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" Hurry up!"

I looked down at the screen once more before breathing out deeply.What was she up to?

Opening the car door, I stepped out and closed the door behind me.My charcoal eyes roamed around the green hills of Abbottabad, finding the surrounding extremely pleasant and peaceful.The late afternoon had welcomed us with open arms, bringing the clear blue sky and the hues of orange and contrasting pink.The fresh green fields remained all around with the low hills standing proud.The soft wind dancing past us on its own tunes, making the fields respond to as, dancing along them.

The sun rays softly touched the earth with a silent farewell, ready to set itself free from its duties for the coming night.

But as I looked up at the sky, the chirping birds that returned to their home brought back a distant memory.I felt something very familiar but my mind couldn't just decipher.

Shaking my head lightly, I looked down at my hand as the matt black device in my hand vibrated making me swipe my fingers against the screen and unlock it.

" Coming up or not??"

A messaged popped up from my wifey, spreading a grin across my face.Turning around on my heels, I rounded the car and looked up the hilly path I was supposed to climb.

The grassy hill had a narrow pathway of stairs made by the habitants that lived way up the hills.Careful on my steps, I stuffed my hands deep inside my dress pants pockets.

Small stones and bits of rocks pushed against the sole of my black shoes as I stepped up the grassy stairs.A clearing came to the view with green trees all around.A gush of wind swirled past me making the thick of my strands to mess up.Running my hand from my hair, I pushed them away from my eyes.

Two kids ran past me and down the stairs, their smiling faces flowing as they ran away making me look at the direction they came from.Walking forward, I saw a small quarter made by the edge of the hill.The plateau surface now becoming more wide as I walked further.

The tall trees chanted with the bird nests in them.As my dark eyes trailed at them.White petals trailed a delicate path on the ground almost unnoticeable.But as my gaze traced them, I knew it was made for me.

Following it, I looked around at the beautiful view before me.My feet reaching towards my destination.I halted almost amazed and taken back.

The two mountains before me cradled the sun between them.A sight so pure and beautiful that my heart shook in its cage.The rays converging and the orangish pink sky glowing above.But what added more to the sight was the woman that stood there.

My destination.

A white flowy dress supported her figure.The white so pure that the silver thin lace around the bodice stood out against it.Down the waist the dress that plates that made her dress squish with the wind.The long dress reaching till the ankles as she had matched white tights with it.

A chiffon dupatta was around her shoulders, the white long fabric only dancing against the wind.

Her beautiful grey eyes were shining as she stared at me.As simple as always, she had a light lipstick against her lips with no other makeup.Her naturally curled eyelashes kissing the softness of her cheekbones each time she blinked.

Her hair were in a messy bun at the nape of her neck.Ten steps away from her and I could feel her gulp before she finally smiled.I managed to smile too.Questions filling my mind but my tongue remained tied to ask anything.Amal pulled the white dupatta away from her shoulders before covering her hair with the dupatta.The gesture so familiar that it left me breathless.

I wasn't supposed to be there, in that school.

It was a coincidence that Abbo had asked me to fetch some files from the school's headmaster.

And there, I saw her.

She stood with children around her who beamed at the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

She played with the children in the playground.

In a white dress she looked like the purest of soul.

Her grey eyes shined when she,laughed and my unwavering gaze settled upon her.

Her white dupatta covered her hair gracefully catching all of my attention unintentionally.

She helped a little girl on the slide.

Feeling my gaze on her-

She turned to me-

Her eyes met mine-

Grey met charcoal-

Too stunned, my world stopped.

Ten feets between us-

But I felt her gasp.

She covered her face with the edge of her dupatta.

I smiled.

Her eyes widened before she averted her eyes.

The beautiful daze broke.

And then-

She smiled.

The ten feet between us converged all of a sudden,bringing us closer not my bodies but my hearts.Our red hearts.

Reality broke free before me as I stared behind me.The once old building of the school was replaced by trees and a cottage at the far end.The boundary of the playground was an empty mark now.But the wooden fences were still there.Broken but still there.

Wild grass had now grown all around the earth making me instantly miss the once neat garden there.

Turning back to the woman, I could see her stilled on her spot.Just the place where I had first seen her.And looking down at my feet, I could feel my old self standing at the exact same spot almost six years back from now.

My heart had skipped beats that day.

" Amal-"I spoke out.

My voice thick with emotions.The woman bit on her lower lip before she slowly walked towards me.Her grey eyes shining with the fresh tears brimming in them making her blink rapidly.

