Chapter 35

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I rocked myself on the bed.Wrapping my arms around my knees.I moved back and froth.Holding myself up.Cold shivers kept running down my body whilst the blood in my veins rushed with high velocity.

My ears were numbed with my erratic heart beats.My curled figure was draped with layers of warm comforters but the coldness running in my body couldn't be stopped.

I waited for my destruction.My death.

The light from bright day outside had no comparison with the darkness my eyes were seeing or the darkness I saw inside of me.

Yet I still felt the hollowness consume me again as every flashback and scenario hit me hard.Shaking my body with all the horrible things I had faced.My mind, body and soul was being dragged to the same white mansion again and again as I felt it all happening all over again.

The only difference was that, this time the chaos wasn't outside.It was inside me.I had to face it all alone.My fears, they were taunting me.Screaming at me, begging me.Scraping my unhealed wounds, drawing my blood out.

My open wounds scared me the most.As the burning flesh deeply cut stared up at me with absolute despair.Those horrible pictures only played in my mind, whereas all the other things were devoid of my thinking.My brain couldn't process anything other than my past.

Goosebump decorated my arms as I looked down my hands.My wedding rings standing bright against my pale finger now.My breaths lowered as Jalal Khan's image from yesterday now played on my mind.

It has been almost more than one and an half year and the man had changed a lot.His dark hair had turned grey now.His beard rough and he looked very alcoholic rather than the strong and dominating man he was back home.

His body had turned more bony making the man look weak yet still more stronger than me.

Leaning my head against the soft pillow.I wished to disappear in thin air.Or to escape into darkness.Sleep.It was the only escape.But little did I know.

My eyes pressed shut as I ran into the arms of dark sleep that was welcoming me with open arms.Alluring me, to run towards it but the harsh reality slapped me hard when a knock on the door startled me.

My eyes shoot up to the wall clock seeing it read fifty past two.My heart and mind fought together but both remained frozen.Deciding to not open the door, I placed the pillow over my head.





He is here.

Jalal Khan is here.

Jalal Khan is here.

The words danced everywhere creating a severe headache.I pulled my body closer, fixing up all the parts together.

Don't open the door Amal.

Let it be.

Another harsh knock broke free in the silent apartment making me shoot up from my place.With soft steps I made my way to the door very slowly careful not to make a noise.The banging was constant as I passed the hallway and into the living room.

My eyes swept to the bolts and lock seeing it securely locked.Feeling a little secure, I sat on the sofa in front of the main door.My dry throat filled up with lumps as a hard knock sounded after minutes.

A final warning.

I cried silently pulling at my hair strands.Standing up on shaking legs, I unlocked the door.

Opening the doors of hell.

I didn't even get to see as the door pushed open making me stagger a few steps back.A hard slap came crashing down on my cheek making me land on the floor.A painful scream ripped through my mouth on the hard impact.

The man stood before me, looking down at me on the floor.His eyes were angry as he glared down at me.

" It took you long opening the door, having second thoughts beautiful."His sick smirk was back as I shook my head violently.

" No.No don't lie.I won't hurt you."He said, his voice sending chills down my spine.Taking my hands support I stood up from the floor and leaned against the grey sofa as the man stalked towards me before shutting the main door.

My heart dropped down as the door closed behind him.His tall figure remained inches away from mine as he gripped onto my hair harshly making me hiss loudly.

" Leave me."I begged sobbing painfully.

" Tsk Tsk.How could I leave you now.Afterall I have lost everything just to see you again.And now you're making nasty comments like these."He spat out, his hold tightening.

More pain spread through my scalp as he wrapped his fist around my loose bun.My hair in his death grip.

" Never ask me to leave you."He said emphasizing on each word.

I only gulped as my blurry eyes fixed on his face.I cried out loudly when hr yanked my hair.

YA ALLAH , have mercy on me.

Have mercy on me.

The man before me laughed loudly but a soft knock froze us.My eyes looked at the door, my heart jumping in my chest.

A saviour.

Making I could even make a sound a palm was pressed against my mouth.Muffling everything.

" Did you tell about me to someone?"The man whispered darkly making me shake my head.Contended with my answer he whispered.

" Ask who's at the door."He ordered.

I nodded.The man removed his hand and I tried to find my voice when a cold and sharp thing pressed on my abdomen.I looked down horrified at the sharp pocket knife.Fear gripping me as the man pressed it onto my skin.

Moving his eyes to the door, he signaled me to ask.

" Who's it?"I asked softly yet the pain was quiet evident.

" Madam, is this Mr.Smiths house.I have a letter for him."A masculine voice said and all the wishes to be saved were dissolved in thin air.

" No."I gasped out as I felt the weapon puncture a hole through my shirt.A faint 'ok' could be heard from outside before the man walked away.

Soft tears freely cascaded down eyes as I sobbed again.The man who had destroyed all of my life, rubbed his knuckles against my cheek as he released my hair.His touch disgusted me.I loathed him.

" Oh, I just love your beautiful tears."He said.

My heart clenched painfully.

" Do you remember that night?"He asked.I clearly know about which night he was asking.And my body turned numb hearing him speak about it.

" I would never forgive you."I promised despite being so weak infront of him, I was determined to never forgive him.It was from the bottom of my black heart to never feel any pity for him.Or to feel any emotion for him.The words were only a small flame of the burning lave inside me.His face hardened and rage flashed through his features.

As a reward, a hard slap was landed on the same cheek yet again making me succumb to the ground.His sat next to me, his hand curling around my jaw,

" Stay in your limits.Only worse can happen with you."Too defeated and full in despair, I shook my head and glared at him.

