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Even if the mask covers his face, everyone knew that Daikon was very angry. The aura he's displaying was beyond anything they felt. It's as if Hulk and Thor joined forced, with Daikon together with them and that sounds dangerous.

Tony: Daikon...I need you to step-

Daikon clenched his fist and an explosion occurs behind Tony. Everyone looks and sees a big crater formed behind him. Tony shuts up, knowing Daikon doesn't want to hear his voice after yesterday.

Daikon: I was gone for a long while...and I never seen such shit hitting the fan like this. I mean, you two just had to bring people who are not involved with your childish squabble. Not only that, you brought those who're fine with staying away from this situation, and force them fight a battle they don't want to do.

Steve: Daikon...I know you're angry...but we just need to get to Siberia. The real person responsible is-

Daikon: gonna die when I get there first. I promise I was kill everyone involved with HYDRA, but now this situation has gotten complicated.

Spiderman: M-mr. Daikon. I-

Daikon: Spidey...buddy...I'm having a headache just seeing you away from home so please be quiet and let me speak.

Spiderman: Yes, sir.

Tony: So it was you that gave him the suit and tech?

Daikon: What? Are you gonna lecture me now, Tony? I had enough. This fight is pointless.

Rhodey: Daikon, you don't-

Daikon: Oh and look who's here? Uncle Hawkeye decided he still had enough gas when he should stay at him with his kids and wife rather than be involved and be considered a criminal. Not only that, you brought Wanda and Pietro and whoever's Ant-Man here which was unnecessary and now I have to deal with the fact that they're enemies of the retarded UN.

Wanda: Daikon, I know that you're angry-

Daikon: Angry? Nah. I'm not angry babe. In fact I elated that this happened, so that I can lecture all you dumbcunts-

Tony: Enough, Daikon!

Steve: This is something that doesn't involve you, Daikon.

Daikon: It does involve me. I know this fight is pointless. Why do it when you "points at Cap's team* will just get arrested and then escape while you "points at Iron Man's team* will be under strict supervision, to the point to stalking and I am in unease Spidey's safety, Tony. Guess you haven't thought that huh?

Tony: I did-

Daikon: No you didn't. I know for a fact that you must've threatened him by revealing his identity to those he love. Is that right, Spidey?

Spider-Man: Y-yeah. He did.

Daikon: And there you go. And Ant-Man. I heard about you. While I don't appreciate you breaking into a facility we owned, you seemed to be a good person, and joining this fight was a terrible decision. Both you and Spider-Man were made to do this against your will. And that pisses me off.

Natasha: Daikon, you need to listen-

Daikon: No, you need to listen! There's people here who shouldn't be involved and yet because they're Captain America and Iron Man, they felt they should!

Tony: Daikon that's enough. I'm getting tired of you blabbering about this. You don't want to be involved, that's fine.

Steve: But you need to let us do what we need to do. This fight may not be important to you, but it is to us.

Daikon: For what? For my mother to be in under the thumb of the UN? For Spider-Man having to be watched while he goes around, trying to help, and be told he shouldn't? To having my uncle, Ant-Man, and the woman I love with her brother, be considered criminals for just one guy? And that same guy who was the reason for my existence? Why can't you see that I have my own choices? Why can't any of you listen to me?

Steve: I'm sorry, son...but the world as you know is gone now.

Tony: You're either with us or with them, Daikon. Those are the only choices you have right now.

Daikon looking at everyone in disbelief.

Daikon: Mom...

Nat looks away, not wanting to see her son right now.

Daikon: Mom...look at me...please...Uncle Clint...Wanda...Spidey...Pietro...Vision...

Everyone who he said either looked away or down or gave him a regretful stare. Daikon was seeing that their serious in doing this. No matter how much he tried, they will never listen to him. Soon, Daikon slowly removes his mask and drops it. Everyone all noticed the tears in his eyes as he tries to wipe them off but they keep coming out.

Daikon: Why won't you listen to me? I don't want any of you fighting each other. Is that too much to ask? Why has it come to this?

Daikon drops knees and cries. Everyone was surprised to see him, one of the strongest, cold, serious, funny, cheerful and sweet man break down into tears.

