Chapter 15

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I'm a terrible human being I'm so sorry first i put my story on hold for a week then didn't upload again for 2 weeks i am so sorry! BUT SCHOOLS OUT!!!!!!!!!! So I'm gonna try and upload more and thank you for putting up with my lateness. BUt guys!Guys!................guess what?.....










We finally arrived at the venue and you could hear the music blaring. The ball was Hollywood theme so there was a long red carpet to the entrance. Natsu took my arm in his and we started walking down the carpet.

Inside the grande hall there was grand chandeliers and fancy looking tables and everyone was in there dresses and tuxes. I never enjoyed dances, ballroom events, well any kind of formal event really but for some reason it felt nice to be here.

We all danced for awhile then found a large table enough to fit all of us, well mostly all of us.

"Juvia doesn't have a seat, Juvia will sit somewhere else." Juvia said

"NO NO NO!!!" Mira basically screamed. Everyone just stopped and looked at her.

"hehe I um mean why don't you just sit on Gray's lap, Gray wouldn't mind would you Gray?" She glared at Gray and he gulped and nodded. Juvia's face was red but she did as the devi- um I mean Mira said.

We were all talking when a slow song came on and everybody was pushed to the dance floor by Mira. Have I ever mentioned I'm a terrible dancer.

"Natsu can we sit down?"

"Why Luce?"

"I cant dance." I sweatdropped.

"Sure you can just follow my lead" He said with a grin which couldn't help but make my heart flutter. No! No fluttering today! Bad Lucy!

"Well when your whining that I stepped on your feet remember its your fault."

He chuckled then put his hands on my waist as I put my hands on his shoulders. We swayed for awhile then I put my head on his shoulder and I swear I heard his breath hitch.

"Ya know your sweet when you wanna be." why the hell did I say that.

"What do you mean?"

"You put on this badboy act when really your just this kind hearted guy inside but you don't show people that. why?"

"Its better to be cold then be warm and get extinguished." I didn't say anything after that, we just swayed to the music. What is his story?

Suddenly the song changed to  a more upbeat song and Natsu started moving my arms and forcing me to dance. I started laughing begging him to stop.

"N-Natsu stop, haha I can't dance stop before someone gets hurt!" I said between giggles.

"Oh come on Luce, live a little!" he said with that wild childish grin of his that I lo- like that I like.

I started moving my body to the music and we were both laughing like weirdos.

Suddenly I stepped on something, Natsu's foot to be specific and we fell down in a laughing heap.

"I told you!"

"You did ha!" We both lay there laughing gaining a few weird stares when I suddenly heard someone calling Natsu's name.

"Natsu! Hey Natsu come dance with me!" Lisanna yelled.

Natsu immediately got up and quickly helped me up before turning to Lisanna.

"Yeah sure!" He basically yelled and they walked of to the dance floor together. I couldn't help but feel sad. Probably because I now have no one to dance with, yeah its just that.

Gray and Juvia were dancing which made me smile and I could see Levy laughing at something Gajeel said, they are my OTP. God I've been spending too much time with Mira.

I sat at our table and sighed.

"Who knew my life would turn out like this..." I thought to myself. Everything started normal then one special person turned it all upside down, and to be honest I'm grateful. Maybe if we were in different circumstances and I wasn't being blackmailed I would truly be happy.

I decided to go out and get some air.

I went to the balcony only too see my best friend kissing Gajeel. I was frozen in my place and couldn't move I just stared and gawked, wow I must look like such a creep.

They quickly noticed I was there and both pulled away instantly they faces as red as Erza's hair.

"Don't mind me, you too just carry on" I giggled and rushed out. I heard levy call my name in frustration but I just laughed and went back to my seat. I'm so glad she's happy and there together. Why do I feel like there's something missing with me though?.

My train of thought was interrupted when someone started speaking through the microphone catching everyone's attention I looked up to see Master Makarov on the stage.

"Welcome back brats!" He yelled and everyone cheered.I just laughed then he gave his speech about the school blah blah blah.

"Now for The welcoming King and Queen!" He yelled and everyone started getting excited. Welcoming King and Queen was basically like prom king and queen just for this ball.

"You ready Luce?" I turned to see Natsu behind me and I smiled and nodded in return.

"Welcoming King is........................ Natsu Dragoneel!" Everyone started cheering as Natsu ran on the stage and collected his crown.

"And Welcoming Queen is..." It was dead silent as all the girls waited to see if they were going to be queen. I never cared about queen or anything but for some reason I really wanted to win.

"............................. Lisanna Strauss!" Everyone cheered again but I just clapped weakly, it shouldn't bother me this much, hopefully this could actually get me out the deal faster.

The night went in a blink of a eye and the next thing I know were trying to get a extremely drunk Cana into the car. It took us around 20 minutes to do so but me, Levy and Juvia finally got her in.

When we got back to Campus everyone decided to go to the after pool party but I wasn't feeling up to it so I volunteered to keep watch on Cana.

After everyone gave up on trying to get me to stay I grabbed Cana's arm and threw it other my shoulder. gosh she was heavy.

Suddenly I felt like a big weight was being lifted of my shoulders, literally.

I looked over to see a smirking Natsu.

"Need help?"

"Appreciated, so welcoming king huh?"

"Yep gotta continue my rule" He said with a chuckle.

"Thanks for tonight it was fun." I said hiding my blushing face.

"It was a pleasure." He said. I looked over at him and we locked eyes. God his eyes were so intoxicating, the onyx orbs just seem to be endless.

"Ish yosh gush wood like to shhop eye raping easch other, I would like fo shleep." said a very drunk Cana, we immediately looked away both blushing like crazy.

"Yeah yeah drunkie lets get you to sleep," Natsu muttered, "How did she get drunk anyway there was no alcohol?"

"This is Cana were talking about she doesn't leave her room without at least two flasks of Jack Daniels." We both laughed and finally managed to get Cana to her room and to her bed.

"Sure you don't want to go to the pool party?" asked Natsu.

"Nah I'm tired from the dancing, I would rather stay here."

"If you say so!, Oh and Luce?"


"Thanks for tonight," why is my heart beating so fast. "Oh and for helping me with Lisanna." and its back to normal again, hmm odd.

"No problem" I said and with that he left the room and I shortly fell asleep in Levy's bed.


Hey guys thanks for reading and that 1k again bye I will try upload soon!

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- Annie (MoonlightxMavis)

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