Battle On Triskelion

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Steve, Sam, Maria, and Daikon entered the Project Insight Headquarters where Steve makes his speech, exposing SHIELD being corrupted by HYDRA, and they plan of unleashing carnage with the launching of the Helicarriers.

This escalated into violence inside the Triskelion. Unfortunately, the Helicarriers were launched thanks to Rumlow. So, Daikon, Steve, and Sam are seen running towards the Helicarriers as they're rising above.

Sam: Hey, Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?

Steve: If they're shooting at you, they're bad.

Sam flies off as Daikon and Steve jump onto the Helicarrier. They rush through the platform, only to be met with several agents shooting at them. While Steve takes on a couple, Daikon jumps on one of the creates, runs, and jumps again, catching the agents by surprise.

He throws his sword at one, stabbing him through his chest, lands and regains his sword, slashed another agent before pulling out his revolver and shooting at another.

Daikon shoots a couple more that were heading towards him before bringing out his katana and starts slashing at several agents.

Steve: Daikon! I got them, you go to the control center!

Daikon: *stabs an agent from behind* On my way!

He runs towards the door, entering the carrier. He takes down any agent in front of him before making his way to the control center. He opens it and places the chip inside it.

Daikon: *to comms* Alpha locked.

He runs back up to the platform. Soon, Falcon managed to put in the chip for Bravo.

Maria: Charlie Carrier's forty-five degrees off the port bow. *stops and shoots some agents entering the headquarters* Six minutes.

Daikon starts taking down the remaining agents of the helicarrier, serving as a distraction for Steve.

Daikon: *slashes and shoots* Go! Head to the last Carrier!

Steve: *nods* Hey, Sam, I'm gonna need a ride.

Sam: Roger! Let me know when you're ready.

Steve jumps off the helicarrier.

Steve: I just did!

Daikon: And he's dead.

Maria: What?

Daikon: *stabs an agent* Just kidding.

Daikon stops and sees one of the jets nearby. After getting confirmation Sam caught Steve, he looks around before smiling and running towards the jet. He enters it and starts it up.

Daikon: Okay. Let's go!

He ascends before flying off the carrier. He goes across the sky, laughing in excitement. That was short-lived, as several jets and cannons start shooting at him. He dodges their strikes and fires back at them. He takes down a few jets and destroyed several cannons.

Daikon: Everything okay?

Sam: I'm grounded, kid. Barnes took of one of my wings.

Daikon: Steve?

Steve: Still at the Helicarrier. Where are you?

Daikon: Flying around with a jet. Better hurry, Cap. I don't think I can last much longer here.

Steve: On my way.

Daikon continues firing and providing a distraction for his team. Sam heads back inside when Maria told him Rumlow's heading to the council. Steve goes to the control panel but ends up fighting Bucky.

As he flies around firing missiles and bullets, he notices several cannons turning in different directions.

Daikon: Steve, hurry! They're locking on targets!

Daikon continues flying as he gets away from other jets and cannons firing at him. As when things are getting very bad, the cannon started to turn around. Daikon was confused until he sees them aiming at the helicarriers.

Daikon: Better get out of the way.

He makes a turn and flies off, just as the Helicarriers behind firing at each other.

Daikon: Woohoo! We did it!

He then sees the Triskelion and noticed through the Jet's camera that Alexander Pierce has his mother at gunpoint. Seeing this made him angry as he sets the jet on autopilot, punches one of the windows off gets off his chair, and stands on the cockpit before jumping out of the jet.

He crashes through the window, taking everyone by surprise. He rolls back up as Pierce shoots him, but Daikon buts the bullet in half and throws his katana at Pierce, stabbing him through his chest as he collapses.

Daikon sighs as he walks over to Pierce and pulls his blade off him.

Daikon: *whispers* To Hell with HYDRA. And you.

He puts his katana on his back sheath and turns to Natasha.

