Kindness!? Pt. 1

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It's been about a week since F/n had transfered to Shade. F/n was seen walking back to the dorm he shared with Team NDGO. When he was inside, he flopped onto his bed.

F/n:*sighs* Sometimes, things follow you wherever you go. I can't say I hate those four girls, but I just don't fancy being with females. But...those four have been showing me kindness. It's been...years since I've received that.

<<==>>Flashback #1<<==>>

F/n was seen on his Scroll before...

Nebula:Hey, F/n.

F/n:*turns to her* What is it?

Nebula:You don't happen to have a ranged weapon on you, do you?

F/n:I do. *takes out his dual pistols* These two pistols. Comes with Normal, Dust, and Aura-Piercing rounds.

Nebula:*smirks* Wanna have a sharpshooting competition with me?

F/n:No, I'm good.

Nebula:Are you sure? *smirks* It's not because you're scared to go against me, is it? Because I'll tell you this, I happen to be a great markswoman.

F/n:No, I'm just not in the mood.

Nebula:*shrugs shoulders* Oh, well. Let me know whenever you're in the mood, will ya?

Nebula then gave F/n a short hug before exiting. F/n was then seen rubbing his shoulder.

F/n:Hm, a hug. That's almost new to me.

<<==>>Flashback #2<<==>>

F/n was seen walking in the hallway before...

???:Hey, baby. Why don't you come to my dorm and I'll sure you a good time?

Dew:*in disgust* Ew! Get away from me, you sicko!

F/n looked over to see some guy trying to hit on Dew, although he was obviously failing.

???:Come on. You really do look like you need it.

Dew:I said, no! Get away from me!

???:*grabs her wrist* Come on!

Suddenly, F/n came over and knocked him to the floor with a really strong punch. When the guy was on the floor...

F/n:Hey, you sick bastard! When she said no, she meant it! Clean out your fucking ears!

F/n then proceeded to kick the guy so hard he knocked a tooth out and knocked him unconscious.

Like this.


Dew:*smiles* Hey, F/n?


Dew suddenly hugged him, surprising him a lot.

Dew:Thanks. That guy is such a loser.

F/n was quiet the whole time. When Dew had let him go, he gave a silent nod and left.

F/n:*mumbles* Was that a...sweet gesture? I never had something like that in years.

<<==>>Flashback #3<<==>>

F/n was seen sharping his swords when the whole class was doing weapon modifications. When he was done, he felt someone tap on his shoulder. He turned to look at Gwen, who had a lot on knives in front of her.

F/n:What is it?

Gwen:Would you mind helping me filling my knives with Dust?

F/n:*sighs* I guess so. I'm done anyway.

F/n then walked over to her before picking up one of the knives and a Dust vial.

F/n:Does there have to be a decent amount of Dust in them?

Gwen:*nods* Yes.

F/n then spent the rest of the class helping Gwen out filling her knives with Dust.

F/n:Well, that's it. We're done.

Gwen then hugged F/n all of a sudden.

Gwen:Thank you, F/n. Other people don't help me because they're just lazy.

F/n:Um, no problem I guess.

F/n then seperated from Gwen and placed his hand on his chest, feeling his increased heartbeat.

F/n:*mumbles* Why am I feeling this? Is it because of the kindness I've never had in a long time it something else?

<<==>>Flashback #4<<==>>

F/n was seen walking back into his dorm before he heard a sigh of frustration. He looked inside and saw Octavia sitting at a desk, working.

F/n:What's your problem?

Octavia:Hard work. Professor Jett likes to challenge us in Grimm Studies.

F/n:Is it that hard?


F/n:*sighs* I never thought I'd say this, but would you like some help?

Octavia:*smiles* Seriously? Thanks.

F/n then spent about an hour helping Octavia with her work. When he was done, he got a reward...

Another hug. After Octavia seperated from him, F/n was sent back into thinking.

F/n:*in his mind* What's up with these girls? All the hugs and such? Are they...trying to be friends or something?

<<==>>End of Flashbacks<<==>>

F/n:*sighs* Well, I guess...I don't know. I can't tell if they're actually trying to be nice to me or if they're just showing pity for me.

Suddenly, Team NDGO walked inside.

Nebula:Hey, F/n?

F/n:*sighs* What is it?

Nebula:Why don't you ever hang out with us? We're supposed to be a team.

F/n:I know that, but...

F/n then went silent.

Gwen:Is it because you hate us or something?

F/n stayed silent before...

F/n:No, I don't hate any of you. In fact, I can't hate you all if I don't even know you all fully.

Gwen:Then, why do you avoid us most of the time?

F/n:It's...*sighs* because of my past, okay? My long, dreadful past.

Nebula:Is it what Headmistress Dorothy told us about? When she said you've been through a lot with females?

F/n:*sighs* Yes. It's because of that.

Nebula:Would you mind telling us about it?

F/n then went silent again. He didn't want to even think about it, but decided he had to tell somebody otherwise he would just be weighed down by it.

F/n:*sighs* I guess so. Sit down and I'll tell you all.

NDGO then sit with F/n as the screen went black.

To be continued...

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