Bonus Chapter 1

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" Amal , I am talking to someone very important can you please take Amaan away from here."

The man said as he got up from the sofa and walked to his office room before slamming the door.

My crying, two year old son had shushed as I took him in my arms. His large watery eyes looked at the slammed door behind which his Baba had disappeared.

I took in a deep sigh before kissing his head.

" How about we eat some ice cream." I said trying to make the baby smile as he placed his head against my chest.


" Arsalan, breakfast is ready."

I called out from the kitchen as I set the tea cups on the counter.

Arsalan walked in fixing his tie. Smiling at the man I walked towards him before fixing it for him. Looking up into his tired charcoal eyes, I spoke softly.

" Let's have breakfast together."

The man moved away before walking to the front door as a frown masked his features.Leaving me utterful broken and confused.

" Amal, I have an important meeting and a busy day ahead. I'll see you in the evening."


"Arsalan , can you please play with Amaan for a while so that I can fix his breakfast."

" Amal, I am working can you not see."

I turned around at his harsh tone.

" What has happened to you? Why are you behaving like this?"

" Why am I behaving like what? I work all day like a maniac and after coming back home I am still working and I don't want to be disturbed. Why don't you understand?"

" Why don't I understand?" I questioned folding my arms across my chest.

" Yeah, you don't understand. I have work I am leaving."

He picked up his files and laptop before walking out the main door.


Arsalan was every girl's dream.

A perfect husband. A perfect son. A wonderful father.

I was the luckiest woman to have him. The three year married to him, and our two year old bundle of joy. We were a perfect family. Arsalan and Amaan completed my life.

But the past week had been very difficult with Arsalan. His workaholic nature had distracted him away from us. He was never like this before and now his unusual behavior killed me to see him like this. Day and night, he would spend working on files and papers. And it worried me.

I missed the soft and loving Arsalan who had somehow been caged away by the man who lived in his body now. We had never fought in our marriage, of course we did argue but all of this was a part of marriage. But this morning's fight had broken me badly. Leaving me utterly cold.

My eyes glanced at the his untouched tea cup on the table. A soft tear rolled down my cheek as I brushed it away and smiled to myself.

Taking the tea cup, I made my way to the living room as my eyes fell on the calendar, seeing Eid near very soon. Sitting on the sofa, my mind took me back on our first Eid after marriage.

Ammi and Aunties had sent two large basket wrapped in all silver and golden from Pakistan. Arsalan and I were over the moon. Although we couldn't join our family there because of Arsalan's work, we couldn't visit often. But the gifts and Eidi sent from home had made us ecstatic.

A large basket decorated with all shimmery plastic was filled with dry fruits and vermicelli packets. A box was also there filled with sugar. Another large box had multi colored bangles for me and jewellery. The other basket had our Eid clothings. Arsalan tailored kurta Shalwar matched my pastel blue dress that was kept folded neatly. A mini version of Arsalan's clothing was also packed for our three months old son Amaan.

I had dressed Amaan in his kurta shalwar on Eid. And had also made the sweet dessert of vermicelli. Later we had gone out with Basher for dinner on Eid day.

And as now the festival of happiness was nearing I couldn't help but think of the preparations that would be going on back home.

With a sad sigh, I stood up from the sofa and walked towards Amaan's room. Arsalan had decorated the guest bedroom as Amaan's nursery when our baby was an year old. Arsalan had brought everything in a theme of dark blue and had done everything with his own hands. No doubt that he loved us more than his own life.


I glanced down at the glass of juice in my hand as I leaned against the wall. Our once silent home was buzzing with laughter and talks as everyone enjoyed the after dinner desert. My wife had arranged an Iftar dinner as the Eid neared. Rhea and her boyfriend were also called as the woman had become Amal's good friend.

Bashar was family and our special guests were Uncle Naseer and his wife Aunty Marena. The old couple had shifted from Detroit to London a year and a half ago and lived on the 13 floor. And as soon as they had shifted they had become family. Amal had found her parents in them and they had found a daughter in her. Since they had no children we always made sure that they never feel it.

