Saving Them! Unlocking My Semblance!

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F/n was seen training himself with his Iron Maiden gauntlets when suddenly...

Nebula:Hey, F/n!

F/n:*turns to her* Hey. What is it?

Nebula:Let's go. All teams are going on missions today.

F/n:Oh, really? *wipes forehead* I'm coming. I have to go change first.

F/n then left the room and went to his team dorm to change into his mission attire. After that, he went to the academy's auditorium. In there were multiple young people scrolling through the mission boards.

Dew:So, what mission are we doing?

Nebula:Hmm. *gets an idea* Why don't we let F/n pick?


Nebula:*laughs* You heard me. *steps aside* Go on. Pick any mission. It doesn't matter which one.

F/n was hesitant, but went up to the board anyway. Taking a minute or so to think, he finally settled on...Search and Destroy. He then typed in the team name (which was Team NDGO F, Indigo Fire) and their request was then confirmed.

F/n:*reads* Well, we have to leave today. There's a big number of Grimm attacking a village. One of the small ones.

Nebula:Well? *takes out crossbow* Let's get going.


F/n and his team soon arrived in the destination their mission was in. After a small walk, they then spotted the village, which was infested with Beowolves and Ursai attacking the innocent occupants.

F/n:Holy shit. That seems bad.

Gwen:No kidding.

F/n:*rolls eyes* *equips Iron Maiden* Let's go kill some shit already.

With that said, the five then ran towards the village and began to slay the attacking Grimm, but not after making the occupants evacuate so they could deal with the problem.

F/n was the main one doing the most. With Iron Maiden and his kickboxing abilities, along with his superior swordmanship and fighting style (which included dodging around and using his athletic abilities to get good strikes in), he was able to cut and beat a good amount of the Grimm. Suddenly...

???:Help me!

F/n turned and saw a young girl cornered by a pair of Beowolves. Thinking quickly and taking out his swords again, F/n climbed up a nearby house and ran towards the situation. Then suddenly, F/n front flipped into the air and jammed his swords into the first Beowolf. The Grimm roared out before dying, attracting the second Beowolf's attention towards him. F/n proceeded to replace his swords with his guns and shoot it in the eyes. In pain, the Beowolf held at its eyes.

F/n:Come on. *puts away pistols* No one likes a crybaby. Oh well.

F/n made fire surround his gauntlets before he jumped up and punched through the Grimm's head and chest, killing it.

F/n:*turns to the young girl* *grabs her arm* Come on. You might get hurt out here.

F/n then led the child to the inside of a house, shutting the door behind himself. The child then went to the window and watched him slay the Grimm with the help of his team.

F/n:*quietly* Shit! How many are there?

Octavia:F/n! We could use some help here!

F/n turned to see Octavia and Dew fighting off a small pack of Beowolves. F/n quickly ran to them both and killed two of them before he proceeded to fight off the rest with them.

F/n:You two okay?

Octavia:Yes. How are you...

Suddenly, an Ursa appeared and whacked F/n away. F/n soared through the air for a brief minute before he crashed through the roof of one of the houses.

Groaning, F/n picked himself up and brushed himself off. Feeling his cheek, he placed his hand in front of his eyes to see...a small amount of blood coming from a small cut.

F/n:All that for a drop of blood, huh?

F/n then went for the door and as soon as he did, he saw his team cornered by this.

F/n:Oh, shit!

F/n ran towards them to help them, but he was too late. The massive bear, with one powerful strike, knocked all of them away, making them crash through a house and out the other way. F/n, looking with worry, saw them with various injuries such as cuts and bleeding head injuries.

F/n:Oh! Shit!

Then, F/n felt something boil inside him.

He remembered the acts of kindness they showed him.

He remembered what they said, saying they truly cared for him and wasn't faking being kind to him.


He remembered the feeling he had when he received kindness for the first time in ten years.


F/n:*gets pissed* YOU! FUCKING! ANIMALS!

Then suddenly, a bolt of yellow lightning came and smoke seemed to come from...something. From the smoke, this emerged.

The unknown beast let out a roar, loud enough to cause a 7 magnitude earthquake.

This is your titan roar. It's the Japanese Dub one.

A/n:Yes, I know it's Eren's, but this was the best one I could find. There weren't other options. Besides, I like his titan roar the best.

Then out of rage, the titanic, humanoid beast rushed at the Ursa Major and threw a killer overhead punch at him, smashing it into the ground. Then with its claws, it began to tear to shreds, blood decorating itself and its surrounding. Afterwards, the Grimm was completely slaughtered into nothingness.

