Lagos Mission

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Time passes and Daikon and Wanda's relationship was growing even more. Everyone knows about it and they're happy for them, though, now they're scared of what a powerful couple like them can do with one having the power of a witch and the other an unknown power that causes destruction.

Unfortunately, this fear was also shown by the United Nations, who felt they need to have both secure to prevent a future event that causes the Avengers to break up. Tony was instructed to monitor their strength so they can make sure they at least know how strong are they.

Sadly for them, Daikon was onto that plan and told Wanda about it. To ease her fears, he tells her to show small portions of their power and act tired so they could fool people into believing that was their full power. This has worked, though others were confused by this.

Anyway, the new hero from Queens, Spider-Man, has been seen swinging around, helping people in need and stopping criminals. He was given an updated suit from his older one from Black and upgraded webs and web slingers, which helped a lot. Some even saw him and Daikon working together.

Wanda has met Peter, who was having a fangirl attack about meeting Scarlet Witch, and that she and Daikon are dating. Though, promise to keep their meetings a secret.

However, in these past months, Daikon has experienced several changes himself. Once he noticed his hair is more spiker than before, his body had grown a bit more and had more muscle, his power even grew to the point that, knowing how strong Hulk is, could even come close to him.

What's more striking is that he has sharp fangs on his teeth. He didn't know how this has happened, so he secretly talked with Helen about checking his DNA. The results were shocking. Daikon's DNA from his earlier doesn't match his current strand.

Helen theorizes that, once Daikon's power was unlocked, his body started rejecting the effects of the serum and has been in a steady process of reconstructing his biology to how it was before while keeping if physical appearance. To what? That's up for Daikon to decide.

Knowing this, Daikon was intrigued, but at the same time, he felt the past should stay in the past and not dwell on it. He's a family, a job he loves to do, and a woman he cares about and protects her. And so, he moves on from that.

And now, we go to the beginning of the downfall of the Avengers. Starting at Lagos.

We see Wanda citing a cafe, adding sugar to a cup while stirring it.

Daikon: How's that drink, lyubov'? (Love)

Wanda: Fine. Needs to be sweeter.

Daikon: Well, I spy with my one little eye something sweeter. And it's currently smiling and trying to hide her cute red face. Come on. Don't need to be embarrassed. Let me see that smile.

Wanda: *chuckles* Stop.

Natasha: Hey, lovebirds. Focus on the mission at hand.

Daikon: Well, excuse me. I just wanted to bring up the mode before murder and mayhem occur.

Sam: By flirting with your girl?

Daikon: Yes. Do you have a problem?

Sam: No-

Daikon: Thought so.

Steve: Men, enough. All right, what do you see?

Wanda: Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target.

Steve: There's an ATM in the south corner, which means. . .

Wanda: Cameras.

Steve: Both cross streets are one way.

Wanda: So, compromised escape routes.

Steve: Means our guy doesn't care about being seen, he isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out. You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?

Wanda: Yeah, the red one? It's cute.

Daikon: No as cute as you, honey.

Wanda: *chuckles* Daikon, stop.

The camera pans to show Natasha sitting two tables from Wanda.

Natasha: It's also bulletproof, which means private security, which means more guns, which means more headaches for somebody. Probably us.

Wanda: You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?

Natasha: Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature.

Sam: Anybody ever tell you you're a little paranoid?

Natasha: Not to my face. Why? Did you hear something?

Daikon is seen floating over the sky with his arms crossed, looking down at the city. He was wearing some regular clothing, which confused everyone, but tells them he has a trick to show much later.

Wanda: *looking up and sees her boyfriend in the sky* How are you holding up, Daikon?

Daikon: I'm sensing some activity going on, but I couldn't tell what's going on.

Steve: Eyes on target, folks. This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months. I don't want to lose him.

Natasha: You seemed so intent on looking for Rumlow, Маленький паук.

Daikon: That scumbag is working for HYDRA. I'm eager to put them into extinction.

Sam: You have some deep hatred for them.

Daikon: Find you being experimented on at a young age, Sam, and then you'll see why I want them dead. I want HYDRA and the Winter Soldier dead so I can move on, not worrying or getting angry that they-

Wanda sent a mental message, telling him to ease his anger. Daikon gets it and takes a deep breath and sighs.

Daikon: Sorry. Got a little emotional.

Steve: Stay focused. *noticed something* Sam...see that garbage truck? Tag it.

A small drone launched from the back of his wingsuit into the air. Redwing, as Falcon called it, flew in low through the streets before it hovered beneath the suspicious garbage truck. It took a detailed scan of the vehicle's interior and the cargo it carried.

Sam: That truck's loaded for max weight. And the driver's armed.

Natasha: It's a battering ram.

Steve: Go now.

Wanda: What?

Steve: He's not hitting the police.

Falcon stepped off the ledge and opened his wings to fly toward the Institute For Infectious Diseases. The driver rolled out to the streets just before the truck crashed through the front gate, demolishing the overhang when it flipped from hitting the anti-vehicle defenses set in front of the security gate.