My eyes casted on my beautiful wife, that always made me fall harder for her. Dressed in deep blue traditional shalwar kameez she stood out among others. Her long black hair were tied into a neat bun as she served the desert. Smiling at everyone yet the pain behind her eyes didn't go unnoticed by me.

As if feeling my eyes on her, the woman turned. Her grey eyes looking through mine, her smile wavered and I looked away.

" You guys must be going to your family for Eid, right?" Rhea asked as she kissed Amal's cheek.

Amal's eyes swept towards me before she turned to Rhea and whispered a soft.

"No. We have a family here too."

Rhea seemed convinced by Amal's answer as she walked towards the door with her man before saying goodbye.

" The dinner was delicious Bhabi." Basher said with Amaan in his arms. Amal grinned before filling a box with roasted chicken and rice for the man. The man looked sheepishly and smiled making Aunty Marena to laugh out softly.

Amal kept the two boxes on the table towards the rack and took a step towards Basher.

" Let me put Amaan in bed." She said.

Bashar tickled the small boy as he laughed and wiggled in Bashar's hold.

" I'll put him in bed." I said seeing Amal step back, making me take my son from Bashar's hold. The blue eyed man side hugged me before taking his leave.

I walked to Amaan's room as the boy placed his head on my shoulder. Once inside the room, I hugged Amaan tightly.

" Dadaa.." He said in his baby voice before wrapping his small arms around my shoulder.

" I am sorry buddy." I said rocking him softly.

Amaan and Amal were my life. I couldn't even imagine a day without them. Amal was the air I breathed. I wished to take all the pain away from her eyes but somehow I was being the reason of it.

I tucked Amaan in his bed, when he fell asleep.

When I walked out of the room, I found my wife serving tea to Aunty and Uncle. Upon seeing me she placed the cup before me.

Uncle walked out on the open balcony and I followed behind him. The cold air brushed passed us as I leaned against the railing, my back facing the city.

Silence fell around us as I looked at Amal seeing her clear the table as Aunty helped her. I glanced at Uncle seeing the old man look at his wife.
As if sensing my gaze on him he turned to me.

" You know Arsalan, these women work for us day and night. They care for us, they manage the house, they take care of our children somehow in the process leaving their happiness behind.

We work in offices, order people around. We even get to spend the weekend at home. But our wives don't even get a single holiday."

I listened carefully to the man as my eyes returned back to Amal's figure. She looked so tired but her smile masked it all.

" If they ever need our help, it always means that we support them and love them. That we always care about them. That we take care of them the same way they do. Its just a saying that everyone changes after marriage. Change only comes if we want it too.

Arsalan, always remember a mother , a woman, is like an ocean , her heart is like the ocean, no matter what you throw in the ocean it absorbs it and never throws it back at you. Same is the woman's nature."

As if realization had dawned on me, I looked down ashamed on my behavior towards Amal since the past week.

Uncle placed a hand on my shoulder as he turned to me.

" You work hard for her but she works harder for you. Always stay soft with her or else you'll break her."

I looked at Uncle's retreating back as he walked to the women and said something that made the two beautiful women to laugh softly.

" Amal we'll meet you after Eid as I am taking your Aunty to a Country Tour as her Eidi."

" Oh , great." I smiled sadly as Amal hugged aunty and spoke.

I switched off the office's lights before walking out. I kissed my son softly on his forehead before caressing his soft black hair. My boy was growing up so fast.

With hesitant steps I made my way to the bedroom already aware that Amal would be asleep by now. The darkness welcomed me inside with the dim lamp on from my side. The large window allowed the lights from the city to stream in outlining Amal's lying figure.

I walked to her side slowly feeling the burden of my actions weigh me down. I was too ashamed to when face her. Amal slept, her face turned to the side as her hair remained spread on the pillow.

