First Mission

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*Someone's POV*

A child's cry was heard as we see a couple of scientists are seen looking down at what looks like a kid strapped on a lab bed. One was holding a syringe with a weird-looking substance inside of the tube. Soon, one scientist spoke with a thick German accent.

Scientist: Subject 0127 is ready to be administered with the serum. Proceed.

A/N: Get the reference on the number? Hint, it's the month and day of a major accident.

Soon, the scientist with the needle goes to the child's arm and injects the syringe into the boy's wrist, in the veins. His cries were heard from the pain as his face was covered by a mask. Soon, some gas was brought out, making the boy feel drowsy as his eyes were closed, but his screams didn't stop.

*POV ends*

?: *quickly sits up* AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!

The person got up as he woke up from the nightmare he just say in his sleep. However, that wasn't a nightmare. It was a memory that happened to him many years ago and has since stayed in his mind all these years, haunting him in his sleep.

He looks around, seeing he's in a bedroom rather than a laboratory from his nightmare. He looks at the time and sees it was 7 in the morning. He also noticed he was sweating profusely, being shaken up by the dream he had.

Suddenly, the door opens and in comes a woman with red hair as she goes up to the young man.

?: Daikon! Are you alright? I heard you screaming from the living room.

The young man, called Daikon just stares at her quietly, still shaken by his nightmare. The woman stares at him carefully, looking into his eyes, seeing them stare at her.

?: You had that nightmare again, did you? *rubs his cheek*

Daikon: *quietly* Yeah. I can't get it out of my head, mom. Every time I tried to sleep, it always comes back, reminding me of the hell I've been through.

?: I know. And every time that happens, I'll come here, comfort you, and remind you that I'll always be here for you when you need me. Understand?

Daikon: *gently smiles and nods* I understand. Thanks, mom.

Natasha smiles as she gently grabs his head and pulls him closer to her, nudging their foreheads together.

Natasha: No problem, my маленький паучонок. (Little Spiderling)


Daikon, after taking a quick shower for the sweat, is seen eating breakfast with Natasha as they look at each other and smiled at each other. Soon, Nat finishes eating as she stood up.

Nat: I'll be picking up Steve soon. We're going to go on a mission with S.T.R.I.K.E.

Daikon: What's it about?

Natasha: A hostage situation with a SHIELD vessel. A couple of pirates took control of it and we're being sent to rescue those on board.

Daikon: I see. *takes a sip of Orange Juice* Sounds interesting. And is there something else you're doing? Because I know Fury would give you a mission inside another mission sometimes, so just wondering.

Natasha: Yes. It's to collect some code from the ship that's from SHIELD Intel.

Daikon: Well. Guess, I'm going to see you much later, then.

Natasha: Well, not really.

Daikon: *confused* Why? *takes a sip of juice*

Natasha: Because you're coming with me.

Daikon stops as he looks at his mother in shock.

Daikon: Really? I'm going on a mission with you and Cap?

Natasha: Yes. You have been trained a lot by me and your uncle, Clint, and this is a perfect time for you to have some experience on a mission.

Daikon: Awesome!

Natasha: *sternly* But, I must remind you. This isn't some fun and games like training. This is a serious situation that could end badly, even with some experienced agents like Rogers and myself. So, be aware of that, understand?

Daikon: *nods* I do. I'll be cautious, mom.

Natasha: Good. Well, I'll be picking up Steve from the Washington Park. I have some clothing for you to wear for the mission, so you can go to the Triskelion before us

Daikon: Okay. Thanks, mom.

Natasha nods and kisses him on the cheek before leaving their apartment room. Daikon quickly got up and goes to his room. He later finds the outfit his mother told him.

Daikon: Not my style, but hopefully I'll get one in my taste one day. Maybe a black and grey martial arts Gi.

He packs it up into a bag as he begins to leave the apartment. He gets out of the building and hops on top of a motorcycle he got from his mother.

Daikon: Let's go.

He starts it up and drives off, heading to the Triskelion, SHIELD Headquarters.


Daikon arrives at HQ and was greeted by some agents and employees, calling him "Daniel Robinson". He doesn't want people to know he's the son of Black Widow unless he wants to, so he gave himself an alias. Only Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, and Maria Hill know who he really is.

Everyone, including Steve, knows him as an intern, but seeing his training and working out, figured he'll be an agent soon. And that was answered as he's added for the mission to rescue hostages in the Lemurian Star.

Soon, Daikon puts on the outfit Natasha left him as he looks at the mirror.

(Without the helmet, with a SHIELD symbol in the chest part)

He picks up a few weapons, mainly a revolver and knife, and makes his way to a Quinjet where some members of STRIKE, including their field commander, Brock Rumlow are seen.

Brock: Coming for your first mission, Daniel?

Daikon: Yep.

Brock: Good. We'll be waiting until Cap and Widow arrive. They'll be here soon.

After he said that, both Black Widow and Captain America arrived.

Steve: Is everyone ready?

Everyone: Yes, sir.

Steve: Good. Let's begin.

They all started entering the jet until Steve goes up to Daikon.

Steve: This is your first mission, son?

Daikon: Yes, sir. It is.

Steve: Okay. I want you to be cautious, as missions like this could end badly. Understand, Daniel?

Daikon: *nods* I understand, Cap.

Steve: Good. Let's go.

He goes into the jet as Daikon looks at his mother. She smiles as they entered the jet and sat next to each other. Soon, the back door closes and the jet begins to ascend. It then flies off, heading for the ship.


