Chapter 4(Old): Kill the Intruders, New Comrades and Training

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Lubbock's alarm rang out meaning there were intruders who has spotted the base so we all went after them. We each split to find them but most of us were grouped in two and I was alone.

I went ahead towards the forest and change into my Rider form and boy was I surprised at what I have in counter there. Just there by some trees two young men bought are tangled by the wires so they cannot move and I recognize this two.

The one who have silver hair and green eyes wearing a light green cloak but his jean pants and leather boots were visible. He was complaining to the other that they should have wait. This is Scales a fellow Guardian who specialized in sneaky attacks. The other one who have a blue eyes and purple hair that was tied into a high pony tail. He was wearing white cloak whit blue stripes. Wrap around his hands were white cloth. This is Shin and he just shrug at his friend who then fall palmed.

"Scale, Shin" I call out there names and instantly look at my direction and were happy to see me there. "Senpai its good to see you" Shin greeted me. "It good to also see you and can you please get us off of this" Scale greeted first then beg so I slice the wires and they fall face first into the ground. I was about to help them when I sense enemies close fleeing.

So I leave the two and went ahead and I spotted four of them which I effortlessly killed. With the job done I head back to the two only to see them fighting each other. Well was about when I both slammed there heads down and then the two of them were back into the ground face first. Its good to see an old friend but this two really haven't change a bit. Still the same as always and to me that's good.

"Its good to see the two of you still haven't change at all" I told them as I leaned over a tree as the said two were getting up and recovering from what I just did to them. Then I heard the bushes rattle and point my sword only to find half of Night Raid there.

"Scor who are they?" Leone ask me and then the said two started to complain to each other in which made me really angry. "Will the two of you shout up!!!" I yelled at the two making them shut up. "To answer your question this two are going to help us in taking down the Empire. Now from introductions" I gesture to Scales. "This here us Scales he specialize in silent break ins" I then gesture to Shin. "And this is Shin Tora who's a leveled head but brutal when fighting his enemies".

"Its good to see you all" Scale greeted and bow down as Shin just waves a them and said Yo to them that made half some of them sweat dropped. We then head back to base well I have to drag Scale and Shin because they were fighting each other again so I punch the two of them and now there unconscious again. As always this two will be the end of me.

We all arrive at the base and I introduce Scales and Shin to Najenda who then accepted this two trouble makers. After that I then teach Tatsumi some of my techniques and show him my most powerful one.

"Aura Intimidation?" Tatsumi ask me as I was holding a wooden katana. "Its a strong passive technique which can send those who aren't strong willed running to the hills" I said to him as I take stance in front of the forest and he was at my right side. "Let me demonstrate" I then position my wooden sword to my left side and stand straight. I close my eyes, take deep breath and let it out. Clearing my mind of all things and setting my goal at something.

I then open my eyes and the pressure of my aura seemed to have taken Tatsumi by surprise because in the corner of my eyes I saw him fall back and landed on his butt. "What the?" I heard him said as I grip the wooden handle and take a left stance.

Morphing my aura into something that can strike fear into anyone in my way I form it into a scorpion no a Death stalker who's tail ready to strikes his prey. I can hear birds flying out of there trees animals fleeing as they fear me.

I then close my eyes and I let my grip off of the wooden handle breathing deeply and letting it out I cancel my aura. I the open my eyes and look at Tatsumi who was shaking in fear at what he saw me do.

"Congratulation Tatsumi for you are strong willed" I congratulate the shaking Tatsumi. "" He shatter and then he fainted with white foam coming out of his mouth and his eyes turns to white. I sweatdropped at what I have done and in my mind I thought ' Maybe I over did it '. I then hear the bushes shaking a bit so I pick up a pebble no two pebbles and throw it at the bush and I heard two screams of pain. From the bush out came the two fellow Guardians eavesdropping at my training.

I cross my arms and glare at the two who were now rubbing where I just thrown the pebble at. Feeling that there in trouble Scale and Shin slowly turn there heads towards my direction sweating bullets and they saw me crossing my arms and tapping my right foot on the ground. "Well it seems that you will be joining the two of us for training, be ready because it will be hell" I then let out a sinister chuckle which made the two paled.


The other Night Raid members were doing something in there time when they hear two people scream at the top of there lungs. "Ahhhhh!" Then it stops and half of them cant help but to sweatdropped and give a prayer to the two unfortunate souls.

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