Daikon: You okay?

Natasha: I'm alright. Thanks for coming here just in time.

Daikon: No problem. Better get out of here.

They nod as Daikon runs to the broken window and jumps landing on the jet, getting back inside, before flying off.

Nick: Your kid is goddamn crazy, Romanoff.

Natasha: I know. He's a special kind of crazy.

Nick: I can see that. Come on. Let's go.

They head to the helicopter and fly off.

*back with Daikon*

Daikon sees all three helicarriers crashing down as he smiles. He's glad they prevented HYDRA from killing their targets. Then, Maria contacts him.

Maria: Daikon, Steve is still inside one of the carriers. You need to get him out now!

Daikon: Which one?

Maria: Charlie!

Daikon flies off as he heads to the helicarrier. As he approaches, he sees two figures falling down to the river. He quickly makes a turn and lands on a nearby field close to the water.

Out of the water, comes Bucky, dragging a beaten-up Steve but to the shore and drops him. He looks down at his best friend before starting to walk back. He turns, only to be met with Daikon, aiming his gun at him.

Daikon was seething with anger, as he stares at Bucky. Bucky sees the anger and hatred in his eyes as he stood there silently. Daikon has his finger on the trigger, ready to fire a fatal bullet on the man responsible for his years of suffering.

He then looks at the unconscious Steve and thinks about what would be the outcome of this. Would Steve trust him after he kills Bucky? Would he trust Steve in letting him live?

As he thinks more clearly, he calms down and lowers his gun. Bucky was surprised that he didn't kill him.

Daikon: Leave.

Bucky stares at him before walking away. As he walks off, Daikon spoke out.

Daikon: Next time we meet, one of us will walk away alive.

Bucky stops as he turns to him, giving him a silent nod, before walking away once more, disappearing like before. Daikon sighs as he goes to check on Steve.

*much later*

Daikon is seen outside of the courthouse on his motorcycle, waiting for his mother to come out. He has a pair of glasses and a mask to not show his face. Soon, Natasha comes out, followed by photographers as she goes up to Daikon.

She hops on the bike as Daikon starts it up, and drives off.

Daikon: So how did it go?

Natasha: Pretty much told them they can't arrest us because they need us. If they have a problem with that, they can kiss my ass.

Daikon: Nice.

*At the Cemetery*

Steve, Sam, and Nick are seen talking to each other in front of Fury's gravestone. He then gives them his way of saying thank you and walks away. Soon, Daikon and Natasha arrive as they approach them.

Natasha: You should be honored, that's about as close as he gets to say thank you.

Steve: Not going with him?

Natasha: No.

Steve: Not staying here?

Natasha: I blew all my covers, I gotta go figure out a new one.

Daikon: I think I have a couple of ideas.

Steve: That might take a while.

Natasha: I'm counting on it. That thing you asked for, I called in a few favors from Kiev.

She gives him a file with the title "дело No 17".

Natasha: Will you do me a favor? Call that nurse.

Steve: She's not a nurse.

Natasha: And you're not a SHIELD agent.

Steve: What was her name again?

Natasha: Sharon. She's nice.

Daikon raised his brow, as he recognized that name, but decides to stay silent. Natasha leans over to kiss Steve on the cheek before she and Daikon begin to walk away.

Natasha: Be careful, Steve. You might not want to pull on that thread.

They continue walking away.

Daikon: Well, looks like we're going to assemble the Avengers again.

Natasha: Yeah. There could be more HYDRA bases out there. Now that we expose them, they're bound to make themselves known.

Daikon: And with SHIELD being out of commission, guess it's up to you guys to take them on.

Natasha: Yep. But, we won't be alone. *looks at him* You'll be coming with us.

Daikon: Me? As an Avenger?

Natasha nods as Daikon thinks about it. He then smiles.

Daikon: When do we start?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A/N: Winter Soldier is now over. Up next, Age of Ultron.

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