Tension rising

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Steve, Nat, and Sam left for London for the funeral of Peggy Carter, who passed away in her sleep. Daikon remained with Wanda, Pietro, and Vision at the facility as he's seen meditating with Wanda looking at him.

Wanda: I never seen you angry like that.

Daikon: It's something I wished to hide from you. I don't want to make you fear me.

Wanda: Was it the serum?

Daikon: No...it wasn't the serum. It was my true emotions.

Wanda: What?

Daikon pats on the floor beside him as Wanda with him.

Daikon: Have you ever wonder why I grew fangs on my teeth?

Wanda: Well, yeah. But you seem to be one that would have fangs, so I didn't think much of it.

Daikon: I see. Well, I found out from Helen that my DNA was being mutated into something it once was.

Wanda: What? How can it do that?

Daikon: Possibly removing the effects of the serum that was injected into me. Once I discovered my power, Helen theorize that my body has been on a processing reset after years of having the serum within me.

Wanda: I see. I can tell by your appearance it's affecting you. You're taller, grew more muscle, and your fangs. No doubt you'd become stronger as well.

Daikon: Yeah. I literally shot one blast to Rumlow and he didn't blow up. He disintegrated. I really need to figure out how strong I am, but I need to keep it secret from the UN.

Wanda: Indeed. But...back at what happened back there, you're mother was really hurt by that.

Daikon: *sighs* It hurt me too. I was just so...angry at everything. The Sokovia Accords, everyone telling me working for the Government is a good idea, they coming for you, and my mom, who's never stepped in the side of the Law, decided that it was the right thing to do? I just...*sighs* I just feel like I want to snap.

Wanda: I understand. It was too much pressure you never expect to handle. But...it was wrong of you to get that angry with Natasha.

Daikon: I know. I'll apologize when she gets back. I don't know if she'll accept it, but...it will show I regret what I did.

Wanda: That's good. So...about earlier?

Daikon: Before Vision interrupted us?

Wanda: Yes.

Daikon smiles as they lean over and kiss. As they finished, Pietro ran up to them.

Pietro: Guys, come here quick! Something happened in Vienna!

They were shocked as they followed him. They knew the meeting with the UN for the Sokovia Accords was being held there as Natasha was going to be there. They arrive at the lobby with Vision watching the TV with a stunned silence.

New's Anchor: A bomb hidden in a news van ripped through the UN building in Vienna. More than 70 people have been injured. At least 12 are dead, including Wakanda's King T'Chaka. Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier. The infamous HYDRA agent, linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations.

The four look at the TV in shock. They couldn't believe that happened.

Daikon: *calls Nat* Come on. Come on. Mom?!

Nat: Yes, Daikon. I'm alright. I got lucky.

Daikon sighed with relief.

Daikon: Thank God you're alright. Need some help?

Nat: I would say no, but I don't have the strength against two Super Soldiers with one having a big shield and another with a metal arm, so...yes.

Daikon: I'm on my way. And mom-

Nat: маленький паук, we'll talk about that when this is done. Just come and help.

Daikon: Okay. Love you.

Nat: Love you too.

Daikon ends the call.

Pietro: You're going?

Daikon: Yes.

Vision: Mind if I bring a jet for you-

Daikon: No, don't worry. I got another way.

Before they could ask him why he said that, Daikon gets covered in black energy and with a strike of lightning, he vanished into thin air.

Pietro: Woah.

Vision: He disappeared in an instant.

Wanda: It's like that trick he did at Lagos. Incredible.

*later in Vienna*

We see a chase being ensued as The Winter Soldier being chased after by the Military, Captain America, Falcon, and a new contender, Black Panther. As he passes through the underpass, Bucky clouds and electricity forming ahead. Before he could break, he crashed against something underneath the clouds.

He was thrown off only to be caught by the leg and slammed down on the road. It was Daikon as the clouds disperses, revealing him in his fighting outfit. Black Panther jumps on him but Daikon caught his claws as they stare at each other.

Daikon: ...I see. Just like me.

Black Panther: What are you talking about?

Daikon: Your highness.

Black Panther stops he steps back in shock. Soon, Steve and Sam arrive as Bucky was slowly getting up. Then, the military and War Machine arrive.

Rhodey: Stand down, now.

The three runaways stand down.

Rhodey: You too, Daikon.

Daikon: WHAT?! *retracts his mask* I came here, all the way from New York, just to help you stupid snails, and this is the thanks I get?!

Black Panther: He's right.

Black Panther removes his mask, revealing the Prince of Wakanda, T'Challa, under it. Everyone but Daikon was surprised by this.

Black Panther: He stopped the escape. The best you can do for you as a thanks is to appreciate it.

Daikon: Yeah, listen to the Prince, you dumbass.

Rhodey: Now that's just rude. I'm sorry. I-

Daikon: *flips him off* Does this help, James?

Rhodey: What have I done? Me and my dumbass.

Daikon: I just called you that, stupid asshole.


Steve, Sam, and Bucky were taken into custody while Daikon stayed around with Nat, Tony, and Rhodey, while still holding the middle finger on him.

Rhodey: Dude, put that down. I apologized.

Daikon: ...Nah. You made me feel like a criminal, I'll make you feel like an asshole.

Natasha: How did you managed to come here without a jet?

Daikon: Remember that entrance I did back in Lagos? I actually managed to make it so I can teleport to anywhere I need to go.

Tony: So, like Thor?

Daikon: Yep. Kinda like Thor. Anyway, what's going to happen to our "captives"?

