Chapter 1

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Theme used: None
Area: United States; Los Angeles County, Monterey Park.
Time: 1:39 p.m

"In other news, we have just received a new series of kidnappings in the widespread area of the state. More and more girls ages 18 and older have disappeared. No information has been discovered yet of the kidnapper, but according to government analysis they are working towards a solution."

A young girl sighed heavily at the broadcast, now showing the list of victims. Her eyes tore away from the small tv screen. She felt the need to turn it off, the continuous news of more and more kidnappings brought disgust to her. So many people have disappeared, and yet so little progress on their whereabouts. For this she wanted to put blame, but on who she didn't know. She finished fixing herself after that momentary distraction. She laid down, her bottom half lounging just off the edge, closing her eyes lazing around.

"What kind of person just does something so cruel like that. I don't get it..." She mumbled moving until she was on her side. She hummed stretching on her bed in a lazy manner. Her relaxed mind cut off from a shrill call.
"(Y/n)! When you're done, come help with something please!" Her mother called. She huffed, a little annoyed that she can no longer relax. But she put up with it, getting up slowly and treading towards the stairs.

(Y/n) greeted her mother, who happily cut vegetables on the counter; she observed over her mother's shoulders.
"So I'm assuming you needed help with dinner. You could've just said so." (Y/n) said taking a carrot and knife. Her mother giggled, her attention still occupied.

"Well I know you never wanted to help me with dinner." She said through her laugh. It brought an amused smile to (Y/n)'s face.

"Yeah, but that was before college and when I went off on my own." (Y/n) argued. There was silence, only the tapping of the knives to occupy it. It was both awkward and comfortable.

"Yes, the usual, the child is now the grown up sort of thing." Her mother joked, but (Y/n) could pick up the somber tone in her voice. She knew it was hard for her, it was hard for every mother. It was even harder, all because of the increasing disconnection of the girl's father. (Y/n) stopped, letting go of the knife to place her hand on her shoulder. She smiled softly as her mother turned and faced her.

"Don't get sentimental on me. You know how much I always come back here." She said patting her hand. Her mother covered it with her own. Sometimes they both needed this whole heartwarming moment between each other. With that her mother sighed, and they both let go to turn back.

"I know. But it wouldn't hurt to contact me a little more often. Especially with all the latest kidnappings happening." She said while (Y/n) hummed in response. It made sense, any type of crimes like those would have any parent in an anxious state. They continued their little talks as they fiddled around with ingredients. After a little while, they could finally repose.

"Huh, the usual udon special?" (Y/n) said through a grin.

"I figured we go traditional today." Her mother said teasing back. Although it was a good thing, her mother being full Japanese, it felt right to have a taste of home per say. (Y/n) saw how her mother's eyes sparkled every time she interacted with the culture. (Y/n) eventually started spacing out, mixing the contents with the chopsticks in her hand. Her deep concentration broken by the ring of the doorbell.

"Hm? Who is that I wonder?" Her mother spoke walking up to the door. She cautiously opened it peering through the crack, in a shocked turn about she opened it fully and gasped. The sudden noise catching (Y/n)'s full attention, even more so than expected as she sprinted to the door and became surprised herself. There in the threshold stood her father, standing proudly with a small smile. Everything suddenly turned awkward, no one uttered a word for what felt like a while.

"Uh, come in." (Y/n) said shuffling. He stepped through the door, glancing at the stern look on his wife's face a little too often. (Y/n) hugged him, and she could feel him stiffen but then relax in a small moment of time.
"It's nice to see you again." She said smiling at him. How strange it felt to her, the tone of her voice, as if talking to a stranger. Given how long her father strayed away from them, how sad it made so much sense that this awkwardness remained. Her mother crossed her arms, and her figure remained stiff. (Y/n) looked to her and sighed. She wished it wasn't always like this. "Mom.." She spoke hesitantly, only for her mother to let her arms rest at her side. Frustration, clearly depicted in her posture and expression. Her father only awkwardly standing there, much like a vulnerable animal. (Y/n) intervened quickly, loudly clearing her throat.

"Hey dad, mom made one of her traditional dinners. Come on!" She chirped pulling him to the table. She wouldn't lie, she felt ecstatic to see her father again after so long. In contrast to the astringency of her mother. (Y/n) frowned elbowing her mother on her arm.

