Chapter 3: The Kyln

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Blake and the misfits are transferred to the Kyln, and now they have to find a way to work together to escape the prison with the Orb.

Nova Headquarters

Xandar's Armed Forces

Nova Prime Irani Rael, is on a call with the Kree Ambassador, talking about Ronan.

Nova Prime: "Ronan is destroying Xandarian outposts throughout the galaxy. I should think that would call for some slight response on the part of the Kree."

Kree Ambassador: "We signed your peace treaty, Nova Prime. What more do you want?" He asked, sounding incredibly annoyed by her.

Nova Prime: "At least a statement from the Kree Empire saying that they condemn his actions. He is slaughtering children, families."

Kree Ambassador: "That is your business. Now, I have other matters to attend to." He then ended the call.

Nova Prime: "Prick." She said.

Saal: "Well, some good news. Looks like we've apprehended one of Ronan's compatriots." He said as he approached Nova Prime.

After all four have been captured and taken to Nova Headquarters, Dey and Ko-Rel present each of them to Saal. First up was Gamora.

Dey: "Gamora. Surgically modified and trained as a living weapon. The adopted daughter of the Mad Titan, Thanos. Recently, Thanos lent her out to Ronan, which leads us to believe that Thanos and Ronan are working together."

Next was Rocket

Ko-Rel: "Subject 89P13. Calls itself Rocket. The result of illegal genetic and cybernetic experiments on a lower life form." She informed them as Rocket was seen spitting on the ground.

Saal: "What the hell?" He said as he was then staring at Groot.

Dey: "They call it Groot. A humanoid plant that's been traveling recently as 89P13's personal house plant slash muscle."

Groot's arms were seen slowly growing back, and he even took a step forward and lowered his head to look through the glass.

Finally, here comes Blake Riley, who just crossed his arms.

Ko-Rel: "Last but not least, Blake Riley, from Terra. Many locals referred to him as "The Legendary Star-Lord". Raised from youth by a band of mercenaries called the Ravagers, led by Stakar Ogord. He also leads own team whose members include Nebula, also the adopted daughter of Thanos and Gamora's sister, Loki, Goddess of Mischief and Princess of Asgard, and Kraglin, a fellow Ravager." She said.

Dey glanced over to Ko-Rel, as she was smiling fondly towards Blake. He was aware of the history the two share, so it wasn't any surprise that she had feelings for him.

Saal: "Ah, the infamous Star-Lord I've heard so much about. About time we captured him, we just need to capture his compatriots and we'd collect the entire set."

Dey: "Denarian Saal, with all due respect, Star-Lord isn't really necessarily a bad person. He has helped a bunch of people throughout the galaxy, even our own, and he is a number one enemy to Ronan. He could be an ally to us." 

Saal: "If he ever becomes useful to us against Ronan, I'll consider it, but I won't risk having this dangerous individual hanging about in the galaxy. Transport all four to the Kyln." He said as he walked away.

Dey and Ko-Rel glanced at each other at the mention of the Kyln. It is a dangerous and barbaric place, holding the worst the galaxy has had to offer.

The Kyln

High Security Prison

Inside of the prison, Gamora, Rocket, Blake, and Groot were being led through the area.

Rocket: "I guess most of Nova Corps wanna uphold the laws, but these ones here, they're corrupt and cruel. But, hey, that's not my problem. I ain't gonna be here long. I've escaped 22 prisons, this one's no different. You're lucky the broad showed up, because otherwise, me and Groot would be collecting that bounty right now, and you'd be getting drawn and quartered by whoever the hell wants you dead." He tells Blake.

Blake: "Please, I've had a lot of folks try to kill me over the years. I ain't about to be brought down by a tree and a talking raccoon."

Prison Guard: "Hold." He tells them, as they all stopped.

Rocket: "What's a raccoon?" He asked, confused as to what that is.

Blake: "I'm sorry, 'What's a raccoon?' It's what you are, stupid."

Rocket: "Ain't no thing like me, 'cept me."

The guard in front opens the gate, as they all continue to walk forward. Then, Blake decides to call up Gamora and ask her about the Orb.

Blake: "So, this Orb, it's kinda giving me the Ark of the Covenant sort-of vibes. Mind telling me what it is?"

