Chapter Six; Freedom

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       I woke up to a smell....
       A smell of smoke.
       I sat up straight, Serenity beside me. It was 3:00 in the morning.
      I looked out the window....
      To see that the shed was on fire.
      Pulling my boots on, I ran downstairs." THE SHEDS ON FIRE!" I screamed.
    " What the heck?!" Mom called, but I was halfway to the shed already. Cloud was galloping around outside, whinnying. I ran to the shed, Serenity right behind me.
    " Freedom!" I hollered.
       I couldn't see her anywhere. Until I saw the black shadow. I heard sirens, and Mom and Dad were throwing buckets of water, but I wasn't aware of that. The whole world turned white, and all I could see was Freedom. The shed was gone, and all I could hear was her echoing whinny.
       I felt a tear slide down my cheek, drying to the heat of the fire.
       Freedom reared up with a neigh, the flames sizzling at her wake. Then the shed collapsed. Freedom turned her blue eyes on me, and all I could see in them was greatfullness and....
      Tears came again to cover the old ones. I watched as Freedom reared up once more, then galloped off into the woods, fading like she was never there.

        Oh my gosh, I want to cry over my own chapter. 😵😵😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. Well, *sniff* I hope you *sob* enjoyed *cries* enjoyed this chapter.
       Also, shout out to Starfire_flames11 and Twilight_attack please follow them both.


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