Chapter 8

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It's been 3 days since my argument with Natsu and thankfully no one has bothered me about it. I didn't act sad about it though I just carried on with my usual day. The Ball is on Friday and today is Wednesday and I still haven't got a dress and it's mandatory for me to go since I'm on the school council.

I sigh as I walk around campus aimlessly then something very unexpected happens.

Sting Eucliffe the school's other BadBoy runs into me.

"Watch it" I growl, I wasn't in the mood for socialising.

"Feisty I like it!" He stepped in front of me so I couldn't walk away.

"What do you want Sting?" I asked rather irritated.

"I want you to be my date to the dance babe" he said with a smirk. My jaw dropped, what is happening right now!

Fairytail Groves biggest BadBoy is asking ME to the dance!

Before I cloud answer someone did for me, someone who I really didn't want to see.

"She can't Sting, she's going with me!"

"Is that right Natsu? I think we should ask what Lucy here wants?"

"Or not, I already asked her and she said yes, so back off" what is happening here?

No words were coming out my mouth I just watched the scene unravel infront of me.

"Well I guess you win some you lose some, but I'll be back, seya later Lucy!"

He walked off leaving me and Natsu and I just stood there processing everything that happened.


After I realised what just happened anger once again consumes me!

"What the hell was that Natsu!!"

"Look Luce I'm sorry about before, I know I was being stupid and selfish, I acted like a jerk when I knew nothing about your life."

To say I was surprised was and understatement. Natsu Dragoneel apologising. This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

I no longer felt angry or sad, I felt kinda happy.

"Ugh it's fine, but stop being such a jerk because one day you won't be able to pick up the pieces."

"Thanks Luce," he said with a wide childish grin "oh and by the way your my girlfriend now" he said so casually


I stood there frozen. Girlfriend? Why?

"Look it's not real just a show but we have to make it convincing!"


"Let's just say I need to make someone jealous"

"Why would you need to make someone jealous?"

At that question Natsu's face immediately turned red and I knew exactly what!

"You liiikkkeeee someone don't you!" I rolled my tongue on the like part.

"Shut up, anyway you have to do it!"

I groaned knowing I had no choice!

"Can I at least know who it is, and how long I have to be your fake girlfriend?" Girlfriend just doesn't sound right.

"Why do you need to know and as long as I want!"

"Ugh and well I need to know so when there around I won't try and punch you."

His face went bright red as he sheepishly replied " It's Lisanna"

"The Angel huh?" I grumbled


"Nothingggg anyway what do I have to do as your fake girlfriend."

"Your being surprisingly calm about this...."

"Yeah well I don't exactly have a choice now, do I?!"

His expression looked guilty but was quickly replaced by a sly grin. A-hole.

"No you don't! So we just have to act like a couple, ya know hold hands spend time together normal coupley stuff."

"Okay couple stuff got it, can I go now?"

"Nope we're going to the mall!"

"Let me guess! It's what couples do?"

"Yep and everyone is going to the new opening at the mall so we can show people were together!"

"Fun" I replied sarcastically.


As we approached the entrance of the mall I noticed lots of our fellow classmates staring and whispering.

"Natsu there staring and whispering!"

"Perfect, now let's give them something to talk about!"

With that Natsu took my hand and kissed me on the cheek. My face heated up and my eyes were wide open but I didn't pull my hand away, I just kept walking. While hearing some gasps and the whispers got much louder.


We were walking around the mall hand in hand and I looked over only to see a dress store and then I realised I still don't have a dress.

I smiled evilly, I know Natsu hates shopping so this is perfect!

"Natsu we need to go in there!" I asked pulling him over.

"Luce no, we're not here for dresses!"

"Well I need one and your taking me to the dance right?"

He groaned but followed me over.


The store is a different from the one I went to with the girls, less extravagant and more simple but cute.

"Luce hurry up we've been in here for hours!"

"It's been 10 minutes Natsu shut up!"

I looked over at Natsu to see him staring at something his expression soft.

I looked at what he was staring at and saw Lisanna also looking for a dress.

Sighing I looked over at Natsu and our eyes met.

"Go" I mouthed to him and he immediately got up and walked over.

Once I found a dress I liked I bought it and headed over to Natsu and Lisanna.

"Hey Lisanna!"

She greeted me with a wave then I felt something large being slung over my shoulders and I looked up to see it was Natsu's arm. I looked over at Lisanna but she didn't seem phased she just smiled.

"Well me and Luce should be going."

"Aw you two are so cute together, I'm so happy for you both and yes see you around!" She smiled and walked away.

I looked up at Natsu who's face surprised me. He seemed so broken.

"Let's go back to campus" I said quietly and we made our way back to my dorm in silence.

"Thanks" Natsu mumbled

"For what?"

"What you did back there and going along with me plan."

Normally I would accept his thanks but for some reason I couldn't.

"Yeah well I'm your slave, it's what I have to do." With that I closed my door.

As I lay down on my bed, I turned on my phone and was swarmed with texts and missed calls from all my friends, the topic? Me and Natsu, great.



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- Annie <3 (Moonlightxmavis)

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