Kindness! Pt. 2

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Team NDGO sat next to F/n, who had adopted a small look of sadness and pain. Nebula took notice of that and placed her hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.

Nebula:You okay, F/n?

F/n:*sighs* No. It already hurts me enough to even think about what I've been through for the last ten years.

Team NDGO all gasped in surprised.

NDGO(in unison):Ten years!?

F/n:Yep. Well...*sighs* Here's my story.

F/n took a deep breath and then began to speak.

F/n:When I was just a child, it was me, my "mother", and my father. Both were full-fledged Huntsmen and the two of them meeting and starting a relationship resulted into me being born after Dad impregnated her. Nine months later, I was born. From that day forward, I was showered with love from them both. There were little to no problems. Then tragically...

The words were caught in F/n's throat, but he swallowed and spoke again.

F/n:It all ended for me when Dad died on a mission. Me and my "mother" were both saddened from that. Well, she was a lot more than I was. She began drinking and then...she fucking blamed his death on ME.

Team NDGO gasped out again, this time with more shock.

NDGO(in unison):What!? Seriously!?

F/n:Yes. I didn't even do anything. Some time later, she married another woman and I was then the only male in a female family with two mothers, one sister, one cousin, and two aunts. They all hated me. They insulted me, beat me, and called me a "husband/father killer", all because of a fucking lie.

F/n then stopped there before he continued.

F/n:Then at age 17, I began to attend Beacon Academy. However, life wasn't any better there. I was neglected by both the headmaster and one of the teachers, as well as a team that came a year later. Why? Because they were all female, a species that depises me no matter how nice I was.

Gwen:Wow. You've had it really rough back then.

Dew, as a result, elbowed her in the side.

Dew:Don't just say that. That's just upsetting.

F/n:Know how life gotten more worse than ever? (Silence) My bratty sister and slutty cousin came to Beacon when I was in my third year there. Then, they both told lies on me and then their team and another arriving team began to insult and ignore me. Some of them just didn't bother associating with me and left me to deal with my own issues. During the course of the year, two transfer teams came, one from Shade and another from Haven.

Nebula:Wait! Do you mean Team SSSN?

F/n:Yes. The two females from that team, they bullied me as well, calling me a homely loser and looking down upon me.

Octavia:*rolls her eyes* Should've figured Star and Neptunia would do something like that.

F/n:I'm not even about to ask about that. Anyway, those two and that transfer team from Haven joined in on treating me like shit. From that point on, I've been beaten, neglected, harassed, looked down upon, robbed, and insulted for existing. Then after one last attempt to make friends, this time with Neptunia, I was humiliated in front of everyone, assaulted, and called a "desperate loser". Then after taking too much shit...

F/n went silent again before getting the strength to speak.

F/n:I tried to kill myself.

That was when NDGO gasped again, looking at F/n with looks of shock.

Nebula(shocked):Why would you do that?

F/n:Because I wasn't able to take it anymore. I've been taking all the abuse for far too long and I wanted to escape from it all. I tried to hang myself from the ceiling fan but considering the fact that I'm telling you all this...I survived. And know what happened while I was in a coma for a full month? The ones who has treated me horribly, including the staff and my "family", came to visit me ever since. Not only that, but they all also tried to get my forgiveness. *rolls eyes* Just sickening. And as of right now, I've escaped that damn place and came to Shade, hoping to finish my long-term goal of becoming what my Father was:a Hunter. That and now I'm part of a team with all females, a species I despise for what I've been through.

After F/n finished his story, Team NDGO was consumed with shock. Not only because of what F/n has been through in Beacon, but also because they know he has been psychologically damaged.

Nebula:Whoa! Jeez.

F/n then looked down with sadness and was close to tears, but then...

He felt himself get hugged again. This time, by all of them.


Nebula:We're so sorry to hear all that, F/n.


Dew:Duh. You didn't do anything to deserve that. The fact that your mother blamed your dad's death on you is just disgusting.

F/n:Tell me about it. *sighs* I just have one question.

Nebula:What is it?

F/n:Why were you all being nice to me from the day I transferred here? I just...never thought that a female, let alone anybody in general, would even give a shit about me.

Team NDGO went silent before he was answered.

Nebula:Well, you just seemed like a good guy despite your emotionless appearance.

Dew:You are pretty responsible.

Gwen:You are helpful whenever we need it.

Octavia:And you are pretty handsome. In our perspective.

Octavia got kicked in the shin for saying that.

F/n:Hmm. Well, guess that explains why I've been feeling weird all those times.

Nebula:What do you mean?

F/n:I mean everytime you all did something nice like hug me or compliment me, I feel this unusual feeling. It's like...feeling kindness is a new experience for me, considering that I never received that in a very long time.


F/n:Also...was the fact that you all were being nice to me out of pity or...are you all trying to be friends with me?

He then saw them wave their hands.

Nebula:No, no, no. We really want to be friends with you, F/n. We're not nice to a person for no reason.


Nebula:Here in Shade, there is far less discrimination and more laid-back vibes here. You can say everybody is good to each other here, especially to newcomers and visitors.

F/n:As for you all?

Dew:We all just have a reputation of being very nice to other people. That's why people consider us the most popular team in Shade.

F/n:Hm, well that's something. So, you all truly do care for me?

NDGO(in unison):Yes.

F/n then did something unexpected. He gave them a very, very, very, very, very, very SMALL smile.

F/n:Thanks then. I highly appreciate that. *stands up* I'll see you all around.

F/n then left the dorm.

NDGO:*in their minds* F/n...I really think he needs somebody in his life. Somebody to give him actual love and affection.

The screen then went black.

Coming soon!

F/n and NDGO go on a mission and F/n ends up doing something out of rage in retaliation for seeing the people who showed him kindness after such a long time get hurt. Then, things get better for him and females.

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