Chapter 6- We're Going To Miami

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Chapter 6- We're Going To Miami

Gabriella POV

At Luke's house after dinner

"Hi Luke", I say.

"Yes Ella, are you okay?" He asks, hugging me.

"I have to tell you something", I say nervously.

"Whatever it is, we'll figure it out together", he says, walking into the bedroom.

"It's something I have to show you", I say.

I went to the bathroom, lock the door and open the pregnancy test, then sit on the toilet.

"Are you okay Ella?" Luke asks knocking on the door.

"Just a minute", I say and look at the test.


I got up flush the toilet and open the door.

I show him the test,


"Yeah I am pregnant", I say not meeting his eyes.

"That's great news Gabriella, I hope he or she gets your beautiful eyes", he says, lifting my chin so I could watch into his blue eyes, then kiss me.

"You're not angry?" I ask.

"no, I am going to start to work just now and you as well, so we can take care of our kid", he says.

"What's about my mother? She wanted me to be married before I get pregnant", I say.

"Don't worry, I'll deal with her, let's just focus on fixing up the nursery room", he says.

"I still got eight and a half months to go still", I say.

"And we need to be ready", he says.

Maybe it wasn't that bad telling him if it was my ex he would have dumped me one second flat.


Anastasia POV

"I love you Anne and want to spend the rest of my life with you", Justin says, the only next day when we are hanging out by the pool.

"So when will the wedding be?" I ask.

"I am thinking in September", he answers.

"That barely gives me time to plan", I say.

"Don't worry, mom already start planning in the first week of August, the invitation will be given out", Justin says.

"I better start making the guest list when we move in our new house", I say.

"We'll be moving in three weeks, so you got time to plan", he says, laying down on his stomach.

"Yay", I cheer.

We jump into the pool holding hands, then swim up to the surface.

"That was fun, again", I say.

"That what she said", Justin smirks and I splash water on his face, then swim away.

"Oh get back here", he says, swimming after me.

I swim to the middle of the pool and duck under the water holding my breath.

I see him looking around from above, his legs threading.

I grab his legs and pull him under, he watches me and smiles, then places his hand around my waist.

We kiss under the water, then swim up.

"Now this is a vacation", I say.

"Yep and we're going to Miami and shop in a couple of weeks", Justin says.

"I always wanted to go back to Hawaii, maybe I can teach you some surfing", I say.

"for our honeymoon, we can and it will be for three weeks", Justin says and I sequel, hugging him...

"Now let's get out of this water", Justin says, swimming to the pool stairs.

He comes out, got a towel wrap it around himself, then stretches his arm to pull me out of the water.

I got out and he wraps a towel around me, then embraces me.

"Can't wait for us to get marry, I wish it was tomorrow", he whispers.

"I am just happy that we are, I can wait till next year for all I care", I reply.

"Want to go check out our old high school?" He asks.


"Why not? I miss there", Justin replies.

"Okay call the guys we'll go in the next hour", I say.

"Now go change into some dry clothes, I don't want you catching a cold", he says with concern and kisses my forehead.

"And you as well my husband to be", I say tiptoeing to kiss him.

"Still short I see", he teases.

"I am still growing", I protest.

"You're right", he says sarcastically.

One hour and a half later

"Man I miss this field", Kyle says.

As we all stand on the wide-open field.

"Yeah and I miss my cheering Kyle on, maybe when I have a daughter she'll be a cheerleader", Arlene says.

"And when I have a son, he'll be a football player just like his dad", Kyle says, kissing Arlene's forehead.

"And the next wedding will be you guys", I say teasingly.

Arlene blushes and sits on the grass.

"Miss the parties", Carlos says.

"Yeah, and all the hot chicks", Jordan says bumping fist with him.

"Hi guys, I brought burgers for everyone", Ian says, while Greg and Austin behind him.

"Hi guys", I say, hugging them.

"I kind of invite them as well", Justin confesses.

"Any plans for this summer? I enjoyed myself at the beach house last two summers", Austin says.

"We're got news, Anne and Justin are engaged", Jacob says.

"What? When did this happen?" Greg asks watching me.

"Forget that question, when is the wedding?" Ian questions.

"In September that's all, not sure what date yet", Justin answers.

"Finally you propose, cause I would of do it for you", Austin jokes.

Ian slaps him on the back,

"Good joke man", he says.

"Let's eat", Kyle says, taking a burger.

Everyone grabs a burger and begins to eat.

"Remember when Stephanie slapped you?" Jordan asks Arlene.

"Yeah and Anne jumped on her, man that was hilarious", Arlene laughs.

"Good times", I say, leaning into Justin.

"Remember when Anne used to date Brandon?" Ian asks.

Justin stiff and Jordan fold his fist,

"We shall not speak of that again", Jordan snaps.

"It's alright guys, am over him like four years ago", I say.

"We still didn't get a chance to kill him", Carlos sighs.

"And then what? You all go to jail for murder and leave your girlfriends, I don't think so", I say.

"She does got a point", Jacob says.

"Whatever", Carlos says, texting on his phone.

"Where's the camera? This is the last time we'll ever be stepping foot here till next seventeen to eighteen years", Jordan says.

"Who said my kid was coming here? He or she will go to a boarding school", Jacob says.

"What if your wife doesn't want that?" I ask.

"Don't worry about that, I have it under control", he says.

"Poor child, wouldn't get to be close with his or her father's friend kids", I whisper to Arlene.

"Jacob you'll be ruining our friendship by not making your child bond with our kids in the future, like what we did almost four years ago", Kyle says.

"I suppose you're right, I want my kid to go to the same high school, I went", he says.

"Then it's settled then, our kids will have a bond, just like their parents", Kyle says.

"And hopefully the equal amount of girls and boys", I say.

"Yeah", Arlene says. 



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