Superhero Work

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*May 2015*

Daikon: Guys, just stop.

Daikon is seen in his Gi on a street in New York, standing over 4 guys struggling to break free from some cuffs after they attempted to rob a store. The cops arrived to take them away as Daikon looks on.

Officer: Thank you so much, Daikon. If there were more heroes like you, we wouldn't have criminals running off on the streets.

Daikon: No problem, officer. I live to help people in need.

Officer: And we're glad to have you on the good side. Take care, Black Warrior.

Daikon: You too.

Daikon flies off as the officers put the criminals in the cop cars and leave the scene.


Daikon soon got out of his Gi into some casual clothing as he starts walking down the street of New York.

He continues walking over the street, as people, mostly women, pass by and give him a look of an "Oooh" look as he paid no mind to it. Soon, he passed by a food stand and ordered a pretzel before continuing his way.

Suddenly, he hears an altercation thanks to his advanced hearing from the serum as he finishes his pretzel and quickly makes his way to where it comes from. He then stops by an alley as he looks and sees three guys surrounding a young teen with glasses, who is nervous and scared.

They started shoving him back on forth, before the middle one, the leader, shoves him down. They taunt him some more as the leader went for a strike and the kid looks away...until...

Daikon: Go home.

Daikon shoves the bully back against his friends and glares at him behind his glasses.

Daikon: *looks at the boy* You okay, buddy?

The kid nods as the bullies were mad someone stopped them from having their fun. They approach them, only for Daikon to look at them, standing protectively in front of the kid, and pulls out his glasses.

The bullies recognized him as the Daikon Black, the Black Warrior, as they went from angry troublemakers to cowardly children. Daikon's next expression says it all...

Daikon: Leave!

The bullies run away, most definitely shitting their pants after seeing that. Daikon smirks as he looks at the boy and helps him.

Daikon: You okay?

The Kid: Ye-yeah, I'm fine. T-thanks for saving me.

Daikon: No need to thank me, kid. I'm just doing what everyone needs to do. Did they rough you out or anything that hurts you?

Kid: N-no, I'm okay. Thanks, though.'re the Black Warrior, right?

Daikon: Yep. Daikon himself. What's your name, buddy?

Peter: I-I'm Parker. Peter Parker.

Daikon: Pleasure to meet you, Peter. *pats on the shoulder* Where were you heading?

Peter: Uh, home, Mr. Black.

Daikon: Mr. Black? Call me Daikon, Peter. No need for honorifics.

Peter: Sorry, it's just that I have a lot of admiration and respect towards you, and the other Avengers, that I felt I should call you mister.

Daikon: How old are you?

Peter: 13, close to 14. In August.

Daikon: And I'm 19, so we're five years apart. But if you feel comfortable calling me Mr. Black, then I don't mind. Though I'm much preferred be said by my first name.

Peter: O-okay, Mr. Black.

Daikon: Anyway, let me walk you to your house. Those jackasses are bound to come back so I'll stay will you until you get home safely. Would you like that?

Peter: *nervous but excited* S-sure. It'd be a pleasure, Mr. Black.

Daikon grins as they started walking out of the alley and through the streets of Queens.

Daikon: So, what school you're going to?

Peter: Uh, Midtown.

Daikon: Ooh. Pretty good school, from what I heard.

Peter: You never been to a school before?

Daikon: Never. I was sheltered for most of my life until I was rescued.

Peter: Rescued?

Daikon: It's best for me not to say anything about my past, Peter. It still haunts me even when I'm not thinking about it. I hope you understand.

Peter: Oh...of course. I would never want to know what you've been through, and I won't make you say it. I understand.

Daikon: Thank you. Anyway, I have studied and got into a few hobbies, like drawing, singing, and sometimes engineering.

Peter: That's cool! I build stuff too!

Daikon: Really? That's pretty interesting. I can see someone like you doing something big in the future, Peter. As for me...well, I'm not certain who would I be in the future.

Peter: How come? You're a hero, stopping terrorists and robbers. That's something, right?

Daikon: I'm a hero because I want to help people, Peter. I'll still be a hero, but outside of that, I don't know. Only time will tell.

Peter: Okay.

They later stopped at a hotel at an apartment complex.

Peter: This is where I live. Thanks for coming with me, Mr. Black.

Daikon: No problem, Peter. Take care of yourself.

Peter: You too.

Daikon: And stay away from people who're out for trouble. We'll meet again, and they are bound to be mutilated.

Peter: Woah...I wouldn't go so far as to do that, Mr. Black.

Daikon: *smirks* You'll never know. See ya, Peter.

Peter: Bye!

Daikon walks away as Peter the complex, feeling happy and excited to tell his friends and peers about what happened to him.

*at the Tower*

Daikon enters the training room as he prepares for his routine workout. He goes into some workout clothes and starts his regular training.

He does weight lifting at almost every part of the body, several boxing drills followed by Kickboxing, then some Yoga, and finally sitting down and starting to meditate.

He grunts and takes short breaths as his memories came flooding in as he grits his teeth and clenched his fists, tensing his body. Soon, a purple glow came into his hand.

Daikon opens his eyes and gets startled by this, breaking out of his mediation pose. The glow fades away in front of him as he stares at his hand. He then clench his fist and closed his eyes, trying to bring back the glow.

Soon, it does as he stares at his purple glowing hand with amazement and shock. He never thought he had this kind of energy before. He wonders if it was something that involved his biological parents before he was put in that facility.

It fades away as looks at his hand. He stood up and thinks about what he had just seen. Could he master this new power he didn't know he had? Only time will tell.

He later finishes his workout and leaves for his room.

*the next day*

Daikon was called into a meeting with the others as he was rescuing people from a nearby building from arson and beating the living hell out of the arsonist before setting his AHEM manhood on fire and leaving him to be arrested.

Tony: What took you so long, Spiderling?

Daikon: Arson on a near building. Got everyone out and caught the criminal.

Thor: Impressive, Son of Romanov. You cleared that up just in time for our meeting.

Daikon: So, what's this meeting about?

Natasha: We found the location that might contain Loki's Scepter.

Daikon: Really? After all this time, we finally have the location of the Scepter?

Bruce: Yep. We found a large power reading at this location.

A holographic map appears showing the predicted location of the Scepter, along with the power level at the same location.

Daikon: So somewhere in Sokovia, huh? Hopefully, this one could be where it's at.

Steve: Indeed. There are bounds to be several HYDRA soldiers guarding the place.

Clint: And several more inside the base containing the Scepter.

Daikon: Well, let's crash their little HYDRA party and take back the Scepter.

They all nod as they some plans for their attack at the base before leaving to get ready for their assault at the HYDRA base. Daikon is seen suiting up as warms up his blades and his strikes.

Soon, he's ready as he leaves his room and starts walking towards the others.

Natasha: You ready, мой маленький паучок.

Daikon: *deploying mask*

Daikon: Always ready, мама паук.

Thor: I find your mother-son relationship adorable. Reminds me a lot of my relationship with my mother.

Daikon: Thanks, Thor. Let's go.

They nod as they when inside the Quinjet. It goes on as it ascends off the landing pad before flying off. Their mission is about to start.

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