Daikon slowly gets up as everyone stares at him.

Daikon: I'm not either side. I never was nor will be on either side. It's your decisions and that's fine. Just know that I'm going to leave you to fend for yourselves.

Everyone: What?

Daikon: I'm a danger to society. I create fear to those around me, right? *chuckle* I can't be going around protecting people that are scared of me. Should've figured. I wish I couldn't end my life years ago.

Nat: Daikon-

Daikon: I'm nothing!...but a failed experiment. I don't know my real parents, my real name, or anything else. *chuckles* I was thought to look through the future...but what's a future to look forward to when it's bleak and terrible like this one?

Wanda: Daikon, wait-

Daikon: Hmmhmm...hehehehehehehehe. It's funny, right? Everyone hear fears me, even though I tried to show who I really am. Hehehe...

Everyone was started to feel unease while also worrying for Daikon's mental health. Then Daikon look at both teams and his smile was wiped off for a cold stare with his bangs covering one eye.

Daikon: I'll give you something to fear.

Steve: Daikon-

Tony: Don't-


Daikon gets enveloped by a black and purple aura as the ground shook. Soon, the entire area gets overlayed by a light purple color. Soon, dark clouds were formed as lightning strikes down at the airport, hitting on buildings and airplanes.

Everyone dodged as best they could from the bolts as they watched them destroying anything they land on.


Tony: He knew. He knew the UN wanted him monitored. He hid his full power until now.

Natasha: Daikon, stop! You're making it worse for yourself!

Wanda: Please, Daikon! Calm down!

Daikon: ...I don't care. YAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!

With one final yell, Daikon's aura burst up to the sky, causing more lightning to strike down at the airport.

Everyone was blown away by the burst of power as some stride their best to not fly away. Soon, it slowly dies down as they look up and stare in shock.

Daikon had put his mask back on as his aura looks over him with a dark, light, purple color.

Daikon: you fear me?

Nobody said anything. They all stood there in shock as his aura fades away.

Daikon: Guess this makes me a threat, right? Good. I have the excuse to kill more.

Tony: Daikon, listen-

Suddenly, Tony felt a sharp pain on his stomach. He looks down and sees Daikon having punched his stomach through the armor. Tony retracts his mask and coughed out blood.

Everyone stood there in shock. Then, Daikon appeared above Steve and hits an Axe Kick, pile-driving him on the floor. It broke Steve's nose, making it bleed out. Daikon reappeared in the middle, as if what he did didn't happen.

Daikon: Goodbye.

Wanda: Daikon, wait-

Daikon vanished into thin air. Everyone stood there, finally realizing they pushed him too hard. Wanda went down on her knees and cried, feeling the betrayed the person she loved.

Nat is seen in tears, now seeing that Daikon need her help and yet she focused on the mission and fight. Now, all she can think off is the sad expression on his face. The same expression he had when he was young.

*much later*

The fight resumed and Steve and Bucky managed to get a Quinjet to get to Sibera. The rest were taken to the rift and held in custody. Unfortunately, Rhodey suffered after being hit by a blast from Vision that was directed for Falcon and Nat betrayed her team by attacking T'Challa.

However, once Steve, Bucky, and later Tony arrive...everything was a mess. Blood was everywhere, along with guts and limps. Bucky realizes that these were the Elite Squad for HYDRA, but couldn't believe someone killed them.

They later found the culprit, Helmut Zemo, tied up with his arms, legs, and spine broken while also traumatized. When asked what happened, he said this:

Zemo: Subject 0127...showed no mercy. Made me useless.

That confirmed that Daikon was responsible for the massacre and Zemo being disabled.

*at the rift*

We see the five members of Team Cap in their cells as they stood in boredom.

Guard #1: *from afar* Hey...someone leaked Ross's past to the media!

Guard #2: Oh boy. They're gonna have a filed day with that info.

Guard #1: Not only that. Most countries associated with the United Nation were given copies of the evidence.

Guard #2: What?! How can that happen in quick-

Suddenly, the lights went out. Everyone got into a panic as the Rogues were shocked. Wanda then widen her eyes, recognizing something.