" I found you."I stated when she was a step away from me.Amal pink lips stretched in a beautiful soft smile as she looked up at me.

" But now I found you."

She was so right- never in my wildest dreams had I thought to ever return to this place.And the years gap had brought such a great change.But today, what Amal did brought back our memories.And I couldn't refrain myself from grinning at her.My heart only loving her more deeply.

Oh Amal! What would I do without you.

Her dupatta slipped past her head, pooling around her shoulders as the teasing wind messed her hair.My hand reached forward as I pushed the strands behind her ears.

She looked like the exact copy of the girl-Amal I had seen that day.She had not changed a bit.

" I have a gift for you."Amal's soft voice made me look down at her hand, only then noticing a black box.Her hands held the box between us before she forwarded it to me.A delicate black bow was wrapped on the top.

My dark eyed looked curiously at the box before I took it in my grasp.Shaking it lightly, I almost felt it weightless.

" What's in it?"I asked my wife seeing her nervously play with her fingers.

" Open it."She said in a small voice.A deep red blush smeared against her cheeks making me chuckle.

Pulling the loops of the ribbon, I pushed it away before moving the lid to the side.In the box remained a black silk stuffing and a pair of-socks.

Two very small sized socks lay in the box, neatly tucked.

Frowning, I picked them up.My eyebrows knitted together as I stared at them, very confused.The woolen socks were dozed in a beautiful sea-green colour and had knitted woolen ball on the top.A cute pattern was strewn on the fabric- a mix of flowers and leaves adding a very cute look to them.

-But they were definitely not my size, they seemed to be of a bab-

" Baby?"I choked out.

Amal's nervous self bit on her lips as she looked up at me from under her long lashes.She gulped before she slowly nodded.

Realization fell upon me, and I almost stopped breathing.I couldn't point out what I felt.Everything was a mix.

" We are going to be parents.I am expecting."As Amal spoke the words out, I knew what I felt.

My mind worked as I looked at the pair of socks still in my hand.My heart filled with an immense load of happiness as I grinned and pulled Amal in my embrace.

My arms settled around her waist as I clutched her to me.Her soft giggles filled my ears as I nuzzled her neck.

" Oh ALLAH."I whispered.

Pulling back, I kissed Amal's forehead passionately and cupped her smiling face in my hands.

" I am the happiest man on the planet right now."I expressed as the moisture clouded my eyes.

I was going to be a dad.

Amal tightening her grip on my shoulders as she smiled lovingly at me.I spoke,

" And I swear, the very first time I met you- I knew you were mine."

Not able to contain our happiness we embraced each other tightly.

" Lets go home and tell everyone else."
Amal sighed and I nodded.We pulled away just in time when the sun set between the two mountain creating a sight meant to be captured by the loveliest of souls.

A few months later
Back in London

My eyes flew open at the sudden foreign noise.A plate had seemed to be banged on the wooden table.My hands reached over my face before I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.Staring at the dark ceiling above me, I felt the soft padding on the floor outside the room before everything silenced like the night.Mindlessly my hand reached to the other end of the bed as I found it cold and empty.

Sitting up in bed, I yawned loudly before throwing the blanket away.My eyes glanced at the wall clock briefly finding it read past two in the morning.Opening the bedroom door, I walked outside.The sight amused me making me lean against the wall and watch intently.

The six month pregnant woman, padded against the floor softly-in the kitchen area.Her curvaceous body supporting a silk coral pink dress that had white lace at the bottom that kissed her ankles everytime she moved.Her wavy black long strands were dancing against her back as she searched through the kitchen cabinets.

She puckered her lips, before keeping her hand on her waist as she looked at the empty wrapper of Candy.

Smirking, I pushed my body off the wall and walked towards Amal.Keeping my hands on her hips, I kissed the side of the face.My wife turned in my arms as she smiled softly.

" Hey-"She said.

" What are you doing, baby?"I asked amused as she turned to the cabinets again.

" Um- we had some candies left.I can't find them now except for the wrapper."She turned and pointed to the plastic again.

I smiled before placing a soft kiss on the crown of her head.Taking her hand in mine, I pulled her.

" I'll get you some in the morning.Lets sleep now-"I yawned as I turned towards the bedroom door again but before I could take a step I was practically yanked back by my arm.

" I want them NOW."The woman emphasized narrowing her eyes.

Fearing the look on her face, I gently placed my hands on her shoulders.

" Amal-the first thing I do in the morning is get you-your candies.Okay?"

