End of a Civil War

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Soon, They all meet up with Steve and Bucky, who look terribly beaten. They explained that Tony found out who killed his parents and that Cap knew what happened. Both were surprised to see Daikon back to help Wanda, Pietro, and Sam after what happened at the airport.

During this, Daikon stares at Bucky as he sees his destroyed arm after the fight with Tony. Bucky stares at back him as everyone sees them having a stare down.

Bucky: If you want to kill me...you have the opportunity.

Steve: Bucky-

Daikon: No.

Everyone was taken aback by this. Daikon has the chance to kill the Winter Soldier, but decided not to take it.

Daikon: We both been through a lot. No matter which one got it worse, we both have been victims of HYDRA. Back then, I wanted to kill you. I wanted to make you pay for causing me such pain...but...I now see that I can't be angry for something you have no involvement to.

Bucky: I see.

Daikon: Plus, I rather fight you at 100%. I don't take the cowards way out. I hate cowards.

Bucky gave a smile. Everyone was amazed that Daikon and Bucky are burying the hatchet.

Daikon: I may have my thoughts on you...but hopefully, as time goes on, with this newfound freedom or just having strings attached...I can change my opinions about you, Barnes. Until then...

Daikon brings out his hand.

Daikon: Let's move on.

Bucky looks at his hand and back at his face. 2 years ago, Daikon was pointing a gun at him with intense hatred. Now, he's calm and neutral, wanting to make peace.

Bucky, without hesitation, shook Daikon's hand as the Winter Soldier and the Crimson Warrior finally bear no malice between them. Steve and Nat were smiling, seeing Daikon now no longer harboring hatred for Bucky.

Daikon then stares at Steve.

Daikon: I don't like the fact that you brought Wanda, Pietro, Uncle Clint, and Scott into this. Neither will I like that Tony brought Spider-Man into the fight...but I understand what you wanted and not what Tony wants. Just know and accept the consequences of your choices Steve.

Steve: I will. I'll take full responsibility.

Finally, Daikon looks at Nat. Natasha knows what he's gonna say but allowed him to speak.

Daikon: Mom...I...how should I say this? Well, I don't see then but now I do see why you choose to be on the side of the Government. You thought we need to be under supervision and that you trusted Tony's judgement.

Natasha: Mmhmm...but then...I see that how it not only affected all of us...but you mostly.

Daikon: Mmhmm...I'm sorry for flipping out on you at HQ. I felt that-

Natasha: I was betraying you-

Daikon: You were betraying yourself. I thought you tried to be someone you're not. I didn't care about me, although it did hurt, but it hurt more that you are trying be someone you don't want to be. That you felt it was a decision you can't deny and forced to do so.

Nat was surprised. He only wanted the best for her and not for himself and he believe she was going against who she is as a person. Now she feels ashamed that Daikon felt she was trying to be different to appease someone else.

Daikon: But...after you help Steve and Bucky...I see that you made the choice you wanted. Even if the UN didn't like it, it doesn't matter. It's your decision and no one else's. That's the Black Widow I know. That's...the woman I call my mother.

Nat gave a smile as Daikon smiles back. Soon, they hugged each other as everyone smiled, seeing the two patching things up after days of conflict.

Nat: I'm sorry you felt that was going on. I just thought it was best for all of us...but now I see it wasn't.

Daikon: I'm glad you see it that way. Just know that...even if you decide for it...despite my anger...I will never stop loving you, mom. And will never find something to hate you.

Nat gave looks at him and gave a smile. Soon, they noticed a tear coming down from their eyes. They then wipe them off, giving each other a chuckle.

Daikon: Best we keep the image of strong and cold ass kickers.

Nat: Yeah. No tears for now.

Daikon nods.

Daikon: So what do we do now? Since, we're basically outlaws?

Steve: I'll take Bucky somewhere to help him. As for the rest of us...it's too dangerous to stay together.

Sam: Are you sure about that, Cap?

Steve: Yes. However, that doesn't mean why shouldn't go individually.

