Chapter 36

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Hi Beauties !!

Ready for an amazing chapter ?? Hold onto your hearts then ..

And are you guys bored or are you still enjoying ??



The man spoke rapidly, his hands indicating towards the projector but I was oblivious of his words.I was expected to be the most attentive in all of the faculty heads but I was maybe the most inattentive.

All the men discussed the details as the presentative answered their question.Whilst I stared at them with my mind fixed on a certain woman who had spined all of my world.I was waiting for her one signal to let me in.To tell me anything or everything.To just signal me and I'll dig the whole earth apart.

But the stubborn woman was mystery, ready to absorb everything alone.

Just like this morning as she convinced me that she was fine.Although I had all planned to not come to office today but she kept on saying that I didn't need to worry about her.I checked for fever before she even woke up and thank goodness she didn't catch a cold or fever.

I didn't say a word about last night because I wanted her to be comfortable telling me about it which she clearly wasn't.What I found strange was that she was anxious and her phone was missing.

Telling her to rest I left home just to attend this stupid late meeting that was taking too long to finish.The soft rings of my phone distracted me as I leaned towards it.The home landline number shined making me instantly answer it.

" Hello Am-"

" Please come home."It was barely a whisper that had me standing up from my place.Eyes swept up to my standing figure.

" Gentlemen we'll discuss this later, I have an emergency."I excused moving towards the conference room's glass door.

I could hear Bashar call out to me but I didn't stop.Amal crying whisper was enough to make me run towards my destination.Grabbing the keys from my office, I locked it before instructing David to cancel my schedule for evening.

Getting inside the car, I dialed the home phone.But she didn't answer.I sped off the car, not caring for a bit right now.My knuckles turned white as I gripped the steering wheel.

Damn it.

The traffic before me was all because of people driving through dinners and dates.I couldn't even wait to reach home as I honked.Evenings in London, specially after fall-winter season were always a buzz.

Driving through the busy roads, I kept wondering about Amal.






Passing through a restaurant, I thought to grab dinner but decided against it.I could always order home delivery.

Just as the apartment building came into view.My black heart started running wild.Parking the car in, I dashed towards tbe building.The bright lights illuminating the lobby as I hurried into the elevator.Unlocking the door, my hands pushed it open.

I walked down the dark hallway, my eyes scanning the rooms on my way.The door was slightly ajar as I reached the end of the hallway, my hands pushing the door open as I stepped in.Her sorrowful sobs reached my ears as I stared at her little form huddled in the corner of the dark room.Moonlight from the large window fell on her body as she continued to sob sitting on the floor.

My stomach twisted in a bad way seeing her like this.A pain seared at the bottom of my heart as she hiccuped making me move towards her.I sat on the floor near her silently, not saying a word.She noticed my appearance as she stiffened for a fraction of second.I didn't utter a word and we let our silence converse.Seconds turned into minutes.Her cries had stifled as we sat in the dark with moonlight showering over us.

" He had broken me into so many piece that it will take a life time to collect all.He ripped me apart from my soul, from my self respect making me crumble to the ground like ash.."Her hoarse yet soft voice resonated around the room making me turn my eyes to her beautiful face.

I had to find a new word for her, because she hated the word 'beautiful'.

" I have nothing left of myself.Nothing."She sounded defeated.But I didn't like hearing those words from her.It killed me to listen the bitter words she swallowed each time she spoke.

Her large grey eyes swept up to mine, and I frowned.Not liking the tears in them, I resisted the urge to wipe them away.But I knew that right now, I had to do all was listen.

She wanted me to listen to her.

" Since the day I first met Jalal Khan, he only gave fearful vibes.I was petrified, terrified of him.When I got married to him, I thought it was a fairy tale.But tell me which kind of fairy tale is this that your prince has a pregnant woman waiting for you already."She cried out loudly but I tensed.My breath halted listening to her words.

"I didn't know he was abusive until the second day of my marriage when he slapped me because I made tea for him without his permission.I wasn't allowed to cook or even touch anything without his permission.I was locked in dark rooms for endless nights.He would get drunk almost every night and then would beat me.Punch me.Crumble me.Cut me.Burn me.."Her words were dying down but a fire was in her dark grey orbs.She was determined to pour her heart out.She wasn't away this time as she harshly wiped her tears away from her red cheeks and only then did I notice the bruise on her cheek.

" I was his trophy only.I was his prey only.I was like an expensive possession that he liked to show off around his vulgar friends.His bad friends that were so animalistic that they had crossed all boundaries.They would to say to him 'when can we have her' and Jalal Khan would only laugh.He wasn't a protector.A saviour.He even wasn't my husband because I never considered him as one.He was just a beast and always would be."

" To bear his children he had a woman, his first wife that was treated even worse than animals.He used to keep her always locked.But Marwa was an example for me.She was like a moon in the dark night.My only hope.She taught me so much.We would even smile together.She wasn't even afraid of Jalal Khan although he would beat her too."

