Side Story (Old): A Past Memory Sealed

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In a quiet fields there by the tree where a purple hilted sword was placed was a white haired woman wearing a white dress and a black haired man wearing a purple cloak with a sword. The two of them were smiling as they talk to each other while sitting on a blanket which was set onto the green grass.

"Mama!, Papa! Look at what I made!"

A sweet voice then called to the two which both turned there heads towards the voice and the woman giggle and the man chuckle as he stands up and went towards where the voice came from and it was from a little girl with black hair who was wearing a purple dress smiling as in her tiny hands was a crown of flower. The man then picks up the little girl who then giggles and then sat on her fathers left arm as he was walking towards his wife.

The two of them then sat as daughter then give the flower crown to her mother which made her smile. The man then smiled as he looks at his precious family which he holds dear and will never forget.

Zack or Scor who was asleep suddenly woke up from that dream as if it was a memory but he cannot remember at all. Its like a past that's been sealed away.

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