Daikon: I'll take the Maximoffs with me. You take mom, Sam, and Bucky with you.

Steve: But we will remain in contact with each other, in case we need help.

Daikon: And you know I'll be there to help as fast as we can.

Steve nods as they shook hands. Everyone gave each other hugs before going into the two Quinjets.

Pietro: So...what, now?

Wanda: Is there somewhere we could say?

Daikon: Yes...I just need to make a call.


Daikon, Wanda, and Pietro are seen walking down the walkway to the mansion. Soon, they met with someone on the front door, seemingly expecting them.

Charles: Good to see you again, Daikon.

Daikon: Me too, Professor. Pietro...Wanda, meet Professor Charles Xavier. Founder and owner of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

They two shook hands with him.

Charles: A pleasure meeting you two. I was notified by the situation with the Avengers and once Daikon called me to have you stay here, I am eager to help.

Pietro: Thank you.

Wanda: How did you two know each other?

Daikon: I once stumbled upon-

?: Well, bub. Been a while seeing you around here.

Daikon: Yep. Nice to see you two, Logan.

Logan: Were you going to talk about the time we got our asses kicked when we met for the first time?

Daikon: Yes. Just to set up how I met Professor Xavier.

Logan: I see. So, these two are new fresh meat, Professor?

Charles: No, Logan. They're here to stay until the Sokovia Accords nonsense fades away.

Logan: Alright then. *looks at them* Best be on your best behavior.

They nodded.

Pietro: Wait, you two fought?

Daikon: Yep. It was hard at first.

Wanda: Why? He may look strong but-

Wanda: Oh that's why.

Daikon: They don't call him Wolverine for nothing.

Logan: Goddamn right. Come on, let's get you two settled. *walks off*

Charles: Don't mind him. He's hardheaded, but his heart is in the right place.

Pietro and Wanda nodded as they followed Logan and Charles while Daikon sends a message to Steve, Nat, and Sam. He then sends a message to Peter.

Daikon's Message: Peter...don't think I hate you. I hate the fact that Tony brought you into this mess. I'm fine right now, don't worry. If you need help, I'm open to assist. I don't care what the government say, I'll help in anyway I can.

Daikon then gets a message from Peter.

Peter's reply: Oh thank God! Glad you're alright, Mr. Daikon! I was worried after that mental breakdown! I see! I'll let you know when I need help! Thank you!

Daikon smiles as he puts his phone away and leaves to help Wanda and Pietro get settled.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*end credit scene*

?: So, the Avengers are separated. Good.

?: Don't think it would be easy.

?: Why? They're out being criminals to the leaders of this planet so we don't need to worry.

?: That Daikon guy does seemed to be threat to us. We need to keep an eye on him.

?: No matter. I can crush him like we did to other planets that fail to obey us.

?: In due time...

?: For now we need to keep our distance before we strike.

(Fuck you, WB! I'm giving my Boy, Henry, the casting of Hyperion)

?: Sounds boring, Nighthawk.

?: I'm with Hyperion on this. Why do we stay here and not attack?

(Guess there no use using the question mark)

Spectrum: He knows an invasion right now would spell trouble for us. Best we stay put.

?: Nighthawk is right. Best we stay in the shadows for now.

?: We'll gave Ape a piece of what's to come.

Nighthawk: I agree, Nuke. You better get ready, Daikon. Now that the Earth's Mightiest Heroes have been disassembled...there's no hope once we arrive. Until then...the Squadron Supreme has set their sights on the Earth.

How's the chapter?

Surprised? Let me explain.

I plan on ending this story before making a sequel to it, where Daikon faces other villains outside of the MCU while making minor appearances in movies like Spider-Man Homecoming, Black Widow (yes it was after Endgame but it feels like it would take place after Civil War) and others.

Oh and the X-Institute, just felt it would've been cool to have it appear in the MCU.

What do you guys think? Let me know and yes the Squadron Supreme will the first of Daikon's villains in his stand alone "film". 😉

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