Groot: "I am Groot."

Blake: "Uh, appreciate the introduction, but that's not important." He then looks back at Gamora. "What is it really?"

Gamora: "I have no words for an honorless thief."

Blake: "Me? An honorless thief? Wow."

Rocket: "Pretty high and mighty coming from the lackey of a genocidal maniac." Gamora looks at Rocket. "Yeah, I know who you are. Anyone who's anyone knows who you are."

Blake: "Yeah, don't think I didn't know who you were when we first met. Your sister, Nebula, mentioned so many things about you."

Gamora: "She is not my sister." She glared towards him.

Blake: [Glares right back] "Well, I guess I can tell Nebula that the feeling's mutual. She said the same thing about you."

Groot: "I am Groot (You know her sister)? "He asked as Blake simply ignored him, still not knowing what he was saying.

Gamora: "I wasn't retrieving the orb for Ronan, I was betraying him. I had an agreement to sell it to a third party." She said, ignoring the comment about Nebula.

Groot: "I am Groot."

Blake: "Well, that's just as fascinating as the first 89 times you told that. What is wrong with Giving Tree, here?" He asked Rocket.

Rocket: "Well, he don't know talking good like me and you. So his vocabulistics is limited to "I" and "am" and "Groot". Exclusively in that order."

Blake: "I tell you what, that's gonna wear real thin, real fast."

Then, Blake hears a familiar tune. He looks to his left to see a Prison Guard with his Walkman headphones.

Blake: "Hey! Put that away." The guard didn't pay attention as he then puts on the headphones. "You son of a - hey!"

Blake then entered the room, as the door closed behind him. The guards prepared their batons as soon as he entered the area.

Blake: "Listen to me you big blue bastard, take those headphones off, that's mine. Those belong to impound. That tape and that player is mine!" He yelled.

The guard walks over to Blake and stuns him with a stun baton, having him kneel down.

Blake: "Hooked on a Feeling, Blue Swede, 1973, that song belongs to me!" He angrily yelled.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The song continued to play in the background. The guard tried to stun him again, but Blake grabbed the baton and tackled him to the ground. He began to beat him up, until more guards entered the room. They all tackled him, and began to stun him. This proved to be much more effective.

The next thing, Blake was seen shirtless as he was showered by some orange liquid. The guards dragged him and pushed him to an area. The young outlaw growled and was about to show the guards a piece of his mind, until drones showed up and aimed their weapons at him. The two guards smirked, smugly, as Blake simply gave them a deadly glare.

Blake puts on his prison uniform, as Rocket was pushed into the same area as him. He was drenched in the same orange liquid and went off to the side to put on his uniform. Blake notices the implants on Rocket's back, which made him believe that something must've happened to him, but he leaves that off to the side.

Blake, Rocket, Gamora, and Groot were given blankets by the guards and walked into the prison area. Blake looked around as then a projectile was thrown at him. He looked over to see prisoners yelling and shouting at Gamora.

Rocket: "It's like I said, she's got a rep. A lot of prisoners here have lost their families to Ronan and his goons. She'll last a day, tops."

Blake: "The guards will protect her, right?" He asked.

Rocket: "They're here to stop us from getting out. They don't care what we do to each other inside."

Gamora: "Whatever nightmares the future holds, are dreams compared to what's behind me."

Then, Blake stopped to see a big alien standing in front of him.

Prisoner: "Check out the new meat. I'm gonna slather you up in Gunavian jelly, and go to town..."

Blake then grabbed his finger and began to twist it. The prisoner screamed in pain, and backed off a bit.

Blake: "Touch me again, and I will jam that sausage finger right up your ass." 

The prisoner growled and was about to confront him, until Groot stepped forward and inserted his fingers up the prisoner's nose and lifted him up in the air.

Rocket: "Let's make something clear. This one here is our booty! You wanna get to him, you go through us! Or, more accurately, we go through you."

Groot then drops him, having the prisoner lay there on the ground, whimpering.

Blake: "Yeah, I'm with them." He said to the other inmates.

Gamora was taken to her own cell, as prisoners followed her and threatened her. From below, a Kylosian inmate watched her and glared.

