Chapter Five; The Trap

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     That was a beautiful name....Freedom. But at the same time, it was horrible, because that's what the mare would've wanted.... to be free, not stuck in a barn.
     I scratched Freedom's withers, meanwhile Serenity stood nervously at the gate." You sure she's safe? I mean, Uncle Jack was very horrible to her, and if I were her, I'd trust nobody at all. No offense, because she seems to trust you."
   " That's all right, Serenity," I agreed, running my fingers down Freedom's long thick mane." But she's safe. Just don't flare her temper. Or she won't be safe."
      I laughed at Serenity widening her eyes." I'm just kidding! But seriously, no sudden movements."
     Serenity slowly edged inside. Meanwhile, I stared into the phantom's blue eyes." I want to help you Freedom," I whispered." But I don't know how."
       Freedom's eyes had no trace of hatred in them. They just looked sad. She looked back at the stone and nickered softly. I leaned my head against her neck." I know." I felt tears prick at my eyes. Even though I hadn't known the magnificent horse for long, I knew everything about her. She had been free, but a cruel and evil man had ruined it.
        I stroked Freedom's neck. She wondered why her hand didn't go right through the blackness, because after all she was a ghost. Maybe it was because she was in a barn, and she was beginning to trust me....or maybe it was because she wasn't free.
       " Are you okay?" Serenity said quietly. She was petting the phantom' s back, casting nervous glances at her head.
        I sighed, staring hard at Freedom's black coat. It was comforting to think you were in that warm blackness." I don't know Serenity. I want to free her, but I don't know how."
      " I have a feeling...." Serenity said, though her nose wrinkled and a disgusted look came to her face." A pretty disgusting feeling. What if we dug up her bones and took them outside?"
    " Yuck, but let's do it."
       We each grabbed shovels and started digging beneath the stone.
       After about three hours, when I was about to give up, I hit something solid hard. I uncovered dirt to find a yellow bone." I found her!"
       We both digged up Freedom's whole skeleton. I pulled off the ropes and hobbles. Then we started carrying bones one by one outside. We put it in order and looked back at Freedom.
     " Freedom, Shadowstalker!" I called.  Freedom perked her ears and started to walk forward, but as if she had slammed into something, she stumbled back.
     " Freedom!" Serenity pleaded.
       The mare let out a long, sad whinny.
       I sighed, wiping the sweat off of my forehead." It was all for nothing. "
      Serenity went into the shed and scratched Freedom's chest." We're really sorry girl. We don't know how. We don't know how to get you out of this rotten old shed."
     Wait.... hold that thought.....
   " Yes, we do!" I exclaimed excitedly.
      Serenity stared at me as if I'd grown another head.
      Freedom's eyes brightened and she paced around the shed, pawing at the walls then looking at me intently.
     " Its not the bones or the ropes and hobbles that are keeping her trapped!" I said, walking up and patting Freedom's shoulder." It's the shed itself!"
          Serenity face-palmed, shaking her head." So obvious. The shed is the thing keeping her trapped. It was soooooooo obvious."
        " Lets figure out how to get it tomorrow," I said.
        " Okay," Serenity agreed.

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