WOW! NOW You All Give A Sh!t!?

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(F/n's POV)

In ???

I was sitting all alone in a pitch black space, my head facing down and my arms resting on my knees. The only that illumiating the area was a single dimming light that shone above my body.

F/n:*sighs* It felt like a month since I've been here and have done nothing but think deeply and sit my ass here. At least it's better than having to be near those sluts. I'll spend the rest of my life here if I have to. "Is this Heaven or Hell?" is my one question, though.

Then all of a sudden as I was thinking, my whole body suddenly felt really weak and tired, my vision began to fade away, and I was unable to stop myself from falling back.

F/n:What...the fu-...*blacks out*


In reality, F/n was seen laying in an infirmary bed, donned in a hospital gown and a heartbeat monitor beeping nearby. Then suddenly, he began to slightly stir before he opened his sharp blue eyes. He then sat up.

F/n(confused):Wh-What? Where am I?

???:You're in the infirmary, young man.

F/n turned to see Ozina and a doctor standing in front of his bed.

F/n:What!? But didn't I...

Doctor:Yes, you did hang youself and we were all surprised and relieved to find out that you were still alive and only passed out.

F/n(frustrated):*crashes fist into bed* DAMN IT! *sighs* Well, I want to know ONE thing. Did ANYBODY even bother to visit me?

Doctor:Yes, there was Teams RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, SSSN, & CMEN. Even Ozina, Goodwitch, and Team STRQ, your all-female family as they told me, came to visit you.

F/n:*in his mind* WOW! After all that shit you all done to me, NOW you have the damn nerve to get NEAR me!? *to the doctor* Well, when can I leave?

Doctor:Seeing that you're out your month-long coma, you can leave today. By the way, your clothes are on the bedside dresser. Go ahead and change.

After the doctor left, F/n turned his glare to Ozina.

F/n(annoyed):Do you mind getting the hell out of here, you pervert!?

Ozina just nodded to him and stepped out like he asked. After F/n got dressed in his casual wear, he was about to leave, but was unfortunately stopped by Ozina.

Ozina:Young man, mind stopping for a moment?

F/n:*groans* What! Do you! Want!?

Ozina:Listen. First, I'm glad to hear that you're out from your coma. Second...

F/n:Glad!? Since when were you ever glad about anything considering your stoic expression and the way you neglected my ass? (Silence) That's what I thought. And do me a favor and tell Quill Branwen to stay the hell away from me.

Ozina:Young man, Quill is...

F/n:A lying, abusive, drunken whore who started all the fucking abuse for me. Now if you excuse me, I've got shit to do.

F/n then stormed out the infirmary, leaving Ozina alone.

Ozina:*shakes her head* *in her mind* Quill, you really have gone too far.

Meanwhile, F/n made it back to his dorm, only to see it still trashed and wrecked.

F/n:Tch, so no brat in here bothered cleaning up? Sickening. Oh, well.

F/n went into his closet and came back out dressed in his cleaning outfit.

F/n then proceeded to clean and repair anything and everything that he wrecked in his fit of rage the day he tried to off himself and whatever was just dirty in general. After that, he examined his work.


F/n then changed into a pair of shorts and a tank-top.

F/n:*sits on bed* *sighs* Now, I'm back in Hell. What's next, even more annoyance from those sluts? *sighs* This is gonna be a fun life.

F/n then decided to go to sleep and just wake up the next day.


The next morning, F/n got up and got dressed in his casual wear before leaving for Port's class. When he opened the door and walked inside...

F/n:*sighs* Shit!

Inside the classroom were Teams RWBY and JNPR.

Ruby:Uh..hi, brother.

F/n didn't say anything to Ruby. He just went and sat as far away from them all as possible. That just sent hurt in them all.

Yang:*calls out* Hey, cuz. Are you okay?

F/n just looked at her and turned back around before he decided to put his headphones in, play one of his favorite songs, and read a book.

The disregarding just hurt them a bit more.


F/n was then seen sitting alone in the dining hall, eating his favorite meal:omurice and black tea.

As a small visual:

As F/n was eating alone, he heard the sound of trays clattering beside him.

F/n:*in his mind* Oh Monty! Just when I was enjoying sitting alone.

Sitting with him were Teams RWBY and JNPR.

Pyrrha:Hi, F/n.

F/n just looked at her and then went back to eating.

Weiss:Hey! What's your problem?

F/n:*glares at her* MY problem!? "What's your problem?" is the question!

Yang:*elbows Weiss* Hey, be nice.

F/n:What do you all want? Why are you bothering me?

Jane:We just...wanted to spend some time with you.

F/n:Wow! Just wow! So, what? Killing myself and failing changed your opinions on me or something?

Jane:What!? No. It was...

F/n:So, it wasn't? Females are disgusting.

RWBY+JNPR(in unison):What!?

F/n just sipped his tea before glaring at them.

F/n:You people disgust me.


Blake:Why do you drink your tea like that?

F/n:That's none of your business. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go peace.

F/n picked up his tea cup and plate and left them to go sit somewhere else.

RWBY+JNPR(in unison):*in their mind* Oh Oum! Maybe we shouldn't have listened to Aunt Quill/Ruby and Yang.

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