It was night time, as Blake simply was laying on the ground with other inmates, sleeping. He remained awake as he was really uncomfortable. During this time, he was thinking about his crew and the other Ravagers, mainly how Stakar will react about this. He'll worry about that later, as he has to figure out how to get out here, but he can't do this alone.

Gamora was then seen taken hostage by other prisoners and was standing by a guard.

Guard: "Take her down to the showers. It'll be easier to clean up the blood down there."

Blake looks up as he hears noises, and sees Gamora being dragged away by other prisoners. He stood up and went to follow them, just as Rocket woke up.

Rocket: "Riley, where you going? Riley. Riley!" He shouted, silently.

The prisoners then pinned the deadliest woman in the galaxy to a pillar.

Inmate: "Gamora, consider this a death sentence for your crimes against the galaxy." He says as he holds a knife to her throat.

"You dare?"

A voice shouted as the prisoners look back to see the Kylosian inmate from before, standing there.

"You know who I am, yes?" He asked them.

Prisoner: "You're Drax. The Destroyer." He answered.

Blake sneaks in by the showers as Rocket followed behind him.

Rocket: "Riley!"

Drax: "And you know why they call me this?"

Prisoner: "You slayed dozens of Ronan's minions."

Drax: "Ronan murdered my wife, Ovette, and my daughter, Camaria. He slaughtered them where they stood. And he laughed!" He yelled as the prisoner flinched.

Rocket: "Riley?"

Blake didn't respond to Rocket, as he was listening to Drax's story.

Drax: "Her life is not yours to take. He killed my family. I shall kill one of his in return."

Prisoner: "Of course, Drax. Here, I..." He then hands him the knife.

Gamora then disarmed the other two men and, kicking them down, aimed the knives at Drax's and the other prisoner's throats.

Rocket: "Riley! What are you doing?" He exclaimed as Blake slowly entered.

Gamora: "I'm no family to Ronan or Thanos." She said as she then dropped the knives. "I'm your only hope at stopping him."

Drax: He roared and pinned her to the pillar by her throat. "Woman, your words mean nothing to me!" He yelled.

Blake: "Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Hey!" He intervenes.

Rocket: "Crap."

Blake: "You know, if killing Ronan is truly your sole purpose, I don't think this is the best way to go about it."

Drax: "Are you not the man this wench attempted to kill?" He questioned the young outlaw.

Blake: "Well, yeah, but she really isn't the first person to do that. I mean, I had to deal with a bunch of thieves, assassins, bounty hunters, and even a few of Ronan's men. I really did piss that guy off, but here's the point on why I am stopping this. She betrayed Ronan. He's coming back for her. And when he does, that's when you..." He then made a slitting throat gesture.

Drax: "Why would I put my finger on his throat?" He questioned.

Blake: "Uh, what?" He was confused until he realized that Drax was confused by the gesture. "No, it's a symbol. This is a symbol for you slicing his throat." He clarified.

Drax: "I would not slice his throat. I would cut his head clean off." He said.

Blake: "It's a general expression for you killing somebody." He then turned to the prisoner. "You've heard of this. You've seen this, right? You know what that is."

Prisoner : "Yeah. Yeah." He answered.

Blake: "See, everyone knows."

Prisoner : "No, no." He admittedly said.

Blake: [Sighs] "What I'm saying is, you want to keep her alive. Don't do his work for him."

After thinking about it for a moment, He finally let Gamora go as she fell down. Blake sighs in relief, as he was a bit worried that it wouldn't work.

Drax: "I like your knife. I'm keeping it." He tells the prisoner as he walks away.

Prisoner : "That was my favorite knife."

After that mess, Gamora walked off with Blake and Rocket following behind her.

Blake: "Listen! I could honestly care less whether you live or whether you die." He tells her.

Gamora: "Then why stop the big guy?"

Blake: "Simple. You know where to sell the Orb."

Gamora: "How are we gonna sell it when we and it are still here?" She asked him.

It was a good question. But, he quickly thought of an idea as he remembered what Rocket said when they all entered here.

Blake: "My friend Rocket, here, has escaped 22 prisons." He answered as both he and Gamora looked down at Rocket.