I sat by her side, caressing her cheeks lightly as my eyes fell on her tired face. I ran my fingers through her hair softly, pushing the tendril away from her forehead.

" I am sorry baby. I am sorry."

I spoke softly as my vision blurred with unshed tears. Amal moved before she opened her eyes slowly.I got up hurriedly and turned around but a hand stopped me.

" Arsalan "

Her soft whisper broke something inside me and I sat by her side. She held my hand tightly.

" I am sorry Amal. I never meant to hurt you."

I cried as she sat up against the pillow and cupped my cheek. Hushing me up.

" Arsalan , what has changed. You were never workaholic. But now what has caused this."

I looked away from her large eyes. She wiped away my tears and encouraged me to speak.

I hesitated but my heart corrected me, she was my Amal , she was the only one who truly understood me and so I spoke

" I thought, I wasn't doing enough for you and Amaan. Everyone made efforts for their family and I attempted to do the same. Amaan is growing up and I don't want him lacking in anything. I want to fulfill all his wishes all your wishes. I planned to buy a house for us."

Amal gasped as she leaned her forehead against mine.

" I thought for once if I work more hard, I'll be able to buy a house for you. A house that you always wished for."

By the time Amal pulled away her eyes were teary.

" Arsalan, Amaan is growing up but he's still small, he just started to speak and there is still  time before he goes to a school. And I don't want you to buy us a house. Where did you even get that idea from-"

" I thought you weren't happy and you'd want a large house with a garden-"

Her fingers pressed against my lips stopping me from uttering anything.

" No Arsalan. I don't want a house Because this is my home where life seems too beautiful and natural with you. This is my home where we have a family around ourselves , people that love us and we love them. I love it here and I don't want to shift somewhere just now."

" You don't." I asked just to make sure.

Amal laughed making my heart swell with love.

" No Arsalan, I am very happy this way. I've just missed you so much this week."

"I've missed you too baby." I hugged her tightly.

"Arsalan. "

I hummed as her familiar scent reached my nostrils.

" Would you please return my Arsalan back."

Her words a used me to pull back slowly. Cupping her face in the large of my palm, I kissed her forehead softly.

" I am sorry I've not been the best husband these days Amal, but from now onwards I am your Arsalan. And I am sorry, that we wouldn't be spending the Eid with our family this year too."

Amal smiled sweetly as she opened the drawer of the side table.

" I don't think so." She said as she handed me a white envelope.

I looked confused before opening the envelope and peeking inside only to find tickets to Pakistan placed neatly in it.


I asked confused and happy at the same time.

" Bashar helped me. Although this is the peak time but he still managed." Amal smiled beautifully making me peck her lips.

Blush coated the woman's skin as she tucked her hair behind.

" I love you so much Amal and I am so sorry. "

The woman looked at me an grinned.

" Its okay Arsalan. I am just glad we cleared it out before a storm could form. I am happy your here again."

" Arsalan , you are still the best husband and the best father."

I leaned forward and kissed her lips softly. Her hands reached towards my chest before she fisted my t-shirts. Breathlessly as we pulled apart, Amal made space for me on her side and I lay with her. Her head lying on my outstretched arm.

" I am so excited to spend Eid in Pakistan." Amal said as she sighed.

Seeing the happiness on Amal's face made me smile. She looked so beautiful this way. I was still a little angry at my behavior towards her but I wasn't doing it intentionally.

We talked all night about everything and nothing.

And at the end of the day, nothing could change this that,

" That Amal Arsalan Khan was soully and eternally mine, and I was madly and crazily in love her."


Asslaam O alaikum People !!
How are you beauties ?? ❤❤

Missed Amal and Arsalan and our cutie Amaan ..
And who missed me ?? 😁😁

A good news that the bonus chapter  2 will be posted soon as I am writing my English Exam tomorrow so I cannot continue it tonight.And I really hope you all love the update.

I missed you all a lot so I posted this , do comment and vote alot .

Much love 💗💗


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