SHIELD Compromised

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*at the apartment*

Clint: You're kidding me? You knocked out Batroc with one kick? That's awesome man.

Daikon is seen talking to his Uncle, Clint, and his Aunt, Laura, through video cam on a laptop, while Natasha was still at the Triskelion.

Daikon: Yep. Though he must've been knocked around by Steve, so it was kinda unfair for him.

Laura: Still, you managed to knock him down after a successful mission. Great job, Daikon.

Daikon: Thanks, Aunt Laura. So, how are Cooper and Lila doing?

Just as he asked that both kids appeared as they're excited to see their cousin.

Both Cooper and Lila: We're doing fine, Daikon!

Daikon: *chuckles* I was wondering when my two little cousins will appear.

Cooper: We heard you went on a mission with Aunt Nat, and that sounds awesome!

Lila: And we heard you beaten the top criminal, and we kinda expected it since you're cool in fighting.

Daikon: He's a dangerous guy. Even Cap told me he had some trouble with him when they fought each other.

Cooper: Still, you're brave enough to even fight him, and that's all we need to know.

Clint: He's right, kiddo. You have a lot of potential, and that mission is just the beginning. Just be careful out there when you're in a life-and-death situation.

Daikon: I will, Uncle Clint. Well, I need to go. Call you guys later.

Everyone: Bye, Daikon.

Clint: Tell Nat we said hi.

Daikon: I will.

He ends the call as he sighs. He goes into another website and starts to digitally draw something. Drawing became one of many habits for him, so he can do something else, other than training, which he does regularly. Though he doesn't show his drawings to many people, outside of his mom.

He's drawing what appeared to be a sword, but instead of having it held by a hand, it's attached to the forearm. He even drew how it could retract itself when in no use.

Daikon: Got the concept, but I want it to be a little different from any other blade. Hmm, maybe have it generate heat. That's a good idea.

He then changed the design of the blade, making it look like a Katana since it's the blade he liked the most when he was a kid. Then he tries to come up with ideas on how to generate heat for the blade.

Just as he was thinking about it, Natasha arrived at the apartment.

Natasha: I'm home!

Daikon: I'm in my room!

She then enters the room as she sees Daikon sitting on his head, with his laptop up.

Natasha: How are you doing?

Daikon: Nothing much. Just waiting for you to come back. And I just talk to Uncle Clint on video cam about the mission.

Natasha: Really? That's nice.

Daikon: Aunt Laura and Cooper and Lila were on it too. They all said hi to you.

Natasha: I'll give them a call to say hi back later. What did they say?

Daikon: They were amazed I managed to beat Batroc, despite Cap already beating him.

Natasha: I see. Still, you knocking him out with one strike is still impressive. So, that's one thing to be proud of.

Daikon: True. So, what's next? Will there be another mission soon?

Natasha: Don't know, to be honest. Guess we'll just have to wait, мой маленький паучок.

Daikon nods to her. The two kept talking for a short while.

*time skip*

Daikon is seen doing some headstand push-ups while shirtless, revealing his muscular body, thanks to the serum and the number of workouts he had later on in life. As he does more than 50 of them, his mind starts having flashbacks of his younger years.

He hears his younger self n's cries when he was injected by the serum, the screams of people being torn apart by him in his aggressive episodes, the wails of other test subjects, mostly children, as many died slowly by the effects of the drug, and people murmuring to each other about him.

Soon, he reaches 100 and stops as he slowly drops down. He kneels up and sighs from exhaustion, but from the exercise and the memories he endured.

Daikon: *whisper* When I find him...I'll make sure he stays dead.


After taking a shower, Daikon puts on some clothes as he sits back and reads a book while listening to some music.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As he was reading, however, he hears rapid footsteps as he pauses the song. He stands up and sees his mother putting on a jacket, looking panicked.

Daikon: Mom, what's wrong?

Natasha: Fury's at the hospital.

Daikon: *shocked* What?

Natasha: Someone shot him.

Daikon: Let me come with you.

Natasha: Okay.