Rocket: "Oh, we're getting out. And then we're headed straight to retrieve your bounty."

Blake: "Hold onto that thought for a minute. How much was your buyer willing to pay you for my Orb?" He asked Gamora.

Gamora: She paused for a moment as she gave him an answer. "Four billion units."

Rocket: "What?!" He exclaimed.

Blake: "Holy shit."

Both were not expecting that much for the Orb. Blake thinks that the buyer must be very desperate to pay that much units for that thing, and he's got a bad feeling about it too.

Gamora: "That Orb is my opportunity to get away from Thanos and Ronan. If you free us, I'll lead you to the buyer directly and I'll split the profit between the three of us."

Groot: "I am Groot."

Groot called out from his cell, as the others looked to see him.

Rocket: "Four of us. Asleep for the danger, awake for the money, as per frickin' usual."

The Other: "You have been betrayed, Ronan."

Ronan: "We know only that she has been captured. Gamora may yet recover the Orb."

The Other: "No! Our sources within the Kyln say Gamora has her own plans for the Orb. Your partnership with Thanos is at risk. Thanos requires your presence. NOW!"

At the Sanctuary Asteroid Field, Korath, Ronan, and The Other have all gathered around the warlord's throne.

Ronan: "With all due respect, Thanos, your daughter made this mess, and yet you summon me."

The Other: "I would lower my voice, Accuser."

Ronan: "First, she lost a battle with some primitive."

The Other: "Thanos put Gamora under your charge."

Ronan: "Then she was apprehended by the Nova Corps."

The Other: "You are the one here with nothing to show for it."

Ronan: "Your sources say that she meant to betray us the whole time!"


Ronan then snaps his neck with a Concussive Blast. Korath was shocked to see this action caused by his master. The corpse of The Other then falls down to the ground.

Ronan: "I only ask that you take this matter seriously." He continued on.

The warlord turns his throne around to face the Kree as he speaks.

Thanos: "The only matter I did not take seriously, boy... is you."

Ronan looks at him, seemingly surprised.

Thanos: "Your politics bore me! Your demeanor is that of a pouty child. And, alienated my favorite daughter, Gamora." He pauses for a moment as he looks down at Ronan. "I shall honor our agreement, Kree. If you bring me the Orb. But return to me again empty-handed... and I will bathe the starways in your blood."

Ronan seems intimidated by his threat. Then, Korath takes a step forward.

Korath: "Please, master, we should get moving."

As Korath walks away, Ronan briefly glares at Thanos before departing. Thanos watches on, with a satisfied grin.

Back at the Kyln, Rocket, Blake, Gamora, and Groot enter the cafeteria while holding trays. Rocket discusses with the group on how they are going to leave this place.

Rocket: "If we're gonna get out of here, we're gonna need to get into that watchtower. And to do that, I'm gonna need a few things. The guards wear security bands to control their ins and outs. I need one."

Gamora: "Leave it to me." She said as she saw the same guard from last night, operating an armband which allows him to open the prison doors.

Rocket: "That dude, there." [A man with a prosthetic leg walks by.] "I need his prosthetic leg."

Blake: "His leg? Really?" He questioned.

Rocket: "Yeah. God knows I don't need the rest of him. Look at him, he's useless."

Blake: [Sighs] "Okay, fine. I'll see what I can do."

Rocket: "And finally, on the wall back there is a black panel. Blinky yellow light. Do you see it?"

Blake then looks at the watchtower to see a square panel in the back which has a flashing yellow light on it.

Blake: "Yeah?"

Rocket: "There's a quarnyx battery behind it. Purplish box, green wires. To get into that watchtower, I definitely need it." He tells the group.

In the background, Groot walks towards the watchtower, as the rest of the group is oblivious to his plans.

Gamora: "How are we supposed to do that?"

Rocket: "Well, supposably, these bald-bodies find you attractive. So, maybe you can work out some sort of trade."

Gamora: "You must be joking."

Rocket: "No, I really heard they find you attractive."

Blake: "Hold on look, it's 20 feet up in the air, and it's in the middle of the most heavily-guarded part of the prison. It's impossible to get up there without being seen." He said as Groot now begins growing so he can reach said battery.

Drax stops as he observes Groot.