???:*roars again*

Unexpectedly, the roar had attracted a pack of these.

With no hesitation, it waited until they came closer to the village and then charged at them.


Nebula picked herself up off the ground before she saw blood drip down below herself. Feeling her forehead, she felt something on it and she looked to see blood on her head.

Nebula:Oh, Oum! *sees her teammates* Girls!

Nebula quickly got up and ran to them, shaking them awake.

Gwen:What the...What happened? *sees Nebula's injury* Nebula, are you okay?

Nebula:Yeah. *holds her head* I'm...alright. Are the rest of you okay?

Her teammates nodded in response. Then...

Dew:Wait. Where's F/n!?

The others just shurgged in response. Then suddenly, an Alpha Beowolf appeared and roared at them. Nebula was about to shoot it with her crossbow, but...

The titanic beast appeared and brutally punched it away from them, stopping to catch its breath after.

Gwen:What the hell is that!?

The others were too scared to respond. The Titan just looked at them, increasing their fear. However...

It just nodded and ran off to violently stomp on the Grimm that attempted to attack the four.

Gwen:What is that? And why is it helping us?

Nebula:That doesn't matter. Let's just be lucky it didn't kill us and is just killing Grimm.

After it had killed the second to last Beowolf, the Titan went back to the four and stood in front of them, looking at them with its deep, pitch black eyes. However when the four took out their weapons as if ready to defend themselves, it instead kneeled in front of them and looked at them. Then, NDGO thought of something.

Octavia:Wait! Is it just me or does this thing look...oddly familiar?

Dew:*shrugs her shoulders* I have no idea, but you do have a point.

Standing back on its knees, the beast turned around to see one last Alpha Beowolf standing right there.

Both beasts just roared at each other before the humanoid beast did some sort of stance.

Gwen:What is it doing?

Nebula:It seems like it's...waiting.

Then suddenly, the Grimm charged right at the beast, not ready for its last moments. The Titan threw a devastating spinning hook kick that knocked the Alpha Beowolf's head clean off.

Like this.

After the Grimm's headless corpse fell dead, the Titan suddenly let its arms drop and then...collapsed.

NDGO(in unison):What the...?

Steam then emitted from the body of the beast and then something...or somebody seemed to be coming out the corpse of it. It was...

F/n, who came out and walked to them in a semi-conscious state.

F/n:Hey, girls. I'm...okay. I've...finally done it.

F/n then passed out, falling into Nebula's arms.


F/n woke up on a bed.

F/n:*groans* What the hell? What happened?

Gwen:Well, you woke up and you passed out. Right after you came out that thing's body.

F/n turned to the side to see his teammates bandaged and otherwise okay surrounding the bed he was sitting on. After a moment of silence, he stood up and walked up to Nebula first.

Nebula:Ar-Are you okay, F/n?

F/n just sighed and all of a sudden...

He wrapped his arms around Nebula and pulled her into a tight hug.


Nebula, knowing F/n was feeling something, returned the gesture to him, smiling. nice.

F/n soon released her and went to hug the other three, surprising them all yet they did return the gesture to him.

After he hugged them, he did something he had never did in a REALLY, REALLY long time.

He smiled.

F/n:I...really needed all that. The kindness and everything.

Afterwards, F/n walked out and went out to speak with the villagers, leaving NDGO in thought.

NDGO:*in their minds* Whoa! That was unexpected...and really nice to see.

After he had told the villagers they were now safe and that they could always call for help, F/n went to board a Bullhead with his teammates. Before he could though, he felt somebody tug onto his jacket. He looked back to see...the young girl he saved earlier. Kneeling down, he looked into her gold eyes.

F/n:What's wrong?

Instead of getting answer, she instead hugged him.

???:Thanks for saving me, Mister.

F/n:*chuckles* It was really no problem. Now, go back to your Mother.

???:Uh, I-I don't have a Mother. *tears up* Not anymore.

F/n:Oh. Father then?

???:*sniffles and shakes her head*


???:*shakes her head again*

F/n:Oh. *hugs her* I'm sorry I couldn't save them.

F/n then got an idea.

F/n:You want to me to take care of you instead then? For your parents?

???:*nods her head* Yes, sir.

F/n:Okay then. What's your name?


Nebula:F/n! Come on!

F/n:*calls back* Coming.

F/n picked Lexi up in his arms and ran onto the Bullhead as the doors closed. When he went to sit down with his teammates...


F/n:*turns to her* Hm?

Gwen:Who's the little girl?


F/n hugged Lexi tightly.

F/n:She's a part of my new family.

The screen then went black.

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