"Don't be so angry now." She said, but her mother silently turned her head away. (Y/n) kept her frown, she knew what would happen as soon as she left the table. It always happens now a days. Proving her theory right, as soon as she got to her room, the screaming had started. She forcefully jumped onto her bed, covering her face with her pillow as if to hide. The tension in her family had gotten worse ever since she left, with her mother's growing loneliness and anxiety and her father's growing distance and work. If this is what awaited her in her adulthood, she'd rather go back to the innocent childhood she missed so much. She huffed pushing herself off the bed, her expression hardened. She had enough of the screaming every time they all the rare moment of coming together. She sneaked down the stairs, the screaming getting louder.

"I couldn't come home for sometime because-"

"Because of work! I know! Just, could you at least contact me before you go into god knows where." Her mother cried with peaking frustrations. Her father placed both hands on her mother's shoulders, stern and gentle.

"You're frustrated and anxious, and I'm not making it better. But I have reasons. I kept secrets about it, but, something is coming back to haunt me." He said, his voice turned so shaky that both (Y/n) and her mother tensed. Her father's head hanging, gazing down at his feet. "I don't want to get any of you involved in this...mistake." He said, his eyes turned almost dark but none could see. (Y/n), however, grew curious; why the suddenly dreadful turn? She stayed behind the wall, thinking to herself. Meanwhile her mother had calmed down, running her thumb along the apple of her husband's cheek. The dark creases under her husband's eyes suddenly became visible.

"At least, tell me that you're safe sometimes. I think I would go insane if something happened to my family without my knowledge." She said her voice growing quiet. He sighed in slight relief, only nodding. (Y/n) escaped quietly leaving them in their tender moment, and retreated to her room. A father working for the government, never was easy on her family. Constant secrets and classified information that would kill the never ending curiosity. She grew up lucky, her father close enough with her that he would share the information with her as a child. He knew she wouldn't do anything and wouldn't share anything, for she was good at keeping secrets. But, not even he knew, that she retained the information in her brain. For she was special, the type of special you would always find in a fictional character.

Her arm laid over her eyes as she let her thoughts consume her. She went into a daydream, a trance of some sorts as she recalled the information her brain stored. She sat up still in a trance, sneaking off downstairs once more. Her mother now occupied with the television while her father handled something on his laptop on the dining table. She went around through the kitchen and sneaking into the room. She creeped about trying to look over his shoulder.

"(Y/n)." Her father caught her immediately, turning around with a stern glare. She backed off nervously, hands behind her back trying to act innocent. But her father didn't buy her act, only glaring straight at her. She shrunk, suddenly her confidence broke.
"I just wanted to see this project you're working on."

"Well you would be disappointed. Because everything is classified."

"As usual." She said through heavy breath, "Why can't you show me? You used to show me everything." She said in desperation.

"(Y/n) how old are you?" He asked not even turning to face her.

"...20." She grumbled.

"You're an adult right? No longer a child? Times have changed, you have matured. I can't disclose information relating to government projects, it is the law." He said strict. (Y/n) crossed her arms upset. Times have changed, somehow those words have struck a chord with her.

" don't trust me?" She asked rubbing her arms. Her father heaved a sigh, this time he faced her.

"Don't accuse me of not trusting you, because I trust my family more than anyone else. But this danger, I don't want to put on anyone personally." He said, it turned dark again. (Y/n) could feel goosebumps on her from the sudden chill she felt. She nodded, going back to her room and sitting on her bed. She laid down, but didn't fall asleep, sometimes she cursed the curiosity of her brain. It just wouldn't let her sit still.

She distracted herself in various ways, all the way until the early morning. She sneaked out of her room, around 2 am to the kitchen grabbing a snack from the counter. As she did she peered into the dining room again, her father in a deep sleep on the table.

She felt sympathy for him, as she observed the dark circles and the wrinkles on his face. How hard he must have worked to gain this deprived state. She then peered at the laptop standing just inches from his head. She bit her lip suddenly, her heartbeat increasing as she made a hasty decision. Drunken on questions, curiosity, her brain intoxicated she carefully reached for the laptop. Her father too deep in sleep to even notice, and closed it and lifted it off the table under her arm. She quietly crept away, sprinting up the stairs to her room. She sat at her desk, peeking at everything on the desktop, she focused upon the large amount of files. Clicking each file she gazed upon the vast amount of information, it overwhelmed her.

She clicked one file, leaning in as she saw a familiar name appear.

Special government agency unit. A collaboration between the Cabinet's of Japan and The United States. Successfully launched in the year of 2008 January.

"2008? That was 9 years ago." She whispered, her eyes glazed over the text as she continued to read.

