HYDRA Base Battle

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Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack. We are under attack.

The Avengers are seen in the forest of Sokovia closing in on the HYDRA base. Several soldiers with high-tech weapons and armor are set out to stop them from approaching their base. Nat and Clint are seen riding on an armored jeep they stole, with Iron Man, Thor, and Daikon assisting them with the flyers.

Daikon is seen flying over, slashing at several flyers, dodging their blasts before landing on a group of them and starts beating them.

He then finishes them off by knocking a few away, having one stab his knee, before nailing him down with a punch.

He flies off as Hulk and Captain America soon join in as they knock around a soldier in front of them. Soon, a big explosion occurs as they all charge in unison.

(Imagine Daikon yelling out as he comes down with them)

They continued taking down any soldier in front of them as Tony flies off the base. Suddenly he bounced off it, showing a forcefield being put over the base.

Tony: Shit!

Steve: Language. JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?

JARVIS: The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken.

Thor: *knocking away soldiers* Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last.

Nat is seen knocking several soldiers who are seen close to cannons.

Natasha: "At long last" is lasting a little long, boys.

Clint: *fires an explosive bow* Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise.

Daikon: *pulls out his blades and slice off soldiers and vehicles* Wait. Has anyone noticed that Cap just said "language" to Tony? *chuckles*

Tony: Oooh, I noticed that too.

Steve: I know. *throws his motorcycle at an approaching truck* It just slipped out.

Daikon is seen rushing towards some soldiers as he rolls, dodging their blasters before cutting a few apart with his Heat Blades. Some lost one of their legs, others were sliced into two, and the rest were decapitated.

Daikon: What a way to slip out a word during this chaos, Steve.

Daikon blasts a few with his repulsor rays before running further along the forest. He sees a truck driving next to him as he jumps over it, uses his rocket boosters to push him back and he cuts the truck in half.

The truck explodes as Daikon continues, before stopping. He sensed something odd. Something's heading towards them at high speed.

Daikon: Guys...*retracts his mask* something fast is heading us.

Natasha: What? How do you-

Suddenly, a blur is seen passing by. It caught the arrow Clint fired. Clint went to fire another, only to be knocked down. Clint grunts as he guts up, only to see a guy with blonde hair, looking like the same age as Daikon walking up to him.

?: You didn't see that coming? *speeds away*

Clint stood up and goes to fire an arrow, only to be shot by a gun.

Nat: *runs towards him* Clint!

Daikon: Mom, what happened?

Daikon felt something coming at him and hits a corkscrew backflip, dodging the blur approaching him. He lands and sees who was coming towards him.

?: How did you know I was coming?

Daikon: I don't know. I sensed ya coming so I did that to not get hit.

?: And I thought I was quick.

Daikon: *shrugs* I mean, you are. Had I not sensed you, I wouldn't be standing here unscathed.

?: Good point. Ummm...weren't we suppose to fight to the death?

Daikon: Hmm...now that you mentioned it...*extends mask* yeah.

Daikon charges at him and starts throwing strike after strike at the guy, who dodges them with ease and quickness. He then nails a couple of quick punches at Daikon's chest and face before hitting a headbutt.

Daikon steps back as he feels the pain of the strikes. He wipes his face with his hand and sees blood coming out.

?: What? Is that all you got?

Daikon: You have speed on your side...*goes into a fighting stance* but I have skills and experience.

Daikon charges at the guy and starts hitting several quick strikes when he dodges the first few. Daikon grabs him from behind and hits a German Suplex before getting on top of him.

He starts hammering him with punches then knees on both his sides before grabbing him and tossing him onto a tree before kipping up.

Daikon: Didn't see that coming, did ya, buddy?

The man glares at him before speeding away. Daikon scoffs as he runs off to meet with the others.

Daikon: Mom, how's Uncle Clint?

Nat: *comms* He's hurt pretty badly. We need to take him back to the jet.

Daikon: I'm heading over there right now.

Daikon rushes over, knocks down some soldiers before meeting up with Nat and Clint.

Steve: Daikon, who's the Enhanced?

Daikon: I guy with super speed. I fought him and barely managed to hold him down, but I did my best.

Thor: Must've been from Loki's Scepter. They did something to him that granted him his powers.

Daikon growls as the thought of the guy being tortured through experiments by HYDRA sickens him. He calms down as Nat places her hand on his cheek.

Nat: Hey, I know you're angry, but you can't let it out right now. We need to complete the mission and get the Scepter. Understand?

Daikon takes a deep breath and sighs before nodding to her.

Nat: Good. Now, I need to get Clint out of here.

Clint: Don't worry. I can still fight.

Daikon: Uncle, you're hurt very badly.

Clint: Not the first time, kiddo.

Thor: I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone the better. Rogers, Black, and Stark secure the scepter.

Daikon: On it.

Steve: Copy that.

Daikon and Nat tend to Clint's wound in the meantime. Just as Thor arrives...

Tony: And for gosh sake, watch your language!


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Steve: *sighs* That's not going away anytime soon.


Daikon flew off to the base as he knocks down any soldier or scientist in front of him. The base made his skin crawl and his temper shorten. He goes further as he hears Tony entering a secret door and Nat calming down Hulk with a lullaby, turning him back Bruce.

He walks around the base, only to meet up with the leader, Baron Strucker.

Strucker: Seems my escape is short-lived.

Daikon: Just like your life soon, you monster.

Strucker: I am not a monster. I am simply doing my job for HYDRA.

Daikon: And I'm doing my job by turning you group into stone like Medusa.

Strucker: Don't worry, I know when I'm beat. You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope.

Daikon: Nah. I'm gonna break every bone in your body for human experimentation. *grabs him by the neck* Are there more? How many?

Then he senses someone behind him as he turns his head slightly. He was suddenly shoved away but he flies back onto his feet hitting the ground as he stood in front of a woman glaring at him.

Daikon: I just had to open my mouth, didn't I?

The woman stares at him coldly before Daikon knocks out Strucker.

Daikon: *comms* I got Strucker. *looks at the woman* You can go.

Woman: *shocked* What? You're letting me go?

Daikon: I mean, why should I lock you and the other guy up? You don't seem to be awful people like these bastards. So, I'm letting off.

The woman was surprised by this. She has heard terrible stories about the Avengers and thought they were evil. Yet, this guy, who looks like he's the same age as her, is kind and gentle.

Woman: T-thank you. I'll leave.

Daikon: Sure. Take care of yourself, and be the person you want to be. Not what anyone else wants you to.

Daikon picks up Strucker onto his shoulder and goes to leave before turning to the woman.

Daikon: What's your name?

Wanda: W-Wanda. Wanda Maximoff.

Daikon: Wanda...nice name.

Daikon: Fits you well. I'm Daikon. See ya.

Daikon leaves as Wanda watches him leave. For some reason, she felt something off about him. It's a feeling she couldn't describe well, but that's how she felt.

Soon, she leaves the hallway, though her mind was thinking about what Daikon said to her.


Daikon got Strucker into custody, while also breaking his back, rendering him unable to walk again as he returned with others. Soon, Tony returned with the Scepter in hand, looking like he had seen something.

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