Rocket: "I got one plan, and that plan requires a frickin' quarnyx battery, so figure it out!"

He yelled at Blake while in the background, Groot takes out the panel and knocks out an inmate.

Rocket: "Can I get back to it? Thanks. Now, this is important. Once the battery is removed, everything is gonna slam into emergency mode." [In the back, Groot is attempting to pull the battery off the wall]. "Once we have it, we gotta move quickly, so you definitely need to get that last."

Groot gives a sharp tug, and the lights turn off, an emergency alarm sounding in the back. Rocket, Gamora and Blake turn to see Groot holding out the battery with a pleased smile.

Rocket: [In frustration.] "Or we could just get it first and improvise."

Gamora: "I'll get the armband."

Blake: "Leg."

Gamora and Blake run off to complete their tasks while Rocket groans in frustration. Bots with guns attached to them begin surrounding Groot.

Watchtower Guard: "Prisoner, drop the device immediately and retreat to your cell, or we will open fire." He warns Groot.

Groot then began to grow larger as branches from his shoulders.

Groot: "I am Groot!" He yelled.

Watchtower Guard: "Fire!"

The drones begin shooting at Groot, who manages to knock some away as prisoners run around, scared.

Watchtower Guard: "All prisoners, return to your sleeping areas." He said over the speakers.

Rocket begins running towards Groot, avoiding bullets while doing so, and climbs up the humanoid tree's back.

Rocket: "You idiot! How am I supposed to fight these things without my stuff?"

Groot created a shield from branches and blocked the gunfire from the drones. Drax remained there, watching everything unfold. A few guards run up, catching the attention of Drax.

Guard 2: "The animal is in control. Fire on my command!"

Drax throws Guard 2 into a wall, and begins attacking the other guards. They try to overpower him but in the end it's useless as he's much stronger than them all. Drax grabs a gun, looking at Rocket.

Drax: "Creepy little beast!" He yelled, getting Rocket's attention.

Drax throws the weapon to Rocket who catches it and cocks the gun.

Rocket: "Oh, yeah." He said.

Rocket begins firing his gun, taking down a number of drones. Groot roared as Rocket kept on yelling.

Blake was leaning against a wall, smiling at the man with a prosthetic leg.

Man: "You need my what?" He questioned.

Gamora is running, attacking guards as she goes along. Once she traps a guard's arm with her leg, she spots an armband.

Gamora: "I'll need this." She tells him

Guard 3: "Good luck. It's internally wired." He said.

Gamora: "I'll figure something out." She responded as she then broke his arm, having him scream in pain.

As Blake runs out with the prosthetic leg in his hand, a guard corners him with a gun, causing him to hold his hands up in surrender.

Guard 4: "Drop the leg! Drop the leg and move back to your cell!" He tells the outlaw

However, Riley manages to hit the guard with the leg, knocking him to the ground. He grabs the guard's gun, and begins shooting a drone when it flies his way.

Back in the cafeteria, Rocket is shown laughing hysterically as he takes down drone after drone, still holding onto Groot with one hand. Gamora runs up the edge closest to him.

Gamora: "Rocket!" She yelled.

Gamora tosses the armband to Rocket, who catches it easily.

Rocke: "Move to the watchtower!" He tells Groot.

As Groot listens to Rocket's orders, the talking raccoon begins attaching the armband to the battery, creating a new object. Gamora jumps from one gate to another to meet them at the watchtower. Groot grows, creating a ladder for them to climb up. Gamora helps Rocket up. Blake begins climbing up Groot, prosthetic leg held under his chin. A drone flies up, halting him, however Drax jumps up to take the bot down.

Drax: You! The legendary outlaw who many call Star-Lord and the enemy of Ronan!"

After letting Gamora live, Drax asked around about the man she tried to kill and he learned a bit about the outlaw and how he was an enemy of Ronan. He then thought of him as an ally and hoped to work with him to take their enemy down.

Blake: "Uh, yes?"

Drax: "We must join forces if we are to take down Ronan once and for all!"

Blake: "If you want to escape with us, then sure, just tag along." He said as he continued climbing up.

Drax smiled as he began climbing behind him.

Watchtower Guard : "We need all available guards in full combat gear..."