Only some of the information was passed onto the higher officials in the Legislative Branch. The project eventually shut down in 2015, due to some information leakages as well as rogue agents rebelling against the system. It was eventually brought upon to them the..less conventional and professional methods used to train these agents. They were more like killers than agents. Among the trained were 6 special agents used for the more dangerous and fatal missions. They were a Japanese group, sponsored by Legislative member of the force: Nijimura Shuzo, a part of the Japanese branch transferred to America. Originally given the name Generation of Miracles, a little childish, but appropriate on how they completed missions with the upmost precision and success.

(Y/n) hummed, glancing over the information once or twice before finally getting the picture. Everything coming back to her, this mysterious group that her father always told her in her childhood. But he told in vague parts, like a puzzle. Now everything was laid upon her. She clicked another file, this time several files of people. As she scrolled she noted their bizarre hair color, but she caught note of the title. The members of the Generations of Miracles. She observed the mixture of Japanese and English text. So this is what her father was hiding from her, what seemed so dangerous about a bunch of agents on MIA?

She suddenly felt a rush of guilt as she finished reading the information. Prying into her father's business didn't sit well with her, but she already done so. She had every right to be guilty. She sighed closing the laptop, and gazed at the clock, currently 3:30 am. She stood tucking the laptop under her arm. She rushed downstairs to place the laptop back in its place, as she did so she gazed at her father again. So much she had learned, but he was hiding so much more. But it wasn't her right to pry much more than she did. She hurried back to her room, finally laying on her bed to sleep.

Area: Japan; Tokyo Shibuya district. Time: 15:43 (3:43 pm)

The hooded figure sat in a secluded area just staring at the USB in his hand. His mind questioned just how much information the tiny device held. Not only that, he was frustrated. He didn't have anything to use the USB on, so it wasn't like he could uncover it. He tucked the device back in his pocket walking silent among the crowd. His arm no longer stung, a pathetic lining of cloth wrapped around it. For now his sole attention occupied with pinpointing a computer for him to use. His eyes scanned inside every street view window he passed, he caught upon sight of a cafe. A lone laptop sat at the table near the window, no one seemed to be occupying the space. However there were things set aside to give sign that the space was taken.

That didn't stop him, however, as he entered unnoticed and quickly snatching the device. It was wrong to steal, but that didn't matter to him as he would only use it for one purpose. He looked around, but then pulled out the USB stick. The files popped on one by one, and the figure clicked each one. His eyes scanned through the words quickly noting each important information.
"It's not enough, but better than nothing." He whispered in frustration. He remained unsatisfied, disconnecting the USB and deleting the information as quickly as possible. He caught sight of a business man walking back to the table. He held the laptop in his palm sliding over to the table and placing it down before he could be seen. He sprinted towards a wall, just peering slightly, the man didn't seem to notice him. That was his cue to leave.

He quickly ditched the site, blending into the crowd, letting himself fall into his trance of thought. His senses seemed to pique, he seemed to tense up for a strange reason. He became calculating of the surrounding, what was causing this sudden tension. His eyes picked up another figure on the street corner. A strange feeling sat, and his instincts told him to follow. His feet set a quick pace as he stared right at the person, not losing sight. Crowds served a great purpose, to hide anything suspicious in a sea of people. He used them for sneaking around, which made it easy for him to pick up on the same behavior.

Eventually the person he followed lead him to another corner. He remembered the same scene the night prior, so he hid and listened. The person seemed to speak into a Bluetooth or some other communication.

"The next location is in America? I you think the key is in that area? So I'm assuming the meet up is in the old airport then?" The man spoke, the figure picking up the words loud and clear. His muscles seemed to stiffen as he suddenly brought upon his own questions based on the information . His eyes narrowed under his hood, a new objective stood before him. He followed undetected, through the city, hitching several rides on the interstate high ways. Until he lead himself all the way until an abandoned area. There stood an airport that even he didn't know existed. The person had met up with several other people wearing a uniform of sorts.

Everything at this point seemed foreign to the figure, his eyebrows furrowing at the unknown area and people. His eyes followed everything, up until the plane. The plane boarded for America he assumed. He sneaked around past some guards into the area where luggage was stowed. It seemed mostly empty, save for a few boxes here and there. A lone guard entered, searching the area, every crack, but the figure just sat there. Sometimes he thanked God for his lack of presence. Once the guard left he finally relaxed behind the box, awaiting until the plane finally departed.

Step by step he wanted to uncover what was happening, and he seemed determined. He leaned back against the box, letting his hood fall back behind him. His vivid baby blue hair seemed like a beacon in the dark. He closed his eyes imaging so many images, dark images.

"You started a war Akashi-san..."

He mumbled, rubbing along the plastic of the USB in his pocket.

"And I'll be the one to end it."

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