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We all want a Black Widow movie right? I've written a script and I need you guys to critise it, fix it, suggest bits, burn it, cuss at it and do whatever to make it better so that Marvel might consider it. Literally, go all out, if you don't like a word, a line, a scene, tell me because we've gotta do something to get this Black Widow movie, I'm done waiting for it.

Everytime someone comes up with a change or a variant, I'll accommodate that as quickly as possible, if it's quite a big difference, I'll offer two different variations on scenes and we can all agree one which on we like the most. All credit will be given, at the end, I feel like having participation awards.

This is an open discussion and topic, I want possible cast members, music scores to go with, directors who you think will nail this, gosh we should just make this ourselves. Let's make this Screen Junkies, Hishe and Everything Wrong With... Proof. Let's make it so that when they review the movie they can't because it's so thoroughly been torn apart and structured that they just, simply cant. I don't mind if this means asking why? At every decision and we have to rewrite the whole script to fix it. Just DOIT.

If you're like; nah fam, writing isn't my thing. Then your criticism, artistic abilities and reviews in discussion topics are greatly appreciated and really really needed create Gifs, music videos, find scores, head canons that you'd think would work anything.

Raise some noise #makeourownblackwidowscript tell people about it, get everyone involved. This movie isn't going to write itself.

So far I have no rating of maturity on this book, I am accommodating for an R rated Black Widow story but my version that I put up will probably play along the lines of M (Australian rating) or PG 13 whateveritis.


We're assuming that this will be set less than a year after Civil War if you'd like to accommodate for present time which I think is something Marvel would realistically do. Having flashbacks to and fro etc.

We're going to assume that this is a medium budget Marvel movie (think Ant Man or the first Iron Man), so maybe one or two cameos from our beloved Avengers... But don't let them be restricted by any means.

Things I'd like to Address In This Script
- Fricken Budapest, like, wtf srsly
- 12, nuff said
- what's Nicky Fury doing now??? Is he eating doughnuts on Tahiti?? Is he kicking Hydra's ass??
- What happened in Budapest between Clint and Natasha?????
- Natasha's possible brainwashing with the KGB and co.
- Budapest again
- How's Nat and the rest of the bois going after Civil War?
- Nat's hacking skills
- Hospital fire, those other places Loki mentioned?
- Natasha's personal views on being a monster
- Budapest again (no, I don't want her to get pregnant, Age of Ultron)

And finally, please please please, don't go around copying this and selling it to Marvel, this is the combined work of a group of authors and all those who are involved in the process only expect Gold Class tickets to the premier of the movie or visits onset ^-^

Synopsis (Under Development):
"Natasha Romanoff is a member of the Avengers, a mysterious one at that with a dark and hidden past that is coming back to get her. Can she stop it before the world she's created for herself is torn apart?"

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