Chapter 27- What? Why?

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Chapter 27-   What? Why?

Justin POV

At Ashley's Competition

"Go Ashley!" Anne screams as Ashley did a triple flip.

"She's really good", Jake says as he sits next to me.

"Yes, but her friend Sharon as well", Logan says.

"Hi isn't that the girl from our class Jake? I think her name is Jenessa", Kevin asks.

"It's Vanessa and yes that's her", Jake smiles looking at the dirty blonde hair girl who is talking to her mother close to the floor. 

I know that look.

It's love, my boy is in love.


Anastasia POV

One month later

Today is Friday, thank goodness cause I am feeling kind of tired.

After I finish working, I drive over to a coffee shop for something to drink.

When I enter, I see Nikki, Jackie, and Stephanie, sitting and talking.

Not my lucky day.

I went to the counter, order a coffee with cookies and about to leave.


"Hi Anne, didn't see you there", Nikki says.

So close.

I turn around and act like them.

"Oh hi girls, I didn't see you there", I giggle and squeezed in by Stephanie.

"How's it going?" Nikki asks with a smile.

"Just fine, married and all, I am also pregnant with my sixth child", I lie.

"Congrats", Nikki says.

"So I heard you and Brandon hang out a lot", she adds.

"I guess", I reply, sipping my coffee.

"Remember when she dumped him in high school?: Jackie laughs and I grip the coffee cup tightly.

"Yeah, he was really good in bed", Nikki smirks watching me.

I am so over that.

"Yeah and I'm surprised that you guys didn't get any STD", I say and got up.

That's how it's done, the b*tch way.

When I got home, I went straight to my bed and sleep.


"Anne, wake up", someone whispers and I groan.

"What?" Still half asleep.

"It's time for dinner", he whispers again and kisses me on the cheek.

I grab onto something and pull, he lands on top of me.

I open one eye and smirk, he looks down and smiles.

"I love this position", he smirks, then dips his head down and kisses me.

"Mom, dad time for dinner by grandma and grandpa's house!" Jake shouts.

Justin growls between the kiss and I pull away, catching my breath.

"You didn't tell me we having dinner there tonight", I frown.

"Well mom, kind of call last minute", he mumbles and gets up.

I got off the bed and take a quick shower.

I wrap myself in my towel and walk back out into the room.

I see a shirtless Justin, his back face to me.

"Like what you see?" He smirks over his shoulder.

"I have seen better", I scoff.

"Oh really?" He turns around and begins to do unzip his pants.

"No Justin, we're wasting time", I say, blocking my eyes.

"Fine, but later you're not getting away", he says and put on his shirt.

I got ready, then went to dress Jeremy and the twins.


"Grandma!" The kids shout as they got out of the car.

They all run almost knocking down Jessica.

"No wonder where they got their loud voice from, cause their mother is very, especially in bed", Justin smirks and I smack him on the chest.

"Hello dears", Jessica smiles and then greets me.

"Wow Anne, you're putting on size, don't tell me you're pregnant?" She asks with an amusing face.

Justin chokes slightly and Bill pats him on the back.

We all sit around the table, it's Thanksgiving today, I forgot.

I watch all the spicy food being pass around and all the kids got no spicy.

I look at the food and start to feel nausea again. 

Since I was pregnant with Jake, spicy good always makes me feel upset.

"Hi, are you okay? You look kind of pale", Justin says with concern.

"I'm fine, can I get a chicken sandwich?" I ask all of a sudden I am craving for it.

"Now?" He asks and I nod.

"Mom, Anne wants a chicken sandwich", Justin says to his mother.

"Now? Don't you like my spicy recipe?" She questions, looking hurt.

"It looks tasty, but I want a sandwich, the spice is making me upset", I confess.

"Hmmm......... Don't want spicy food......... Craving for a sandwich............. Oh no", Justin mutters and looks like of pale.

"Son, are you okay?" Bill asks with a frown.

"I need some air", he replies and got up.

After Justin went outside, I went and make a sandwich, while Jessica feeds Jeremy.


Justin POV

I went by the pool to get some air.

These signs from Anne sounds familiar when she was pregnant with Jake and Jeremy.

What if she's pregnant? If she is, then I want a son, then we'll be even, three boys, three girls.

"Are you okay?" Dad asks, walking out.

"I am, just worried", I sigh.

"About what?" He questions.

"About Anne, what if she's pregnant?"I ask.

"You'll be fine, after all, you got through the last five", he smirks.

"Maybe you're right", I say and watch up in the sky.

"Hi Anne and I are going to the hospital, the kids can sleep here tonight", I announce and the kids all cheer.

"What? Why?"  Anne asks.

"You ask too much questions, let's just go", I say, grabbing her hand.

"Are you okay Justin? Why are we going to the hospital this hour?" She keeps asking and I continue to drive.

When we arrive, I went straight to the desk.


"I just want to see Dr. Robert, we're her client for many years now", I say as Anne sits down.

"Oh hello Mr. James, is your wife with you?" She asks, peeking from behind her computer.

"Yes and is Dr. Robert available?" I ask.

"Yes, go right in", she says and I sign in.

"Let's go", I say to Anne.

"Just tell me why we're here?" She demands.

So demanding, another pregnant emotion.

"Hello guys, what can I do for you?" Dr. Robert asks.

"Ask my husband, he's the one who dragged me here", Anne hisses.

"I think she's pregnant again", I whisper to Dr. Robert when Anne isn't looking.

"I see, she does look like she's putting on some size already", Dr. Robert observes.

"Okay, Anastasia go sit down on the bed", she orders and Anne glares at me.

When she sits, Dr. Robert takes a sample of her blood and leaves the room.

"I still can't understand, why I am here? I know I miss my monthly, but it's only one day overdue and you used protection", Anne rumbles.

I gulp, when I came back and we did it, I don't think I used one.

"Well there's great news and good news", Dr. Robert says.

"What's the difference?" Anne scoffs.

"Well my testing says you're pregnant, maybe a week or two", she says and Anne gasps.

"I knew it", I say proudly.

"Well done Justin, not all fathers can see those signs even if they had eight kids", Dr. Robert laughs.

"Well looks like Jeremy is going to be a big brother", Anne says.

"Yes and another one added to our family, I hope he gets my hair and eyes", I say.

"He? It's a girl", Anne argues.

"It's a boy alright, you couldn't stand spicy food when you were pregnant with Jake and Jeremy", I smirk.

"Curse you and your observation", she hisses and I laugh.


Hi guys, sad to say one more chapter before the book is over.

Hold back your tears, cause this isn't the only book with Justin and Anne's children in it.

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