIALLY towards any and all females (ESPECIALLY the ones who treated him horribly and turned down his offer for friendship). However, he does interact with males just fine (Sage, Scarlet, Port, and Oobleck for example).

2) His only activities were now going to class, cleaning (when its needed), reading, studying, listening to music, working out, training himself, swimming in Beacon's pool, and tending to his own wants and needs instead of trying to make friends with any females.

The sum of all this was that F/n doesn't care about females anymore and wishes for them to leave him the hell alone. After deciding that females are nothing to him, now he's the one ignoring them and even insulting them, including Ozina and Goodwitch. That being said, he now turns their niceness, insults them, and even threatens (although he had done it once to Yang) to slap them if they kept annoying him.

F/n:Tch, the tables have fucking turned.

Take these moments for example of the changed F/n:

<<==>>Flashback #1<<==>>

F/n was seen laying on his bed, an open book in his hand. Just when he was enjoying the silence and solitude...

???:*knocks on door*

F/n just groaned and went to open the door, revealing Blake.

F/n:*rolls eyes* Tch, what do you want?

Blake(nervous):Well, I was wondering...


Blake:You didn't let me finish, F/n.

F/n:So? You didn't let me finish when I was about to ask for your friendship, so now...we're even.

Blake:I was about to ask if you want to come the library with me. You know, so...

F/n:If this is an attempt to earn my friendship, then no! So, get out my face.

Blake:But, F/n...

F/n:You weren't acting like that when you were ignoring me the whole time you were in this Hellhole of an academy. So, get out my face.

F/n then slammed the door in Blake's face. The cat Faunus just sighed and left him alone.

<<==>>Flashback #2<<==>>

F/n was later seen in the library, ALONE, studying for a test.

F/n:*mumbles* That bitch better NOT start with me if ANYBODY fires a spitball at me or something. If she does, I'll fire on her...with Aura-piercing bullets.

While he was studying, the sound of a chair dragging against the floor emitted and he looked up to see...Weiss, who decided to sit with him.

F/n:Jeez, here comes the Ice Queen.

Weiss:Hey! Don't call me that!

F/n:You called me a dolt. How's that for a comeback?

Weiss:Listen, I'm just here because I was wondering if you'd help me study.

F/n:Oh! So, a Schnee needs MY help to study after insulting and stabbing me back then!? You're such a disappointment, you know that?

Weiss:Hey! I'll have you know that I'm one of the few at the top of class.

F/n:And your attitude with me still hasn't changed ever since I've came out my coma. *grabs notebook* I'm out! You can study by yourself, you bitch!

F/n then stomped away from Weiss, who then sighed and sat there alone.

<<==>>Flashback #3<<==>>

F/n was then seen in Beacon's gym, dressed in his workout attire. He was shirtless with only black shorts on and black gauze wrapped around his hands, wrists, shins, and feet. The male was seen savagely punching and kicking at a punching bag, the sounds of impact filling the gym.

F/n:*pants* I've had the whole gym to myself for the past 20 minutes. That's a first.

When F/n had stopped and stretched his arms above his head, he suddenly felt...hands touching his 8-pack.

F/n:*jumps forward and snaps around* What the hell!? Who's touching me like that?

Turns out it was Star and Neptunia.

F/n:The fuck!? Why the hell are you two touching me!?

Star:*smirks* Never thought you were well-packed under your clothes, F/n.

F/n:Tch. Really? What ever happened to "You're a homely loser who's really weak!"? Huh? Tell me the answer to that!

Neptunia:Forget about that. Now we both see what you're actually like.

F/n:*frowns* Yes! A young man who wishes females would leave me the hell alone so I can succeed in life.

F/n then collected what was his and got ready to leave the gym, but not after a few more stretches though.

Star+Neptunia:*in their minds* Damn, look at those muscles.

<<==>>Flashback #4<<==>

Some time later, F/n was seen sitting in the dead silent classroom of Professor Goodwitch, the whole class engrossed in a test she had handed out to them. As F/n was working on his own paper, a spitball suddenly hit the back of his head. Taking a deep breath in and out, he tried to keep his full focus on his test and not the asshole who did it. However, he felt another spitball hit him.

Then another.

And then another.

When they kept coming, F/n suddenly lost and darted out his seat over to Cardin, who had a straw in his hand. F/n then violently kicked him in the balls and then to the ground before he began to violently assault him.

Think of it like this.

With each stomp..


F/n's violent assault left Cardin with a broken nose, missing teeth, and other bruises. Then suddenly, a familiar energy surrounded F/n and he got more upset knowing who it was instantly, an upset Goodwitch. In retaliation, F/n whipped out one of his pistols, loaded it with an Aura-piercing clip, and...shot Goodwitch in the hand, making her drop him and her riding crop and hold at her bleeding hand. That action shocked the whole class immensely.


F/n then stomped angrily away from Cardin and slammed the door so hard it would've gone off its hinges.

<<==>>End of Flashbacks<<==>>

F/n entered his dorm and threw himself on his bed.

F/n(irritated):Monty Oum! Females are so FUCKING annoying! I've been bothered by Teams JNPR, CFVY, & CMEN in the same day. *sighs heavily* I'm SO considering leaving to another academy or something.

The screen then goes black.

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