" He-e"

She hiccupped curling her body tightly her eyes averting from my face as she looked down at her hands.Amal gulped audibly and closed her eyes.Her soft sobs filling the room again.My heart clenched painfully making me slid a little closer to her.

My hand reached towards hers, as I wrapped my fingers around her hand.

" He divorced me-"Her voice was a whisper.

" In a raining midnight, he pushed me out of the house, rewarding me with divorce weeks after Marwa went away.But he promised me that he would always come back for m-mee."

My charcoal orbs grazed our hands but I could feel her eyes on my face as I avoided looking at her face.I had heard enough, I wasn't sure if I wanted to know something more worse.

Silence fell inside the room as she tightened her grip on my fingers.

" He was here yesterday."I looked up at her face, her features twisting in pain.The soft tears gliding down her cheeks, the moon light only illuminating us.She nodded her head vigorously.

" He was here yesterday and the day before yesterday, in our apartment.He burned my hand.He promised to take me away.He promised to harm you.To harm aunty Shahana.He would take me back to hell.And he slapped me making all the horrible memories to flood back."

Amal moved away from me.Her body turning towards the large window.As her fingers gripped her hair, pulling at the strands.

" He even took my phone away.He slit my flesh too and made me promise to not tell anyone for the sake of Aunty Shahana.He would visit soon too."

She breathed out as I stared shocked at her.He was the cause of her behavior.I moved towards her, my cold fingers moved towards her face.Cupping her face, I grazed my fingers softly against the bruise on her cheek.Her eyes closed down as her tears rolled on her cheeks making me wipe them away.She bit her bottom lip,

" I didn't mean to say all those things to you that night.But I wanted to save you.Save you from Jalal Khan.But now I am helpless.I forgot that you are the one protecting me.Saving me.I couldn't hide all this from you anymore."

" Why?"The words rolled out before I even had any control over them.

I stared right through her.Her vulnerable state only puncturing my heart.Her grey eyes stared at my charcoal orbs.

" Because I trust you.I have always trusted you.I trusted you even when I didn't even know."She whispered out making my lips curl up in a smile.

Our hearts thudded loudly together.In a sync.

"Please don't let me go.Please don't let me go."She cried out before wrapping her arms around myself.Her body shaking in my arms as she hid her face in the crook of my neck.Her warm breaths hitting my skin.

Wrapping my arms tightly around her frail body, I whispered truthfully.

"My hell would freeze before I even let you go."

We stayed in the same position for an hour.Her sobs had died down as our bodies turned numb sitting on the cold floor for hours.

Smiling, I pulled away from her.But her limp body fell in my arms again.

Ya ALLAH , did she just faint.

I sighed.Picking her up.I lay her on the bed just then my eyes catch the cut on her arm.My fingers move the fabric of her sleeve to inspect the cut.It was deep and the dried blood greeted me making my mind wonder back to last night when she sat in the cold water for God knows how many hours.

Dialing for an emergency doctor, I sat besides her waiting for the doctor to arrive.My hands glided over to her forehead feeling her skin burn.

Her nose was red, her lips dried.She looked pale.Just like the first time she stepped inside this apartment making this home.

The door bell rang making me move out to open the door.Doctor Emma greeted me as I showed her the way to the bedroom.

I waited for the doctor to inspect Amal, as I paced in the hallway.My anxious fingers rubbing my forehead.

" Mr.Khan."A thick accent called out making me walk inside the room.Doctor Emma's frown only grew more as she pointed towards the cut on Amal's arm and the burn marks.

"Do you abuse her?"She asked angrily making my eyes widen.

"No."I said in a blink of an eye.

"She got into an accident."I excused seeing the woman's features soften.

"Oh I am sorry.Well, Um- I've given an injection to her that'll reduce her pain.I've also bandage her arm.I am prescribing some ointment for the burn marks."

I nodded as she wrote down something on the notepad.My hands folded as I looked at Amal on bed covered with the comforter.

Oh my angel.

"I feel as she's hypertensive as her blood pressure is high, which isn't good.Mr.Khan try to keep her worry free.Divert her mind from whatever is causing her stress because high blood pressure at such a young age is not good."

"Yes Doctor."I said walking by her side as we moved towards the front door.

"And don't worry she'll wake up in some hours.Call me whenever you need help."I smiled politely at the older woman and thanked her before she went away.

In the darkened room as I lay under the covers, I could feel Amal's body close to me as she seeped for warmth.Wrapping my arms around her, I pulled her close.Her eyes were shut close but her forehead was wrinkled.

Pain and stress making her anxious.

Moving my lips towards her ears, I sang a soft lullaby to her, which Daadi Ma used to sing for me.Feeling Amal relax against my grip.

The stars stare at you,

The dawn awaits you,

Sleep my jaan,

Because all I have is you.


Finally !!

So hons, what da ya think ??

Still boring or are you interested ??
Show me your love my,

•Commenting loads

Take good care of yourself and remember to smile alot ..

Until next time,


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