Daikon looks on, ready for a fight before sensing something. He senses more enemies approaching the institute in two yellow trucks.

Daikon: Cap. We got two truckloads of dumbasses approaching the building.

Steve: Understood. See if you can take them out. We don't want any more of Rumlow's men swarming in here.

Daikon: Oh, I can do more than that.

Soon, Daikon is covered by back energy before spinning around like a tornado and ascending to the sky. Near the inner courtyard, the Falcon is seen providing cover fire for Wanda while she used her telekinetic powers to remove all of the tear gas from the building and release it harmlessly into the air.

Natasha was racing forward on a motorcycle before she jumped off the vehicle with perfect timing. The motorcycle slid and crashed into the legs of the enemy, making them cry out in pain as they were knocked off their feet.

Captain America was probably in the building trying to find Rumlow before he could get the biological weapon. One of the bad guys spotted him coming in and he frantically gestured for two other mercenaries to fire toward the sky.

Suddenly, they all saw black smoke and lightning materializing from the sky. Soon, it comes spinning around toward them and lands on the floor. They see a pair of glowing red eyes before the wind fades out, revealing Daikon, now in his fighting gear.

Terrorist: Fire!

They fired at Daikon all at once. But Daikon...

Soon, they ran out of ammo as they look in shock as Daikon drops the bullets from his hand. Soon, they shakingly pulled out knives which made Daikon tilt his head.

Daikon: If bullets can't help you...*summons his Energy Blade and poses with his mask glowing.

Daikon: What makes you think those will save you?

Daikon charges at them and slices one on the back of his head. He decapitates another before flipping backward and slicing another in his chest. He then cuts another in half before jamming his blade against another's throat.

Wanda: *telepathic* Dear, would you minimize the blood? Sorry for asking, but-

Daikon: *telepathic* No worries, babe. Sorry that you're not used to the murder I commit.

Wanda: It's alright. I appreciate the concern. Kick their asses.

Daikon: *evil grin* You know I will.

Daikon makes his blade disappear before hopping onto a car. Once goes for an attack, but gets his leg caught and slammed onto the hood. Another attempt but Daikon gets off the roof and slips him onto it. He then grabs his leg and throws him away.

Daikon grabbed another and kicks him away. He then goes up to another and punches his knee, his face, and his knee before grabbing it and slamming him down. Then he kicks one down before hitting a harder kick on him.

There were still four hostiles shooting at the Falcon in the courtyard. One of his wings acted as a shield for Sam as he returned fire. The Scarlet Witch was standing behind him, still working on getting rid of the tear gas.

Daikon sees two mercenaries taking cover behind an assault truck while firing at Falcon. The appears in front of them and they attacked it. Daikon blocks their strikes, wraps his arms around theirs, brings them down, breaks them, and makes the mercenaries yell before pushing them back and hitting a Double Flip Kick on them.

Falcon: Thanks, Daikon. Almost had to hit them with a couple of heat seekers. Glad I didn't.

Daikon: Be glad I wasn't the one blasting them.

Falcon cringed as he sees the massacre-I mean, beating Daikon did. Most are most likely dead while others are unable to be feeling anything again.

Daikon: Got everyone here for now. We're Cap?

Sam: He's up-

Numerous loud explosions suddenly hit the building, sending glass and debris flying everywhere. Daikon and Sam looked up and saw the middle floor of the institute was completely enveloped in flames.

Sam: Cap! What's going on?!

Steve: *static* Sam, he's in an AFV headed north.

Sam: Copy that. Stay here and keep her safe until the gas is gone. *flies off*

Daikon gave a nod before retracting his mask.

Daikon: Mom, you're alright?

Natasha: I'm alright. Rumlow tried to kill me with a grenade but I managed to get away. I'm in pursuit of their truck right now.

Daikon: *sighs in Relief* Alright. Wanda and I will join you guys once we're done here.

Nat: See you there.

Daikon: *turns to Wanda* How are we doing?

Wanda: Almost finished.

Daikon: Let's finish it together.

Wanda nods as Daikon uses his powers like her to remove all the gas from the building. Soon, it was all gone and they sigh in relief.

Daikon: That should take care of it.

Wanda: We need to get over there and help.

Daikon: *nods* Right.

Wanda: Hey. That tornado entrance you made... was pretty cool.

Daikon: Thanks. Wanna try it to get over there?

Wanda: No thank you. I don't want to be dizzy.

Daikon: *shrugs* Suit yourself. Grab onto my back and I'll fly us there.

Wanda nodded before she firmly wrapped her arms around Daikon's neck as he floats and flies off.

Wanda: I'm not too heavy, right?

Daikon: *looks at her* No. *kisses her cheek* You're perfect the way you are.

Wanda giggles as she kisses his cheek back. Daikon smiles as they fly off.


When they finally arrived at the marketplace, the two youngest Avengers could see Captain America squaring off against Rumlow not far from where they landed. There were many people wisely running away from the fight.

Daikon: Find Mom and Sam. I'll give Rumlow the wish he was dead.