I said rubbing her shoulders.She stubbornly shook her head before moving away from my grasp.Walking to the living room, she switched on the lights brightening up the house.Taking the car keys from the key holder.She pointed towards the door.

I gaped at her unbelievingly.I was too sleepy to even think properly now.When I didn't move a step, her lips wobbled and her shoulders curled.My eyes widened before I raced towards her.

" Okay! Janaan.Now no need to cry.We are going for your candies."I said cupping her cheeks Amal's face lit up as she smiled.

Pulling my face down she kissed my cheek.

" Aw thank you-"

" I'll just get my shawl."I nodded as she walked away.Her hand settling on her protruding belly making me smile at her.

Fifteen minutes later, I drove through the silent roads of London finding all the stores closed for the night.I yawned yet again, as Amal continued with all the enthusiasm about the chocolate pastries and candy flavors she was carving.

" -and you've seen that chocolate bar that is just so scrumptious with the caramel filling inside it.And oh that bubblegum flavoured sweet little candies that they serve in clear plastic wrappers and colourful ribbons around them-"

" Yes janaan but the stores are all closed at this time of the night."I slowed the car speed and turned to her.

She slouched in her seat and sighed loudly.I shook my head and drummed my fingers against the steering wheel.

" I'll bake a vanilla cake when we get home.Okay?"I said pinching her cheeks.She nodded sadly and looked out of the window.

I took a turn around the corner before driving through.

" Oye oh stop."Amal shrieked out as I pressed onto the break.

" Wha-"

" Look that shop is opened."She pointed at the store with the fancy lights hanging just outside the door.With the name, I could tell it was an Indian pickle store.Turning my dark eyes towards Amal's grey ones, I could feel her plead silently.

Parking the car at the side, I helped my wife out of the car.A bell chimed as we walked through the glass door.A woman in her late forties appeared on the front counter and by the surprised look on her face, Amal knew that they were closing.

" Hey-"

Amal chirped as the woman smiled at us.

" Hi.How could I help you?We were just closing the store."She looked apologetic as she shifted some papers on the counter.

" Oh."Amal gasped as her hold tightened on my arm.

" Preeta, who's it?"A manly voice spoke and a man came to stand beside the woman as he now stared at us.The silver hair on his head were brushed to the side.

" Yes?"He asked looking at me and Amal.

" You see my wife here-"I pointed to Amal who smiled warmly at them and turned back to the man.

" wanted to stop by and have some prickles.So if you guys could hold up a bit we would be very glad.You know her condition-"I trailed as the woman whose name was Preeta grinned at us.

" Oh no problem.Just come along sweety."She said warmly making Amal walk to the counter.I sighed in gratefulness as Preeta showed different containers to my wife.The man seemed cheerful too as he asked his wife to bring the most fresh and finest of lemon and mango prickle.

I stood by Amal as she smelled the lemon jar.Her eyes closing in delight.Running her tongue over her lips she said,

" Two lemons from this one please."Preeta laughed before she turned to get a disposable plate and spoon.

" You want some?"Amal asked from under her long thick lashes and she took a bite.

" No."I smiled.

" You two remind me of my early marriage days."Preeta beamed as she leaned against the counter.Her husband Rajpal placed two stool behind us and I thanked him.Joining his wife behind the counter he sat on the wooden chair.

" I used to get flower garlands at three in the morning for Preeta just because she loved them."The elder couple shared a smile as if reliving those days and nights again.

Amal got interested as she smiled widely at me making me grin at her.We stayed at the store for another half an hour and later returned home with a jar full of lemon prickle as a gift from them.

The big day

My heart shivered and a swirl of nervousness filled my stomach.My lips only murmured all dua's I knew.The man besides me chuckled and placed a man on my shoulder.

" Your freaking out as if your the one in labor."

I glared at Bashar making him stop and he leaned back against the wall again.The dark brown doors opened and a nurse dressed in all white came out.Walking over to us she beamed,

" Congratulation.You are a father of a baby boy now."Her thick accent pronounced out the words and my heart skipped a beat.

As she walked away, all the mix emotions washed away and I leaned against the wall feeling the energy of standing still leave me.

Bashar embraced me tightly, congratulating.A feeling of fullness formed within me.I was a father now.I hugged the man back tightly.The immense happiness getting the better of me.

Ammi walked out of the room with happy tears streaming and looking at me.She smiled widely.As Bashar pulled away, Ammi kissed my forehead.

" Mubarak ho Baba jaani."She said.

I embraced her grateful that she and Aunty Neelum had come especially for our big day.

" Can I go in now?"I asked excited.

