Chapter 7

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I woke up in my room alone remembering last nights events. OH MY GAWD I ASKED NATSU TO STAY WITH ME! WHHYYYY??? Oh god he probably thinks I like him, no, no ,no. Wait I also got rejected.

I hid under my sheets when I heard the door click open.

"Wake up sleepy head!" thank god its Erza.

I growled and slowly made my way over to the desk with a coffee and a bagel waiting for me.

"How are you feeling?"

"Eh my head hurts but yeah I'm good" I smiled at Erza then whispered "Thanks for last night, and please don't tell the others."

She smiled and nodded in return then said "Well hurry up your coming with us dress shopping!"

"Wait what? why? Us?"

"The 'Coming Back Ball' of course!" This time it was levy, who just walked in followed by Cana, Juvia, Mira and Lisanna.

The Coming Back Ball is a stupid dance they throw every year to welcome everybody back to campus, I always thought it was stupid pointless.

"I invited everyone and were leaving in 10 minutes so get ready!" Erza told me.

I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom to change.


We were at the mall and luckily it wasnt very busy.

"So where too first?" levy asked

"Coffee, I need coffee!" I nearly yelled in response.

"I got you one this morning!" Erza said

"Yeah and you gave me 10 minutes to get ready and go!"

"Fine we will all get coffee to go and get to our appointment at 10:30"

At the mention of appointment i groaned, I never cared for these stupid formals and dances and the grueling preparation you have to go through, then you got to get a date and its just all to much.

We went into a little cafe and got coffee then headed for our nail appointment.


We were now in the dress store, and wow was it a experience. I saw all my friends running round trying to grab dresses before the other. I brushed through the racks of dresses but none caught my eye. Sighing i sat down and went on my phone.

I went of ChatSnap and watched peoples profiles. When i clicked on Natsu's there was a picture of a small girl with deep blue hair eating a piece of cake. I looked at the surroundings and realised it was the cafe opposite the boteque. And it was posted 20 seconds ago.

I look out the window too see Natsu and that little girl sharing a cake. With nothing better to do i decided to go greet them. I told the girls i was going to find a bathroom and left the store.

"Hey Natsu" I greeted him with a smile.

Natsu looked over at me but instead of giving me a smirk or a grin he simply nodded and said hi. What the hell?

"Natsu-san who's this?" The small girl asked. Natsu didn't say anything he just looked down at his plate.

"Hi I'm Lucy, Natsu's classmate." I replied. I said Classmate because I wasn't exactly sure what we were. Friends? Partners? Or was I just a slave to him?

"Hi I'm Wendy Natsu-onii's sister!" She replied with a huge grin,"Would you like some cake?"

"Wendy..." Natsu basically growled.

"What? Embarrassed with your girlfirend being here." She teased. At the word girlfriend i instantly blushed and looked down.

"Were- uh w-we a-aren't tog-" I stuttered before getting interrupted

"She isn't my girlfriend!" When he said that I will admit I was hurt. He said it with a lot of coldness.

"Natsu don't be rude!"

"Wendy," He looked at Wendy and his face softened. He sighed then said "Here take this and buy that toy you wanted okay?" He then handed Wendy $10.

"Okay...... Um bye Lucy it was nice to meet you!" Wendy waved as she walked off.

"What do you want Lucy?" His eyes were dark and his voice was cold.

"I saw you and just wanted to say hi, is that so bad?!" He just huffed, I was starting to get angry now, "Whats your deal anyway!"

"What do you mean whats my deal!?"

"Yesterday we were getting somewhere, you were there for me, but now your just blocking me out!"

"YEAH WELL MABYE YESTERDAY WAS A MISTAKE!" My face drained of color and my fists were clenched!


As I started walking away I stopped mid step when I heard him mutter "Sorry that someone dosent adore you for once princess." Now that was too far.

I turned on my heel and faced him "What did you say?!"

"Here your not a princess Heartfillia, other people have actual problems to deal with!"

Now the tears were threataning to break through "YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT MY FAMILY!"

"Please, did daddy buy you the wrong color phone?"

Thats it! "NO HE DIDN'T BUY ME THE WRONG FUCKING COLOUR, HE WOULDN'T BUY ANYTHING FOR ME! HE SEE'S ME AS NOTHING BUT A BURDEN AND THAT MEANS IM ALL FUCKING ALONE AND WHAT YOU DID YESTERDAY, NO ONES EVER DONE SOMETHING LIKE THAT FOR ME SO IM SORRY FOR CARING NATSU!" Tears were now streaming down my face and people were staring, including the girls. His facial expression changed into shock and pity.

"Luce, I didn't know.." this time his voice was soft but I was in no state to forgive him.

"Yeah well your not the only one with problems, so don't think you know everything when you don't!" With that I turned on my heel and stormed off.

No one came after me, I texted the girls to carry on shopping and that I was heading home.


When I was back at the dorm I fell on my bed and started to cry. I looked over at the photo of my family, the last photo of my mother before she died.

"Why did you leave me mamma" I sobbed into my pillow till I eventually fell asleep.


Hey Guys! So its been Awhile since I uploaded but its been hard to find time as i have just went back to school but im trying! Thinking of doing Natsu's POV so vote or comment if you want that. Love you all byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Vote, Share, Comment <3

- Annie (MoonlightxMavis)

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