Wanda nodded and ran to find the others while Daikon dashes towards the two fightings. The Hydra terrorist took advantage of Cap's temporary lapse and punched him in the face. The force of it was enough to send Captain America crashing through an empty stall.

As Rumlow goes for the killing blow, he was kicked away. Daikon is seen standing away from him as Rumlow gets up.

Rumlow: Time to settle the score, "Daniel"?

Daikon: Yes. *withdrawing his mask* And you're not gonna be walking or breathing again.

Rumlow growled before a second knife popped up from his modified gauntlet and he charged toward the Crimson Warrior. Daikon dodges each strike before going for a strike.

Crossbones blocks it before the two start exchanging strikes. What Rumlow didn't know is that Daikon was just toying with him by making him feel they were even. Still, Rumlow sees that Daikon's a better fighter than him as he narrowly avoided a kick.

Daikon: What's wrong, Brock? I thought you were more tougher than this. Have you been dwindling or slacking?

Rumlow: *grows in frustration* I'm gonna enjoy shutting you up, you failed project! *goes for a strike*

The air went silent as Daikon glares down at Rumlow.

Daikon: I rather be a failed project than a useless one.

Rumlow: What-

Daikon pushes him back as Rumlow goes for the attack. Daikon then blocks each punch before punching him in the gut. He then kicks him on the side, making him gasp in pain before sending him flying.

Rumlow crashes into a wall, making a small crater before Daikon charges and stomps on his stomach. He then stomps on his bicep, breaking it and making Crossbones yell.

Cap: Crimson, that's enough-

Daikon wasn't done as he grabs Crossbones's mask and breaks it, revealing his scarred face. He then picks him up and slams him down hard before unleashing several punches to his face.

He then stops before standing up and looking down at a beaten, bloodied, and barely conscious.

Daikon: He's all yours, Cap.

Steve: I told you that was enough.

Daikon: Sorry. Now, I feel it was enough.

Daikon walks off to him the others as Steve was glaring at him, not liking how Daikon was this brutal.

Fortunately, it didn't take him long to find the Scarlet Witch and Black Widow as they were already making their way back to regroup. In Natasha's hand held a yellow vial filled with some sort of red liquid inside.

Natasha: Glad to see you're okay. *sees the blood on his gloved hands* You must've done a number on him.

Daikon: *retracts his mask* I would've made it unrecognizable had I didn't stop. Good to see you're alright too. Is that the biological weapon they stole?

Natasha: Yeah. They tried to trick us by splitting into two groups but Sam and I managed to find the right ones and take them down before they could drop them.

Wanda: They already defeated Rumlow's henchmen when I found them. Falcon went to check and see if any of the civilians were hurt.

Daikon: That's good. Luckily, I don't sense any casualties, other than property damage.

Wanda: And Rumlow?

Daikon: As I said, could've made him unrecognizable. He thought he could have an advantage, but he was wrong. Very wrong.

Natasha: Even if you haven't found your power, Rumlow would've had his face used as a mop by you. I'll sweep the area, and make sure none of his men are still around. You two go check on old man Rogers.

They nodded as they walked towards Steve as Nat runs off in the other direction. They could see a defeated Rumlow kneeling before Captain America, muttering something as the super soldier held him by the vest.

Rumlow: I think I look pretty good, all things considered, had Daikon not busted me just now.

Steve: Who's the buyer?

Rumlow: *mocking grin* You know he knew you...your pal, your buddy, Bucky.

Steve: What did you say?!

Rumlow: He remembered you. I was there...he got all weepy about it till they put his brain back in the blender.

Captain Rogers was surprised to hear that and it showed on his face a little when Rumlow kept talking. Suddenly, Daikon's mask detects something as he looks into it. His eyes widen at what he saw.

Crossbones slowly pulled out a small detonator from within his vest, unbeknownst to the super soldier.

Rumlow: He wanted you to know something. He said to me: please tell Rogers when you got to go, you got to go. *turned vicious. *...And you're coming with me.

Just before Rumlow could press the button, his arm gets blown off, along with the detonator and sending Steve flying. Rumlow yells in pain as he was then grabbed by the head by Daikon. Daikon secretly reads his mind before finding something.

Daikon: Got what I wanted. You're no use to me.

Daikon pushes Rumlow, removing the vest that had the explosives he was gonna use to kill him and Steve. Rumlow painfully turns to him.

Rumlow: You son of a-

He sees Daikon aiming his hand at him. He noticed he has the vest on the other hand and realizes he's doomed. Soon...Daikon blasts him.

Rumlow feels the effects of the blast but knew he cannot escape from this. Everyone looks in horror as the electric shock on him fades. But then...

The Avengers couldn't believe what they say. Daikon killed Rumlow in the most brutal way possible. Daikon then turns and walks off. He then purposely shoves Steve on the shoulder.

Daikon: You could've risked everyone's lives by the mention of that bitch.*leans over his ear and whispers* Don't expect me beating you while I beat him to death.

Daikon walks off as Steve looks at him in shock at what he just heard. Daikon continues walking as his body gets closer to the camera and a title card commences.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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The fights?

Daikon and Wanda's relationship?

Daikon's brutality?

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