My mother nodded and I walked to the door before pushing it open.The large white room greeted me.Large windows gave the view of the dark night outside.A bed was placed in the centre of the room with a much smaller cot besides it.My wife lay there with her eyes closed.A nurse worked on the table before she went out.

With a newfound energy, I made my way to the bed.Amal's exhausted form lay on the bed.The hospital gown supporting her figure.Her tired eyes remained closed.But as if sensing me she opening her eyes and smiled.

" hey"she croaked making me lean down and kiss her head.

" How are you feeling?"I asked softly tracing the skin under her eyes.

" Happiness and only happiness."She smiled leaning into my touch.I gulped and looked down at the baby in her arms.She held the child close to her chest protectively.

" Here-"She sat up before forwarding her arms my way.I gulped looking down at my arms as she placed our child in my grasp.

Two closed eyes and pink skin, chubby full cheeks and the perfect lips.Black hair just like Amal's and a cute nose.He looked like a combination of me and Amal.

" He's perfect."I said softly before leaning down to kiss his baby forehead.A tear streamed down my eyes at the blessing I held close.It was the best feeling of the world.

" Uhm hmm."Amal smiled as I sat besides her on the bed.Leaning her head against my shoulder she asked softly.

" What are you going to name him?"I turned to her and spoke honestly.

" I really don't know but I want you to name him."

She rubbed our baby's forehead softly before announcing in a silent whisper.

" Amaan Arsalan Khan."

I pecked Amal's lips and together we stared down at the bundle of happiness in our arms.

" Welcome to our world Amaan."


I was glad that there was no instrument to measure or count the happiness we felt because our happiness couldn't be measured.

I dished out the rice in the platter before walking over to the counter.The two men conversed as usual on the business making me internally groan.My eyes glanced at the beautiful pastel colour of the walls that were swept with the grey.Although I had cone to love the grey walls but the redesigning of our home made me fall in live with it and Arsalan too.

A vivid memory resurfaced on the curtains of my mind, the day we landed back here after our wedding and Arsalan had surprised me with the new interior.I was given of the option to renovate our bedroom but I let it stay the way it was because I didn't wanted to change just that.

I smiled at my own silly memories and thoughts.Cutting the vegetable I thought back of the day almost five months before when our son was born and we had brought him home.Till that day Arsalan had proved himself to be the best father of this world.

And I was happy that our Amaan would get everything he deserved because his father would always love and support him.Being a mother had its own charm too.And with the new responsibility we had grown incredibly closer.We had fallen into a routine.

Just like today.Thursday- had become a fixed day for Bashar to have lunch with us.Although he was always welcomed but this particular day, I would made something different and we'd have lunch together.

Smiling at the two gentleman I placed the dish on the dining table.

" Thank you."My husband kissed my wrist as Bashar whistled.Heat flooded my cheeks as I smiled shyly before glaring at Arsalan playfully.

" Please start- I'll just get the bowls."I said before walking back into the kitchen.Taking out the bowls, I heard Amaan cry.Leaving the bowls on the counter, I rushed to the room but stopped at the door.

My heart bloomed as I saw the most beautiful sight before me.Arsalan stood by the cot near our bed as he rocked Amaan in his arms making the child go back to sleep.

I walked to them and placed my hand on Arsalan's arm.The man turned to me and smiled sheepishly.Lowering the baby on the cushions again he leaned against it.

" You're doing a great job."I appreciated as his hands settled on my waist.

" Uhm hm."

" You're a great father."I spoke in all honesty.

" Uhm hmm.And how am I doing at being a husband."He asked playfully, his hands pulling me to him.

" More than great."

He chuckled before leaning towards my lips.

" I love you janaan."

" I love you too."He mashed our lips together almost cutting off my words making me smile against his lips.

The Final End


Oh Finally !!

I have a long list of apologizing to all the lovelies who have been waiting.

The past days have been extremely busy and I couldn't take out enough time to write.I did read your comments and messages lovely sweethearts but I couldn't just bring myself to reply without an update !!

Another story came to an end and I am so emotional right now !!

You guys have been amazing throughout and for that I love you all !!

Much love and wishes to you all.Stay happy and blessed.

And yeah,

Don't forget to show your love to baby Amaan and me by

Commenting alot !!

And commenting more..

And commenting more..

And more ..

I deserve a silent treatment but this would be the last time ..
Please don't be mad at me :) :)

Vote and Like and Share and Follow !!

Love you all to The moon and back

Until the next time we meet,

Allah Hafiz


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