They arrived at the Indian Ocean as Rumlow began explaining what they have in stores.

Brock: They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them, 93 minutes ago.

Steve: Any demands?

Brock: A billion and a half.

Steve Rogers: Why so steep?

Brock: Because it SHIELD's.

Steve: So it's not off-course, it's trespassing.

Natasha: I'm sure they have a good reason.

Steve Rogers: You know, I'm getting a little tired of being Fury's janitor.

Daikon: Well it can't be that complicated.

Steve: How many pirates?

Brock: Twenty-five, top mercs, led by this guy. Georges Batroc.

He shows a picture of Batroc from the monitor.

Brock: Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He's at the top of Interpol's Red Notice. Before the French demobilized him, he had thirty-six kill missions. This guy's got a rep for maximum casualties.

Steve: Hostages?

Brock: Uh...mostly techs. One officer, Jasper Sitwell.

He shows a picture of Sitwell.

Brock: They're in the galley.

Daikon: Why's he doing on a ship?

Steve: Alright, I'm gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc. Nat, Daniel, you'll kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep aft, find the hostages, get them to the life-pods, get 'em out. Let's move.

Brock: STRIKE, you heard the Cap. Gear up.

The jet flies up to the clouds to avoid detection from the ship.

Steve: *through communicators* Secure channel seven.

Natasha: Seven secure. Did you do anything fun Saturday night?

Steve: Well, all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, so...No, not really.

Daikon raised his brow as a pilot was heard but they didn't pay attention.

Natasha: You know, if you ask Kristen out, from Statistics, she'd probably say yes.

Steve: That's why I don't ask.

Daikon: Too shy or too scared?

Steve: Too busy!

Steve jumps off the jet as everyone watches him.

STRIKE Agent: Was he wearing a parachute?

Daikon: *puts a parachute bag on his back* Nope.

Natasha: *whisper* Watch out.

Daikon: *whisper* I will. WOOHOOOO!! *runs and jumps off*

Daikon dives down as he sees the ship before deploying his parachute. He flies over to the deck as he sees Cap knocking down some soldiers before one aims his gun on him. He pulls out his own and shots at the pirate as he lands next to Rogers.

Steve: Thanks.

Daikon: No problem. Also, watch your back next time.

Soon, Rumlow, Natasha, and another agent landed to join them.

Natasha: What about the nurse that lives across the hall from you? She seems kind of nice.

Steve: Secure the engine room, then find me a date.

Natasha: I'm Multitasking.

Both she and Daikon hop off the top deck and they land on the lower deck.

Daikon: What's with you trying to hook Steve up with someone?

Natasha: Just for fun. Plus, he seems to be lonely at times.

Daikon: You don't do that with me, though.

Natasha: Because you're my son.

Daikon: Well, that explains it.

They head to the engine room as they quietly separated. Natasha takes on some soldiers while Daikon quickly made his way down. He brings out his gun, hops, rolls, and gets up before started shooting.

He knocks one down with, shoots one next to him, the grabs he knocked down, shoot him, throws him down, rolls, shoots another, jumps and spins, grabs another, breaks his neck, shoots another, and brings the body down.

One from the ladder tries to shoot him, but Natasha shot him as she goes down, landing on the floor as Daikon looks at her with a smile.

Natasha: Good job. All that training really paid off.

Daikon: Thanks, mom.

Daikon backhands a guy who was going to attack him from behind before shooting him.

Natasha: *through comms* Engine room secure.

Soon, STRIKE manages to take out the Pirates from the gallery, freeing the hostages.

Natasha: I'll be going to back this hard drive at the upper deck. You assist Rumlow and the others as they take the hostages to safety, alright?

Daikon: Okay. Take care, мама паук. (Momma Spider)

Natasha: You too, маленький паук. (Little Spider)

She goes off as Daikon heads to where STRIKE are escorting the hostages as he fires at incoming pirates.

Brock: Where's Romanoff?

Daikon: Don't know. She just disappeared on me. Don't worry, though. I got the rendezvous point covered.

Brock: You're sure, Daniel?

Daikon: I'm sure. Now go!

He continues shooting as Rumlow and the others bring the hostages to safety. Soon, almost all of the Pirates are killed as Daikon stops and sighs in relief. Suddenly he hears an explosion as he sees the upper bridge on fire.

Worried for his mother, he runs at full speed to the bridge, hoping that Nat isn't severely hurt. As he made it up, he sees Batroc running towards him, not noticing he's there.

Daikon suddenly charges at Batroc and the two exchange blows. Daikon being faster and more agile, dodged Batroc's strike, before hitting his punches and finally a Tornado Kick, knocking Batroc down.

He then ties his up as Cap approaches him.

Steve: Great work, Daniel. Thanks for catching him for me.

Daikon: No problem. He's all yours, Cap.

Steve nods as he took Batroc away while Daikon heads to the room and sees his mother laying there.

Daikon: You alright, mom?

Natasha: Yeah. *gets up* Don't worry.

Daikon helps her up as she looks up at him.

Daikon: So how did I do?

Natasha: Well, seeing how you managed to come out did well on your first mission.

Daikon smiles as he hugs his mother as she hugs back. They stayed like that before leaving the room, as the mission was complete.

A/N: Hope you like this chapter. How was it? Be sure to expect some more chapters in the future.

Also, Daikon will get his Goku Black Outfit later on, maybe around Age of Ultron.

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