Wow! This Is Gonna Be Fun!

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About an hour later, F/n had arrived to Vacuo and as soon as he got off, he was attacked by the sun.

F/n:Ugh. *covers eyes* It's hot as shit here. Oh, well.

F/n threw his bag over his shoulder and began to walk off through Vacuo. Thirst hit him soon and he went over to over grab a drink from a nearby shop.

F/n:Just a cup of (favorite/drink).

The owner nodded his head and soon passed F/n a glass of his favorite drink. F/n nodded, took the glass, and took a sip of his drink.

F/n:*in his mind* I should see if he knows where Shade is. *turns to the owner* Hey?


F/n:I have a question. Which direction is Shade Academy?

Owner:*points to the side* It's that way. Are you a transfer?

F/n:Sure am. I need a new beginning. I want to finish my goal of becoming a Huntsman here.


F/n:It's a pretty long and upsetting story, so I'll spare you the details.

Owner:Oh. Well, good luck young man.


F/n then paid for his drink and left in the direction the owner pointed him in. When he finally arrived to Shade, he took his time to admire the pyramid-shaped academy.

F/n:Interesting. Oh, well.

F/n then went inside the academy and walked through the hallways of it, getting stares from the numerous students dressed in casual clothing as well. F/n just ignored them and bumped into a guy with black hair that was fading to gray.

F/n:My bad, mate.

Brawnz:No problem. Hey, are you new here or something?

F/n:F/n L/n, Beacon transfer.

Brawnz:*holds out hand* Nice to meet you. Branwz Ni.

F/n took the slightly taller male's hand in his own and shook it.

F/n:Say, you wouldn't mind leading me to the headmaster's office would you?

Brawnz:Not at all. Follow me.

Brawnz then led F/n to the headmaster's office, with an elevator being the only obstacle towards it.

F/n:I got it from here. I appreciate it, though.

Brawnz:*smiles* See you around, man.

Brawnz then left and F/n boarded the elevator before pushing the button to go to the headmaster's office, which resided at the top. F/n then soon exited it and walked into the office, admiring the bookshelves, pictures, and finally the desk where the headmaster sat behind. Well, headmistress.

The woman had curly brown hair and was dressed in a white shirt with puffy sleeves, blue and white chequred blouse, blue socks, and ruby red slippers. The woman also had a pair of black dog ears in her hair, which twitched from time to time.

A/n:If you can tell me who this is based off, then consider yourself a person of smarts when it comes to fairy tales and such.

???:Oh, my new transfer student. It's real nice to meet you.

F/n:*in his mind* Man, female interaction. Something I don't enjoy at all. *sighs* Well, just calm down F/n. You can't be rude to somebody you don't even know. Just...refrain yourself. *speaks up* Hello, F/n L/n.

???:Good to meet you, Mr. L/n. Ozina's told me about you. Sorry about what you had to go through.

F/n:Sure. Well, I'd like to get settled in if that's okay.

The woman then practically jumped out her seat and walked to him.

???:Of course, but first...the tour of my academy.

The woman then led F/n out her office and took him to the elevator.


After a while, the headmistress had shown F/n the entire layout of the academy and then a dorm room.

???:I hope you can get used to it all, young man. Moving to a new place does take time to get used to.

F/n:Believe me, I'll be prepared for whatever this place has to fire at me.

???:*smiles* Good. Well, here's your dorm. And be a dear and get used to your teammates.

F/n:*raises eyebrow* Teammates?

The woman then opened the door and showed F/n inside, a room that contained desks, bookshelves, posters, and five beds.

But, that was NOT what F/n was focused on.

F/n:*goes slightly pink* Oh, my lord.

F/n, unexpectedly, laid his eyes on the four females whom resided in the room.

A lightly-tanned chick with indigo hair brushed to the left side and olive eyes.

A pretty young woman with tanned skin, dark blonde hair swept to the left, and violet eyes.

A cute doll with olive skin, curly black hair pulled back from her face into ringlets, and brown eyes.

A young beauty with fair skin, brick red hair left loose, and olive green eyes.

F/n:*in his mind* Oh Oum! They all look...really pretty. *sighs* You're catching feelings, F/n. Keep that at bay. *speaks up* Uh, hello.

NDGO(in unison):Hi.

???:Girls, this is F/n L/n, your new teammate.

Before F/n knew it, the headmistress gathered the girls who were about his age around and he could hear them whispering.

???:Please, make sure you girls treat Mr. L/n right. He's been through a lot...with females.

Nebula:What do you mean?

???:That's his thing to tell you. Until then, you girls treat him like a good friend would. Understand?

NDGO(in unison):Yes, Ma'am.

???:*smiles* Good. *turns to F/n* Get settled in and have a good time, young man.

F/n watched as the older female left and sighed.

F/n:*sighs* *whispers to himself* This is going to be an experience for me. Being in a room with females is something that tells me something will end up happening to me, good or bad. Well, mostly bad. I hope not.

Then out the blue, somebody waved their...well, her hand in front of his face.


Nebula:You alive in there?

F/n:*rolls eyes* If I...well, yes. F/n L/n, but you should already know that. May I ask for your names? Just for future reference.

Nebula*smiles* I'm Nebula Violette, leader of Team NDGO.

Dew:Dew Gayl.

Gwen:Gwen Darcy.

Octavia:Octavia Ember.

F/n:Well, let's cut the introduction short. Here's a rule I want you all to know:don't give me any shit and I won't have to get violent. Because I've already taken enough shit from females in one life time. Now if you'll all excuse me...

F/n headed for the door.

F/n:I'm gonna go get used to this place for a bit.

F/n then shut the door, swimming in his thoughts.

F/n:*in his mind* I hope those four won't get on my nerves for real. I mean, I'd hate to have to slap a pretty face.

With Team NDGO...

NDGO:*in their minds* How bad was he treated by females to make him have to get violent?

The screen then gows black.

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