Daikon puts on a leather jacket as he and Nat get out of the apartment. They got onto his motorcycle and they drove off. Daikon speeds through traffic, trying to reach the hospital Nat told him where Fury was sent to.


After getting inside, they head to the E.R, where they see Steve there, looking through a window, at the operation doctors are conducting to save Nick's life. They stood beside him as they see the doctors trying their best.

Natasha: Is he gonna make it?

Steve: I don't know.

Natasha: Tell me about the shooter.

Steve: He's fast and strong. Had a metal arm.

Daikon's eyes widen at this information. Soon, a voice came into his mind, as this revelation sinks through him.

Scientist: He will be the next Winter Soldier.

Daikon's hand clenched into his fist just as Maria Hill arrives at the room.

Natasha: Ballistics?

Maria: Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable.

Natasha: Soviet-made.

Maria: *turns to her* Yeah.

They all watch, just as Fury's condition deteriorates as doctors act quickly. They got the defibrillator on at 100 as Nick starts to flatline.

Natasha: Don't do this to me, Nick.

They place the pads on his chest, setting a shock. It didn't work, as they went to 200 this time. It still didn't help as Fury is slowly dying. Daikon wraps his hand around Natasha's as she applies a grip.

Natasha: Don't do this to me, Nick. Don't do this to me.

Steve turns away as the doctors check on Fury. It was too late. Nick succumbed to his injuries. Maria walks away as they set the time of death. Daikon stays at his mother's side.


Natasha, Daikon, and Steve are in a room where Fury's dead body has been laid out. Natasha is looking at Fury's body with tears running down her face. Soon, Maria appears in the room as she stands next to Steve.

Maria: I need to take him.

Steve nods as he approaches Natasha.

Daikon: *whisper* Nice seeing you again, Maria.

Maria: *whisper* You too, Daikon.

Nat rubs Fury's head, giving him a silent goodbye before turning around and walking out of the room. Steve and Daikon followed her, leaving Maria there with Nick's body.

Steve: Natasha!

Nat turns to him and stares at him.

Natasha: Why was Fury at your apartment?

Steve hesitates a bit before speaking.

Steve: I don't know.

This was a lie. And Daikon and Natasha can see that from a mile away. Before anyone can say anything, Rumlow approaches them.

Brock: Cap, they want you back at SHIELD.

Steve: Yeah, give me a second.

Brock: They want you now.

Steve: Okay. *turns to Nat*

Natasha: You're a terrible liar. *walks off*

Daikon: I'll go talk to her. See you later, Cap.

Steve: Okay, Daniel.

Daikon walks away as he heads towards Natasha.

Daikon: You alright?

Natasha: Do I look like I'm alright?

Daikon: I'm not even gonna respond to that.

Natasha: Fury had a reason why he went to Rogers's apartment. He must've told him something SHIELD doesn't want anyone to know.

She stops and turns to him.

Natasha: And Steve's not willing to tell us what that is.

Daikon nods at her, but his mind was thinking about something else. Natasha stares at his eyes, wondering what he's thinking. She figured her tone must've hurt him a bit.

Natasha: *sighs* I'm sorry, honey. I was just-

Daikon: Oh, no need to apologize, mom. I understand how you feel. It's just...when Steve told us the description of the shooter, I suddenly remembered something when so was at that facility years ago. Something that reminded me who...or what I was made to be.

Natasha looks at him in surprise.

Natasha: You know about the Soldier?

Daikon nods to her, answering her question.

Natasha: My God.

Daikon: Mom...*puts her hands on her shoulder* Let me help you find him. I promise you, Nick's death will not be in vain.

Natasha stares at him. She can see in his eyes he is determined to find the Soldier. But, she also sees anger and vengeance in them, though she understood why he felt like that.

Natasha: *gently smiles* Okay. Thank you, мой маленький паучок.

Daikon smiles back and pulls her to a hug as she wraps her arms around him.

Daikon: No problem, мама паук. *in his mind* I'm going to kill that son of a bitch.

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