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One year later

Justin POV

I wake up to the sound of my three-month son crying loudly. I look over and see Anne sound asleep beside me.

Jared, my sons, likes to sleep in the day and be up all night, crying to be feed, change or lift to play with a finger or hair.

I got off the bed and walk to his crib, then pick him up.

He stops crying and watches me with those memorizing silver-gray eyes of his.

I wipe his brown hair from his eye.

"Hi buddy, want to go outside?"  I whisper and smile. 

He blinks and coos.

I slip through the door and went downstairs, then open the sliding door to the back.

Jared's head rests under my chin and his two little hands fold in a little fist.

I sit down on a chair and watch up in the night sky, it's clear and the moon shines brightly.

I look down to see Jared's eyes close and his fingers grip on my shirt.

"Daddy", a little voice says and I turn around.

Jeremy is rubbing his eyes with one hand and the other has his teddy bear.

"Hi bud, come here", I say and he comes and sits in my lap.

He yawns and snuggles under my arm, then falls asleep.

I place Jared on top of him carefully and then cover them both with Jared's blanket.

"You'll always be my little boys", I whisper and close my eyes.


Anastasia POV

I got up and didn't see Justin or the baby anywhere in the room. This is the best sleep I had in months, Jared wouldn't stop crying all hours in the night, all he wants is to lift and be walked.

I got off the bed and went out by the balcony, I see Justin, Jared, and Jeremy sleeping on the chair outside.

I smile and shake my head, then went to get my camera.

I went outside and take a few pictures, then I see Jared stirring and pick him up.

"Time for breakfast buddy", I whisper and carry him back inside.

I feed him and then change his diaper.

"Mum, can I hold him?" Jake asks.

"Sure, but be careful and place your hand behind his back to support him", I say, giving Jared to him.

"Mommy I can't find my shoes!" Ashley shouts from her room.

I walk towards her room and see the twins' room door open.

"It's mine, give it back", Liyah says and pulls the dress.

"No, it's mine Liyah, that's yours on the bed", Liana says and pulls the dress.

"Mines", they say in unison.

Then the dress rip, I'm not going in between this one.

"See what you did Liyah!" Liana shrieks.

"It's not my fault, you pulled it", Liyah snaps.

"Then I'll take this dress, you said that one was yours", Liana says and take the other blue dress and point at the rip one.

"Hi that's mines", Liyah says and Liana runs out and down the hallway.

"Come back here", Liyah says.

I shake my head and went and help Ashley.

"Now I look like a princess", she cheers twirling in her Rapunzel dress.

"Mommy, look what Liyah did to me", Liana cries by the door, showing me her hand. It is bleeding.

"Come, let's go get it clean off", I say.

I put a band-aid on it, then kiss it.

"You can put on your frozen dress", I say and she happily skips to her room.

Liyah is in the blue dress, what her twin and she were fighting for.

"See Liyah, I still look prettier than you", Liana boasts.

"But I still got brown hair like Moana", Liyah replies.

"But she doesn't have long glowing here like Rapunzel", Liana says and went upstairs.

"Don't worry, they'll break out of it", Justin says, Jared is in his car seat.

"Where are going?"I ask.

"The boys and I are going out, you got the girls for the day, good luck", he says and leaves with Jake, Jeremy, and Jared.

"That's my shoes", I hear Liyah says and I groan.

"Not again", I sigh going up the stairs. 


Sad to say goodbye to this story.

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