Chapter 16

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Its been two weeks since the ball and its just been the usual get up go to school do small 'couply' things for show then go home. Ever since the ball Natsu and Lisanna seem to be closer, so that's great? Why am I saying it like its a question, of course its great it gets me out of the deal faster, its great. Right? Ugh whatever its good and that's the end of it.

Luckily it was Friday and I've finished all my classes so its the weekend! I didn't really have any plans and all my friends are busy; Canas going to some new bar opening so she wont be back for awhile, Juvia's on a swimming tour and levy, well lets just say GaLe and leave it at that. So here I am alone , que  'All by myself' by Celine Dion.

All my S-class friends are busy so I'm focusing my weekend on me and my netflix, bliss.

I finished off my homework and got in my Pj's then started watching various Marvel movies. I'm a total geek when it comes to anything marvel or DC.

I finished watching avengers then checked my phone only to see it was 2am! How could it already be so late! Or early? hmmm, anyway whatever. For some reason I wasn't tired at all so I decided to go to the campus Starbucks. Thank god for 24 hour service!

I threw on my coat and went out in my oversized jumper, sweats and a 10 second bun. Lets just say I wasn't pulling tonight.

When I got to Starbucks you could see the bored and drowsy employee who seemed to of gone through 5 cups of coffee all ready. The place was deserted except a guy in the corner, who I recognized as Gray. I grabbed my hot chocolate and walked over.

"Hey." I greeted as I sat down opposite him. He looked up at my and I could see large bags under his eyes.

"Oh hey, why you up this late?"

"I could ask you that."


"So why do you look like shit?" I'm sorry I'm nosey.

He let out a low chuckle, "That's the million dollar question." I was confused and decided not to push on.

"Hmm, so how was the ball I didn't see you much."

I thought to himself for a second before replying, "Crap, I hate all formal events I find them pointless and stupid."

"FINALLY SOMEONE!" I yelled a bit too loud for 2am.

"Shush or you'll wake up the whole campus! and you too huh?"

I laughed, "yeah, always hated them."

"I thought someone like you would enjoy them." he almost whispered to himself.

"What do you mean people like me?"

"Well your a Heartifilia, I thought you would go to loads of those. things"

"I did, but I never liked them I was always known as 'Jude Heartifilias Daughter' I was there basically because I was forced to go for publicity. Nothing more or nothing less." I sighed and slumped on the table, its hard talking about my family.

"Now who's lookin like shit?" Gray asked and we both laughed.

"Both of us, we can be 'looking like shit at 2am in Starbucks' twins." Gray laughed and we carried on talking about various things.

The duck walked up to the lemonade stand.. 

I woke up to my phone ringing. I quickly took in my surroundings and saw I was still at Starbucks. I looked to my side and saw I was leaning against Gray who was currently asleep. I shot up and grabbed my phone.

"Hello?" I said groggily.

"Guess who sleepy head?"

"I don't know and I don't care." Yeah I wasn't a morning person.

"What was your ringtone stupid."

I remembered that Natsu set his ringtone as the duck song on my phone.

"Ugh what do you want Natsu, its too early for this!"

"Luce its 10am."

"What?!?" I quickly looked around and saw people getting drinks and what not then looked at the large clock behind the counter which read 10:11 AM.

I heard Natsu laugh on the other line then I saw Gray stir in his sleep and started rubbing his eyes.

"What time is it?" he asked me sleepily, aww he's so cute when he's sleeping. Cute? No Lucy! Bad Lucy!

"Is that Gray? Luce why did you wake up with Gray?" God dammit.

"Luce who's that?" Gray asked me and I mentally slapped myself.

"Gray?" Natsu yelled so Gray would hear.

"Natsu?" Gray asked still not aware of what the situation was.

"Guys calm down." I yelled and quickly walked into a free bathroom.

"Natsu what do you need?"

"Why were you with Gray?"

"We fell asleep at Starbucks why?" was he jealous? Nah he wouldn't get jealous over me. I heard Natsu huff.

"Right. I'm gonna go talk to you later Luce." Before I could reply he hung up. Strange.

I walked back out and Gray was waiting for me with two coffees in hand.

"Your a lifesaver!" I told him as I took my coffee and started drinking the much needed caffeine.

"I know I am. Anyway what was that about?" He asked referring to Natsu.

"To be honest I have no idea but its fine don't worry about it."

"Okay and I don't believe we fell asleep." We both laughed.

"Yeah, we started talking and next thing I knew I was waking up in Starbucks at 10 AM."

"Ha yeah, anyway wanna go back to the dorms since we both still look like shit." I remembered our conversation from last night and laughed and nodded.

We walked back in comfortable silence and I couldn't help but feel warm even though it was cold as were nearing Christmas time. We were now at my room door.

"Thanks for the coffee."

"No problem thanks for the company."

"No problem, wanna tell my why you looked liked shit yet?"

"Maybe one day Luce!" He said then walked off with a wave. Well that was an interesting turn of events.


Hey guyysss. WE HIT 1.2K OMG YAY!!!!! Thank you guys so much and chapters should be coming more! 

Okay guys! I have now finished fairytail woohoo! but i binge watched the whole of the tartarus arc over two days and i wont spoil but omg the feels i don't think i've cried so much in my life! 

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- Annie (MoonlightxMavis)

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