Rhodey: I think you mean- *gets flipped off* Are you serious?

Daikon: Just be glad I didn't have you spill your guts out and make your mind blow up. Anyway...

Natasha: They're going to be evaluated and after that, they'll be taken to the Rift.

Daikon: That prison island in the middle of nowhere?

Natasha: Yes. So don't try to break them up.

Daikon: You mean break them down?

Natasha: Or that either.

Daikon: I wasn't going to.


Daikon and Nat are seen watching over Tony and Steve's argument.

Daikon: Tony's really struggling right now.

Natasha: I know.

Daikon: I just wish he would open up about it.

Natasha: You know how stubborn he is.

Daikon: Yet I broke that stubbornness last year.

Natasha: That was different compared to now.

Daikon: I know. It's just-

Tony: Sure. Once we put out the PR fire, those documents can be amended. I'd file a motion to have you and Wanda reinstated-

Steve: Wanda? What about Wanda?

Daikon's eyes widen as Natasha started to feel uneasy.

Nat: Daikon. Calm down.

Daikon: What did he say about Wanda?

Tony: She's fine. She's confined to the compound, currently. Vision's keeping her and Pietro company.

Daikon: *gritting his teeth* Confined?

Nat: Daikon, please. We don't want you getting angry right now.

Steve: Oh God, Tony! Every time. Every time I think you see things the right way-

Tony: What? It's a 100 acres with a lap pool. It's got a screening room. There's worse ways to protect people.

Steve: Protection? Is that how you see this? This is protection? It's internment, Tony.

Tony: She's not a US citizen.

Daikon: Tony...

Nat: Daikon.

Steve: Oh, come on, Tony.

Tony Stark: And they don't grant visas to weapons of mass destruction.


Nat: Daikon, don't!

Daikon walks off as he enters the room. Tony and Steve saw him and they knew he heard him.

Tony: Daikon-

Daikon: Confined, huh? Reinstated, huh? Worse ways to protect people, huh?! WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, HUH?!

Daikon grabs Tony by the face as everyone gasp.

Daikon: Don't you ever talk to my Wanda like that, again! Do you hear me, Anthony?! DO YOU HEAR ME?!

Nat: Daikon stop!

Daikon: You stay out of this!

Steve: Daikon let him go!

Daikon glares at Steve before noticing the guns pointed at him. Daikon sighs before dropping Tony and staring at Nat.

Daikon: Don't come find me if you need help.

Nat: Daikon-

Daikon then disappears into a cloud of smoke and lightning. Everyone stayed silent, with some feeling regret and sadness.

*with Daikon*

Daikon sat in an allyway, looking at the wall of a building as he hears a commotion going on at HQ. He decided to just ignore it and contact Wanda, telling her everything he knew. He then slowly feels tired and tried to not go to sleep.

It would seemed getting angry a lot was mentally exhausting for him. No matter how he tried, he couldn't escape the tiredness and went to sleep. All the while, Natasha tried to contact him for help but with Daikon in a deep slumber, he didn't answer.

*the next day*

Daikon slowly wakes up as he groans. He rubs his eyes and checks the time.

Daikon: Damn. I must've been really tired all this time. I'm gonna go and-*senses* wait...why are Wanda and Pietro here? And Uncle Clint? Vision's here too, and...Peter? The Hell is Peter doing here?

Daikon stood up.

Daikon: I need to go. They're at the Airport. Wait if I remember correctly, they're a Quinjet there. But why is everyone grouped up there?

Daikon flies off.

*at the airport*

Daikon is seen flying towards the airport before stopping. His eyes widen as he sees everyone, his friends, his family, his team, fighting against each other. He also sees Spider-Man there along with another Superhero he heard, Ant-Man, fighting. He couldn't believe it. He grabs his eyes in Awe, closing his eyes and opening them, seeing he wasn't dreaming.

Daikon: No...nononononononono! No! This had to be a dream!

He also sees Wanda and Pietro fighting with Steve. He was glad they're away from the compound, but why would they fight with Steve? And why is Peter here in Germany?

Daikon was having a mental breakdown, not believing the scene he was seeing. He couldn't believe everyone he loves, cares, and cherish are fighting against each other in front of him. He has to stop it or else it would get too far.

*in the airport*

Steve's team runs towards the Quinjet. Suddenly, a fizzing stream of energy slices across the runway and they stop. Vision hovers overhead as everyone looks at him.

Vision: Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now.

Tony's team arrives as the two two teams stared at each other in silence. Wanda, Nat, Clint, and Pietro were feeling uncomfortable, as they know if Daikon would be having a breakdown when he sees them.

Sam: What do we do, Cap?

Steve: We fight.

Natasha: This is gonna end well.

The two teams stride towards each other with grim determination etched on their faces.

Spiderman: They're not stopping.

Tony: Neither are we.

Everyone breaks into a sprint. Just when Tony and Steve were going to strike first however...

A red beam hit between them, causing everyone to jump back.

Spiderman: Woah! What was that?!

Soon, they see they sky darkening as they hear footsteps. They look to the side and see someone walking towards them, red lightning striking his lower body, lighting it up.

FRIDAY: Boss...it's Daikon.

Tony: Yep. And he's pissed.

Wanda: I warned you all this would happen.

Nat: Daikon...

Spiderman: I think Mr. Daikon's mad at us, including me.

How's the chapter?

Now if you're wondering why I didn't have Daikon be involved in the Bucky brainwashed scene, it's because, while picturing myself as Daikon, I see he, after what Tony said about Wanda, he wouldn't be interested.

Never talk shit about someone's woman.

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