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Theme used: CT Red vs Blue season 10 soundtrack.
Area: Tokyo, Shibuya district. Time: Currently 12:30 am Saturday.

The black of the early morning sky set upon the city, although it contrasted with the bright lights of many buildings. Many citizens walked the streets still, setting forth plans they had finished or just now starting. A couple walk by, laughing the night away, and just talking about their night. How aimless, on a grand scale would their date night at a local bar really matter? The wind hissed by the buildings growing strong. A sudden click of the tongue echoed in the shadows. Eyes gleamed like a cat eavesdropping on the conversation, only to disappear the next second.

One of the convience stores that miraculously opened until this late had its front light flickering on and off. The clerk yawning in boredom, with a very dreary air associated with the market. Not a single person roamed the isles. For so anyone would think, but the tapping of shoes against the tiles would make them think otherwise. The clerk didn't even notice until one of the freezer doors opened and slammed shut. The man jumped at the sudden noise and in the blink of an eye, there was a figure in front of them. They froze, in fear, the person just stood and said nothing. In their hands they handed some yen bills.

"Uh, sir..." The clerk said nervously. The person only grunted waving the yen bills impatiently in front of them. The clerk hesitantly took the bills, and then bowed.

"Thank you for-" When the clerk glanced up, the figure disappeared. They jumped again, looking around in a frantic panic. But the figure left no trace of their presence. The clerk just sat back dumbfounded. All while the same figure already had walked into the city streets, gulping down an caffeinated drink. Their eyes glanced through their hood, at every person and their movements. With no sign of danger they decided to change locations. He continued to stride, in an alert manner, his eyes picked up some other males whispering amongst themselves. What caught the figure's eye was the guns, handguns in holsters at their sides. Their uniforms were foreign, nothing depicting they belonged to something like the police. This raised suspicion, thankfully the figure was well hidden, and he followed them.

As soon as they passed a certain club, they ears perked up. One of the big screens attached to the buildings, had turned on. The frequency caught upon the person's sensitive ears. A news broadcast. The anchor wasted the time talking about politics, the usual politics that people can read everywhere on the Internet.

"And as of today, the search for several illegal agents continues. The decommission of the unit set up a few years prior has been brought up once again.."

The figure had tuned out the broadcast, everything seemed to turn into a muffled drawl. They sat in a daze just at the talk of some special unit. A familiar, gut wrenching feeling grew at the pit of their stomach. It wasn't until a gruff scoff came from one of the males did he snap out of his shocked stupor.

"Heh, special unit, is that what they're calling it now?" He said to his partner, his voice seemingly smug.

"Seems as though they didn't do their research properly." The other said, their voice was calm, but held the same smug undertone.

The figure listened in silence, leaning in slightly. Even his breathing held an eerie quiet.

"Man, if only they knew. Apparently I heard some crazy shit happened to those guys."

"I'm afraid I do not comprehend."

"You don't know? It's the talk of the entire bases, the reason they got decommissioned." The other let out a laugh a little too loud causing a harsh scolding from the other. The figure wanted to scoff, were these guys seriously trying to work undercover? They acted foolish enough to give away their location as well as dangerous information. He watched and waited.

"I assume you mean.."

"Yep.." The broke into a whisper. The figure's eyes caught something gleaming in the grip of the bigger male. His focus brought upon the object as the two continue to whisper. A USB he identified.

"Yeah, the six biggest agents of that had it worse."

The figure nearly gasped, the previous mention of agents made his heart suddenly race. Now he knew these two males had some affiliation with it. Perhaps with him as well. The figure had grit his teeth as he adjusted his hood over his eyes. Thankfully he had an easy time to maneuver in silence, secret, thanks to his presence. He timed, tapping his fingers on the wall, before breaking out into a sprint. Already he kicked the small male hard behind the knees, grabbing the fallen male's arm.

(Theme would be played now)

"O-Oi!" The gruff male had fumbled around to grab his gun. But the figure worked quicker, pulling back the male by the arm, using his elbow for leverage as he threw the male over his shoulder. The extra strength his muscles gave a plus as he kicked the male a few feet forward into the gruff male. The male had fallen over, tangling limbs with the other body on him. In a frantic state he shot forward, although his aim was lousy. The figure dodged the upcoming bullets, sprinting in a zig zag. The whole movement disoriented the male, the figure gained the advantage, kicking the wrist as well as launching the gun away. The figure had lifted the two and smashed their heads together. And then they fell, groaning and rolling on the ground.

The figure breathed, spotting the USB a few feet away. He picked it up, examining it in his fingers. A device so small held so much, this would be useful to him. He had more control and decided to leave the two pathetic males rolling in their own pain. Until a shock echoed, and a sharp pain suddenly rang in his right arm. The figure hissed holding his arm which had begun to bled. The bigger male had a hold of his partner's gun, glaring straight at him.

"You bastard.." He growled.

"Is that the best insult you could spit out? How sad." The figure finally spoke, his voice blank. A monotoned coldness had laced his tone. This seemed to have angered the male as he got up. The figure stood, the hold on his bleeding arm no longer present. He fired, and the figure jumped. Tumble rolling ahead he landed at his feet, kicking him in the shins and tripping him over. He grabbed a hold of his arm, and twisted it back until a sickening crack had been heard, followed by the males scream. The smaller male had decided to ambush from the back with a punch, but the figure merely moved to the side, dropping the arm. The petite male had started throwing punches left and right, only for the figure to dodge. He grabbed a hold of one fist, bent down, and nailed his elbow straight in the male's ribs. The figure had seen red for a moment, it had seemed like a dream sequence, until another loud crack had reached his ears. He looked down, a limp man, with the head bent at a very strange angle was in his arms.

"Shit..." The man breathed dropping the male. He seemed momentarily shocked, and his breathing turned labored. The petite male fell with a thud, and the other just groaned out about his arm. The figure rubbed his temple harshly as he could feel a migraine. He stalked upon the other fallen male, grabbing him by the collar.

"Tell me what's in this USB." He demanded, his voice had turned quiet, but still maintained that monotoned tone.

"Fuck you..I'm not telling you shit.." He spat gritting his teeth. The figure could only sigh, he lost his patience. And it was only a matter of time before someone would arrive because of the loud sound of the gunfire. He would regret his actions later, for now escape was on his mind. He grabbed the gun, holding it under the chin of his victim. If anyone could see his eyes, they would see how icy they were as he stared through the shadow of his hood.

"You're in no position to argue. Either information or bullet, take your pick."

The large male had swung his good arm around with a yell. The figure had blocked it with his forearm, although he struggled holding it back.
"You might as well shoot me." He said viciously. Glaring straight ahead. The figure had wrapped his arm around the male's arm, using the butt of the handgun he hit the male in the cheek momentarily disorienting him. In just a second the figure had stood, his arm straight as he pointed the weapon dead center of the male's forehead.

"Forgive me for killing your friend, that wasn't my intention." He said before pulling the trigger. As the male laid there in his own crimson puddle, the figure had pulled off their hood. Short spiky baby blue hair, and eyes of the same color had been unveiled by the blackness of the cloth. Their features greatly contrast against the setting. Their features had revealed a male. He had rubbed the space between his eyes stressed. He looked at the gun in disgust, tucking it away in his back pocket to be hidden by his coat. His arm had been stinging to the point of numbness, a bright crimson trail had bled through the fabric, trailing down his arm. He hissed once more as he touched the area. His head shook violently, he needed to leave, and quickly. He sprinted down the street, leaving his mess behind.

"For now the six agents of unit have been deemed MIA. Whether they're alive or dead is left for the government to decide."

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