Chapter 7- You're On

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Chapter 7- You're On

3 weeks later

"The moving truck is here!" Dad shouts from outside.

"I am also done", I shout back, putting tape on the last box.

"I'll miss you Anna", Freddie says, hugging me.

"Come visit me anytime, except on Friday nights", I say.

"I will and when you have kids you're gonna need me", he says.

"I know, that's why I need you to be a phone call away", I say.

"I'll be around and I promise to visit soon, I am the one making your wedding cake anyway", he says..

"Thanks for offering by the way", I say.

"It's the least I can after you have to give me a wonderful Christmas gift when I first started to work for you", he says.

"Anne time to go", dad says.

"Bye, see you soon", I say, lifting the box.

"Yeah, you were the best client I ever had", Freddie says.

"I was your only client", I reply.

"Bye and I'll call you to tell you about my new job in the restaurant", he says.

"They'll love your lasagna and pancakes", I say.

"Yes they will", he replies as I walk out the front door for the last time.

"I'll miss this house", I mumble.

"Me too", dad says, behind me, startling me.

I put the last box in the moving truck and the guy shut it.

"I'll meet you at the house", I say, getting into my car.

"Your motorbikes are already in the garage, at your new house", dad says.

"Thanks, dad", I say, slamming my door shut.


"Welcome home", everyone says, as I enter the front door.

I see Justin talking to his mother,

"Hi", I say, as I walk to him.

"You're finally here!" He exclaims and hugs me.

"Yeah and we got a lot of boxes to move in", I sigh.

"That's why the guys are here, they're going to help me", Justin says.

"Well, the boxes are in the moving truck outside!" I shout and all the guys walk outside.

"Now show me where the master bedroom is", Jessica says, grabbing my hand and pulling me upstairs.

I turn right and walk to the last door, then open it.

"Wow, it's huge, just like mines and I love the open balcony", she says.

"Yeah, so we can see the open field", I say, falling on the king-size bed.

"Where's the nursery room?" She asks.

"Next room, it has two cribs, that will be the baby's room till they turn two, then get a transfer into a normal bedroom", I say.

"How many kids do you want?" She questions.

"Well since I didn't have any siblings, I want six, three girls and three boys", I answer.

"Hope Justin wouldn't mind", she says.

"He already knows and if it's three boys he's getting, he'll be glad", I say.

"Yeah, since freshman year in high school, he said he want at least three boys and two girls", Jessica says.

"I have a welcome home gift for you", she says after a while, taking out what looks like an album from her big purse.

I take it and open it,

"Thank you", I say, it is pictures from high school till two summers ago, with all of my friends

"Your welcome and frame the best ones to put on the wall", she says walking out the room.

I like the one for my birthday party, it came out nice.

I walk back downstairs and see everyone hanging around by the field, Kyle and Austin are tossing a football to each other, in the field.

"Hi, I am bored let's go shopping", Arlene says to me.

"But we did a couple of weeks ago, I have enough clothing for the rest of the year", I say, taking a soda.

"Come on there's a sale at one of my favorite stores", she says, tugging my arm and watching me with puppy eyes.

"nn\o", I say looking away.

"Fine, then I'll go with Kyle", she says and went to get her boyfriend.

Gabriella is sitting in Luke's lap, sipping a soda.

"Soda is not healthy for our baby, I'll go get an orange inside for you", he says, getting up.

Gabriella rolls her eyes,

"Everything isn't healthy for the baby when I start craving for some things I hope he could get them soon", she says, crossing her arms and gulps down the soda.

I laugh and shake my head, then Luke returns with a glass of orange juice.

"Here this is more healthy and filled with vitamin C, remember the doctor said you need plenty of vitamins", he says to Gabriella.

Then watch the soda can in her hand and frowns. He takes it and shakes it, then sighs.

"That'll be us someday, I telling you that certain things aren't healthy for our baby", Justin whispers in her ear and places his hand around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Well I still will be eating or drinking what you tell isn't healthy, cause I love to eat", I say.

"Then our child will come out greedy and chubby, hope you can lift him or her up", he replies kissing the side of my next.

"Don't worry, I can eat healthily", I say.

"Of course you can, you live on pizza", he teases.

"Says the one who does it", I say.

"Pizza's here!" Jordan shouts from inside.

"Let's go", I say.

He throws me over his shoulder and carries me inside.

"Put me down", I say, pounding his muscular back.

"Not until you say I love you", he says and I imagine him smirking.

"Fine I love you, now put me down", I say.

"Never", he says, walking into the dining room.

"Justin James! I trained you better than this, leave it for after the wedding", Jessica scorns him.

"Yes mom", he sighs and puts me down.

"Don't be sad, when they leave we'll have the whole house for ourselves", I whisper and tiptoe to kiss him.

We sit down and open the box of pizza that is right in front of us.

"Let's go a race, who can finish eating six pizzas win", Austin says.

"You're on", Jordan says, putting six pizzas on his plate.

"I have to film this one", Arlene says, getting out her phone.

"On your mark", I say and the guys lean.

"Get set", Gabriella says and they put their hands above their plates.

"Go!" Dad shouts and they begin to eat.

Five minutes later

"The winner is Jordan", Arlene says and Jordan burp.

"I am stuff", Greg says.

"Me too", Luke says.

Justin now reach on his last pizza slice,

"Finish", he says, licking his fingers.

"Finally", I say and kiss him on the cheek. 



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Next chapter I'll be skipping.

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