Chapter 34

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Amal and Arsalan aren't normal couples.. They had their share of past and experiences..And I think its quiet hard for them to just be normal..They are trying to cope and save each other from destruction.

Just give them and yourself some time, and your truly gonna love what the story unravels.. :) :)
Believe me..

Hope you enjoy the chapter ;)



The woman reached towards me.Her eyes concerning as she sat besides me.Her warm hand caressing mine.

"No please.Don't."I said standing up from the bed.Aunt Shahana's eyes shot up to mine as she called my name out.Biting onto my bottom lip, I looked at her,

"You tricked him Aunty."I shook my head as the soft tear cascaded down my cheeks.

"He doesn't even knows the trouble he has gotten into.You were the only one."My stare was cold as I looked at the woman.Her eyes looking down onto the floor knowing I was stating nothing but reality.

"You could have saved the both of us but you didn't.And you pushed me away once again, destroying another person's life.First you married me to that inhuman beast and now this.Do you even know the consequences of this.Destruction.Only destruction."I sighed wiping away the tears.My throat clogging up.

My eyes had opened only now to the reality.Aunty Shahana could have done something.But she chose to marry me off again knowing that I wasn't ready.

"He doesn't knows anything about me and you-He doesn't even knows I was-"I sobbed loudly as a painful sob broke through my body.Making me succumb on my knees.The cold floor only supporting me.

Warm hands reached towards my face as she cupped my cheeks.My vision all blurry as I looked at my aunty,

"Amal, I know.I know that I made a mistake.But I didn't have another choice.I didn't have another choice."She cried sitting before me.Her arms wrapping me in a warm embrace.I stayed limb in her arms as I cried my heart out.

"I cannot live with this.I cannot live with him.iTs very hard Aunty."I said gulping down my dried throat.Her fingers ran down my back trying to calm me down.

"Relax Amal."She kept whispering like a mantra but I was too consumed with concern for everyone.I was restless.My soul needed to be freed away.

"He hates me."I whispered between her words.

Crying on her shoulder.I leaned against her embrace.My body shaking as I cried hysterically.

"Everything will be just fine."Aunty muttered after some silence.

"I don't know."I said sniffing.

"He is a good man.He'll take care of you."She whispered the words softly wiping away the tears.

The afternoon passed with me crying all over again.And as evening rolled in, my heart seemed to race as I knew that Arsalan would be here any minute to take me home.

I was embarrassed of what I had said to him last night.But I didn't want to hurt him.I didn't do it all intentionally.

Liar-my mind mocked.

Sikander bhai came informing that my husband was waiting for me in the car.Saying good bye to aunty, I made my way over to the car.The freezing night made me want to curl in a ball to seek warmth.

Gulping the lump in my throat.I opened the car door before settling inside.The man's stare was directed towards the windshield and he didn't even turn to look at me.

It was better this way.

I didn't say a word during the short journey nor did he converse.Reaching home, it remained the same.After freshening up, he got shut in his office as I prepared dinner.

Placing the plates on the table, I looked up to see as his office door opened.

"Dinner's ready."I called out softly.

His eyes didn't reach mine as the charcoal orbs turned to the table behind me.

"I already had my dinner."His deep hoarse voice resonated across the silent home before he disappeared in our-his- our bedroom.I stood there staring in space.Ignoring the bubbling pain, I sat down to eat.

Taking only four bites, I stood up ready to clean up for tonight.


Four days passed and nothing remained same.As we both hurled ourselves in our cocoons.Hiding away ourselves to prevent further damage.He would dose himself in work even after office and I'd sit idly on the dining table at dinner alone.Staring in space.

I turned to the other side on the bed, facing the window.The midnight blue sky greeting my eyes.But I was too drowsy to notice what the night was preventing me to see.

My lids closed shut as I dived into a pool of nightmare.

His hand was wrapped around my neck.

I couldn't breath properly.

His touch was suffocating me.

My lungs were begging for oxygen.

"You should have died with your parents."His voice reached my ears and I closed my eyes.Slipping into darkness was the only escape as it welcomed me with open arms.

My hands shook as I washed the last of the cups.Arsalan had left for work before I even woke up.The silent apartment welcomed me this morning.

My phone was ringing somewhere in the apartment.I just couldn't remember where I placed it.Wiping my hands with the kitchen towel.I moved forward.A feeling pulling onto every fiber of my body, a feeling dawning on me that something bad was going to happen.

I couldn't ignore it as I tried to distract myself.It was gnawing at my skin.Looking at the screen of the device, I saw a missed call from an unknown number.Deciding to ignore it.I sat on the bed as my hand scrolled through the screen stopping on my husband's number.