Wanda: He's here.

Guard: Open fire!

Suddenly, an explosion occurs as several guards fired at their target.

Guard: Don't let it get to the prisoners-GAH!

They hear gunfire, blasts, slashing, men screaming before everything went silent. Soon, the lights went back on and they see Daikon in the middle, covered in blood.

Sam: Daikon...

Pietro: I thought you wouldn't help us.

Daikon said nothing as he releases them. He then goes to Wanda and sees the shock collar on her. Wanda looks away in shame, thinking Daikon was still mad at her for siding with Steve. Instead, Daikon retracts his mask, breaks the collar and moves her face towards him and kissed her on the lips.

Wanda was surprised by this but immediately embraced it, wrapping her arms around his neck. They rose up as Wanda looks at Daikon who smiles warmly at her.

Daikon: Guess my heart wouldn't give up on you.

Wanda smiles as they, along with Pietro and Sam begin to leave, before Daikon notice Clint and Scott staying behind.

Daikon: Uncle Clint? You're not coming?

Clint: Nah, kid. Me and Scott agreed to make a plea deal.

Scott: Yeah. We stuff back home that we need to do.

Daikon: I see. If you decide that, then that's fine. *turns to leave*

Clint: And, Daikon?

Daikon turns to him.

Clint: Please, don't hate your mother. She tried at what she thought would be a safe option for not only the Avengers, but for you too. I know you're angry about her siding with Tony...but...just know she had you in the best of intentions.

Daikon: ...I'll keep that in mind. Take care, Uncle. And you...what's your name?

Scott: Scott Lang.

Daikon: Next time, don't do favors you're not prepared to do. *gave a side eye to Sam* Because these are the consequences.

Scott: I'll keep that in mind.

Daikon: Good. Take care, you two.

They others said goodbye as they leave. They later got into a vault that contained their suits and weapons. In another room, Daikon watches as Wanda is seen changing into her clothes.

Daikon: You know...I have something for you.

Wanda: Really? What is it?

Daikon: You know that people call you Scarlet Witch, right? Well...

Soon, Daikon sends some of his energy towards Wanda, enveloping her. Soon, it dies down and Wanda notice her clothes changed. It was less casual and more of a dress with a dark red and a helmet on her head as her hair lay on her shoulders.

Daikon: What do you think?

Wanda: I think...I love it. Thank you, Daikon.

Daikon smiles before they leave the room and joined Pietro and Sam.

Pietro: My my, sister. Where did you get that?

Wanda: *gestures Daikon* Guess who?

Daikon smirks.

Sam: Wait. How are we gonna escape since you obviously didn't come with a jet?

Daikon: Got that covered.

Soon, a Quinjet arrived that was piloted by Natasha. The three were shocked as Nat lands on the landing pad and opens the hanger door.

Natasha: Ready?

They nodded as they entered the jet.

Natasha: And Clint and Scott?

Pietro: They decided to stay and make a plea deal.

Natasha: I see.

Nat turns to Daikon as they stare at each other. The three felt an unease tension before Daikon gave a smile.

Daikon: Good that you're alright, mom.

Natasha...I can say the same with you, Daikon.

The three sighed, glad that the tension has been diminished as Wanda was glad Daikon has no hard feelings against his mother. They sat down as Nat closes the door and begins to fly off.

Sam: Wait...did you had anything to do with the leaked evidence of Ross?

They turn to him as Daikon gave a shrug.

Daikon: Me and her *gestures Nat* were gonna expose him either way. This gave me the perfect opportunity.

Pietro: But that was incredibly quick.

Daikon: Never underestimate a former Russian Spy and her equally talented Spiderling.

Nat is seen smiling though didn't turn to look at them. But they knew she felt proud what Daikon called himself that.

How's the chapter?

Now this was interesting as I wanted to have Daikon not be involved or fight everyone as I originally planned. But the more I thought about it, they more I felt he didn't want to be in either side as he believed both are wrong.

As for him rescuing Wanda and the others, he didn't have the heart to abandoned them.

The epilogue for this arc will come out. And after that, something outside of the movies will be done. Will show later.

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