The knife was again pressed on my skin, but this time my arm.He plunged the tip through my skin making me scream out in pain.

" Shsh."He signaled to quiet down but I couldn't as the pain became unbearable.

Blood oozed down as I felt the fluid drip down my arm.Placing the knife in his pocket, he moved away looking satisfied.

" This way, you would never be able to walk out from fear of me.I would always own you beautiful."He laughed sickly making me cringe on his words.Pressing a hand on my fresh wound, I tried to soothe the pain.

My phone rang in the bedroom making the man's attention divert there.All energy was draining out of me, making it very hard to move.The burning feeling in my arm was unbearable.

Yet, the man walked towards the hall.I wanted to stop him.

This was my home, he had no permission to walk around like that.


I wanted to scream out when he entered my bedroom.My phone stopped ringing but I knew who was calling.


It had to be his call.

Jalal Khan walked out with my phone in his hand.His smile was anything but pleasant.

" I think, I am gonna keep this."I slid the phone in his pocket but I shook my head trying to make him understand that it was a gift from someone very special yet the man ignored me and moved to the door.

" See you tomorrow beautiful and don't forget to open the door on the first knock."He opened the door and walked out.



From the moment I stepped inside the apartment, I could feel it.The strange smell.Just something about the atmosphere was changed, it wasn't the usual smell or environment that I was used to.

Like the molecule inside the house had been shifted more than usual.Or like a new molecule had been added.Dismissing the thoughts away, I walked inside the dark bedroom seeing the lights switched off.Yet strangely the bathroom lights were on.

Keeping my phone and keys away, I called out ,

" Amal-"She gave no response and taking that as a hint I peeked inside the bathroom careful not to intrude in her privacy.

But my eyes only widened on what I saw and my heart fell inside my stomach.

The woman was still dressed in her clothes from the morning before as she sat in the tub filled with water.Concerned I walked inside the bathroom.Leaning towards the bathtub, I dipped a finger in the water.The freezing cold water making contact with my cold skin.

Amal didn't seemed to care, she didn't even notice my presence but kept staring in space.She was frozen.

Keeping a hand on her shoulder, I shook her lightly, my soft voice calling out to her,

" Amal, what's wrong?"She turned to look up at me.But the emotion in the woman's eyes had me tensing.

She looked at me as if I was a stranger, someone she had never seen before.Not answering me, she turned back to staring in space.

Starting of winter season was no time to have bath in freaking cold water.I looked down at her worried.Sighing, I sat down on the cold floor besides the tub.Her form was huddled together.Her knees pulled to her chest whilst her hands remained dipped inside the cold water.Her clothes and skin was wet.Her dupatta was missing but her loose bun was still bathing in the tub filled with cold water.

Her skin looked pale with the dark blue clothing.Her grey eyes were dull and almost lifeless.The sparks long gone in them.As if someone had stolen them.

Finding her hand inside the cold water, I dipped my hand in the tub and held her freezing hand.My warm fingers wrapped around her hand but she didn't flinch nor react.

Oh Amal, what has happened to you.

Inhaling in a deep breath, I spoke softly, tightening my hold on her hand.

" Lets get you out of here."Still getting no response from her side.I stood up.

I knew she wasn't gonna let me in this easily but I wasn't backing away either.She was my wife and that's all I knew.

Hooking my arms around her, I picked her up in bridal style.Her form as light was feather yet the excess water dripped down her body.My coat and shirt turned moist yet I didn't stop.

Her arms moved around my chest and held onto my coat.Standing her by the counter, I spoke as she looked at me like a lost puppy.

Oh Amal.

" Wait here.I'll get you some clothes."Hurrying to get her some clothes, I grabbed my shirt from the cupboard and found her loose pajamas and garments in her side of the wardrobe.

Placing the clothes on the counter, I saw the woman shiver and shake probably from the cold.Wrapping a large clean towel against her form, I dried the excessive water.

" Wear your clothes, I am right outside."I spoke softly seeing the woman look up at me emotionlessly.Giving her privacy I walked out from the bathroom.

Removing the wet coat, I placed it aside before into the kitchen.Heating a pan, I poured some milk in it.Making sure its warm enough to not burn the mouth, I poured it into a cup.

Walking back inside the room, I heard the woman sob.

" Amal-"I said with a defeated sigh.

Opening the washroom door, I saw her seated on the floor, with her face in her hands.Her soft sobs the only conversation between us.

She had changed her clothes so picked her in my arms again like a bride.Her hands instantly curling around my neck as she placed her head on my shoulder.Her tears got absorbed in shirt and with each painful sob, her hold would tighten.

" I've got you Amal.Just hold on."I whispered walking to her side of the bed.Laying her down on the mattress, I draped the comforter over her warm body.

She was holding my hand as she curled under the soft comforter.

" Amal-what's wrong.Tell me."I asked very worriedly now.

" Arsalan-"She gasped out and clutched my hand tighter.I leaned towards her and sat by her side.She kept crying.She spoke no more.I made her drink the warm milk after much difficulty.But now as she lay on my arm sleeping.I was more worried.

Her mumbling wouldn't stop.She kept saying incoherent words and sentences.Making me hundred percent sure that she was hiding something and was stressed.

Amal, what are you hiding-why wouldn't you just make it easy for both of us.


Hey and sorry-
I know, I got a lot of request for updating early but I had some work and I just couldn't :(

Please don't get mad but IN SHAA ALLAH I'll start on my regular updates again.

And what do you think about the chapter ??

And I have A GREAT NEWS.

SO, Don't forget to vote, comment loads and share ..

Until Next Time,


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