I wished to call him.Just as I was about to press call , the door bell rang jolting me.Hardly anyone came to our home.But it must be Arsalan, maybe he forgot his keys or he was in hurry or-

The urgent knocks on the wooden door made me stand up and hurry towards the door.A smile formed on my lips slightly.Relieved that he was home when I needed him.

Pulling open the door, my world froze.

Everything stopped.Except for my head that kept spinning.

My vision turned blurry as I saw the man before me.


"Ya ALLAH let death engulf me this moment"My heart kept screaming in my chest yet my tongue remained tied as I man before me smirked sinisterly.

He looked old now.His once dark hair were greying now.His rough stubble made him look like an alcohol addict.But I didn't care.The blood pumping through my veins rushed in my head.The circulation seemed like it had stopped.

Before me stood my worst nightmare.


"Told you Darling , I would always chase you.I would always find you."He said.

I remained paralyzed as he pushed past me entering the house.My back hit the cold wall.My nerves freezing up as cold shivers ran down my spine.My eyes followed his as he looked over at the kitchen area.

He turned to look at me and his smirk only grew wider yet his cold eyes bore holes in me.

"Oh beautiful, you don't seem that happy seeing me here."He took predatory steps towards me.His each step like a molten lava being poured on my body.

Burning me.

He leaned in closer to my face, his eyes running down on each feature of my face.His pale eyes looking at me like I was the most disgusting thing on earth.

"You got married, beautiful.How could you even think of it.Did you forget that you belong to me."He rasped out.

I couldn't move yet alone answer him.

"Bad move, you shouldn't have.Didn't I always tell you that you were always desperate."He chuckled humorlessly.My eyes snapped behind him on the open main door of the apartment.

Ya ALLAH send help.

I hissed at the burning sensation.My grey orbs looked down where he held my arm.His lighter burning my skin.The flames latched onto my skin hungrily as he chuckled.

I didn't pull my hand back, learned before that it would worsen my condition.I clamped my lips tightly trying to stop the bubbling whimpers from escaping out.

"Now beautiful, listen to me clearly.I would visit you again this week but this burn is a promise that you won't tell anyone.And I trust you on that."His face hardened as he glared at my angrily.His lighter still pressed against my skin.

"Don't tell anyone.Okay beautiful.Because I know where you Aunty buys grocery from."He said meaningfully making me understand clearly.

"I know you're not happy here.I wished you take you with me right now but I have some business to handle first."He spoke looking down proudly at his artwork.

My heart lunged in my mouth as he pressed onto my burnt skin.Smirking he shook his head moving away.

Walking over to the main door, he slammed it shut before saying,

"Wait for me beautiful I'll get you."

As soon as the door was shut, I fell down on my knees.My sobs filling the silent apartment.I was afraid.I was so afraid to even move that I lay there on the cold floor.

For hours, I remained on the cold floor before I gained some energy to get up and walk.With heavy steps I made my way into the bedroom before getting under the covers.

My body seemed oddly cold, my fingers and arms wouldn't stop shaking.Shivers raking through my body.My swollen eyes shut the lids as I lay in bed in pain.

Hours later when I opened my eyes, I found the lamps on inside the room indicating that Arsalan was home.I couldn't even turn to look over at him and then again I fell asleep.

The next morning was anything but pleasant.Masking away all the pain, I prepared breakfast as Arsalan got ready for work.

The man came out from the bedroom fixing his tie as I placed the last plate on the table.His eyes watched over me as I worked in the kitchen.I could feel his charcoal eyes looking at me.

"You okay?"He said biting on his slice.

"Yes."I answered simply yet my heart and soul screamed for him to listen.

"Um-you slept early last night and didn't even had dinner-"

"I am fine."I said cutting him off.He inhaled in a deep breath as I kept the carton of orange juice before him.

Before I could turn and walk away, a large hand gripped onto my arm.A loud gasp left my as the sudden interruption.I turned to look at the man but my eyes widened when I noticed him examining the burnt skin.

Lumps formed in my throat as his fingers traced over at the big bruise.

"How did you get this?"He asked sternly.My hand still in his grip.I tried to pull my hand back but he won't let go.

"I-I accidently burnt it."I lied pulling my hand away.He frowned my way

"How much did you burn?You are always very careful with everything.And there are electric stoves installed in the kitchen.Then how did you-"

"Stop pretending you know everything because you don't.You don't know anything about me.Just leave me alone.I can take care of myself."I shouted angrily seeing the man's face hardened.I waited for a slap or punch to come but it never did as the man picked his bag up.And walked away muttering a forced,


Did anyone ever imagined that Jalal Khan would return back in the story .. What are your reviews now ..??

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Until Next Time,


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