The guard turns when an alarm begins beeping to see Blake, Gamora, Drax, Rocket and Groot standing together as one team. They wear intimidating looks on their faces, and the guard holds up his hands in surrender as they walk into the room. Groot grabs the guard with his branches, and throws him out of the way. Once they're all inside, Gamora glares when she sees Drax right beside her.

Drax: "Spare me your foul gaze, woman."

Gamora: "Why is this one here?"

Blake: "Well, it turns out he found out who I was and wants to help me take down Ronan, so I'm letting him join. Here you go." He places the leg in front of Rocket.

Rocket: "Oh, I was just kidding about the leg. I just need these two things."

Blake: "What?"

Rocket: [Giggles] "No, I thought it'd be funny. Was it funny? Wait, what did he look like hopping around?"

Blake: "Are you flarkin' kidding me?! I had to transfer 30,000 units to that poor guy, you asshole!" He yelled as Rocket snickered.

Drax: "How are we going to leave?"

As he asked, a drone flew up at the watchtower and began firing on the window.

Blake: "Well, he's got a plan. Right? Or is that another thing you made up?"

Rocket: "I have a plan! I have a plan!" He said as he continued working.

Drax: "Cease your yammering and relieve us from this irksome confinement."

Blake: "Yeah, I'll have to agree with the walking thesaurus on that one."

Drax: "Do not ever call me a thesaurus."

Blake: "No, it's just a metaphor. Not an insult." He clarified.

Rocket: "His people are completely literal, metaphors are gonna go over his head."

Drax: "Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it."

Gamora: "I'm gonna die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy."

Then, prison guards surround the watchtower carrying large weapons, with more drones.

Blake: "Those are some big guns." He commented.

Head Riot Guard: "On my command! Number one!"

He orders as one of the guards shoots his weapon, which hits one of the watchtower glass windows.

Gamora: "Rodent, we are ready for your plan."

Rocket: "Hold on!"

Head Riot Guard: "Number two!"

Another guard shoots his weapon which hits the other side of the watchtower.

Drax: "I recognize this animal. We'd roast them over a flame pit as children. Their flesh was quite delicious."

Rocket: "Not helping!" He yelled, as he turned to look at Drax.

Head Riot Guard: "Number three!"

Another shoots their weapon which hits another glass window of the watchtower leaving a massive crack. Rocket continued working as fast as he could. The others began to worry

Head Riot Guard: "All fire on my command! Three! Two! One!"

Just as he said that, Rocket connected two wires to turn off the gravity, making everyone in the prison floating.

Gamora: "You turned off the artificial gravity, everywhere but in here." She said as she kinda chuckled.

Rocket disconnects the watchtower from its base, then uses the security droids to attack to the base of it and uses the drones' jets to fly the watchtower out of the prison.

Rocket: "I told you I had a plan."

They all got out of the main prison area and went through the doors, bumping towards the sides and landing. Rocket immediately closed the doors behind them.

Blake: "That was a pretty good plan." He said as Rocket smiled.

Blake then broke the glass of the watchtower and all got out. The others go grab their personal stuff as Blake goes through his stuff and grabs a communicator.

Blake: "Hello? Kraglin, Nebula, Loki, do you copy?"

Kraglin (Comm): "Captain! We hear you loud and clear!"

Blake: "Listen, we need to get out the Kyln and I'm bringing along some friends. I need you to come by and wait for us."

Nebula (Comm): "Already here, hon."

Blake then looked up to see the Metallica right there, as he smiled. He quickly informed the others about the ship and looks at his stuff, to see the Orb there, but there was something missing.

Gamora: "The Orb's there. Let's go!"

Blake: "Wait, wait, wait." He said as he kept searching in the bag.

Gamora: "What?"

Blake: "That bastard didn't put it back."

Gamora: "Put what back?" She asked.

Blake: "Here. Get them to the ship, I will be right back." He said as he handed her his bag.

Gamora: "How are you gonna possibly..." She tried to question.

Blake: "Just keep the Metallica close by. Go. Go!" He yelled as he ran off.

The doors opened, revealing Star-Lord wearing his mask and his entire outfit. Three guards spot him, as they quickly grab their batons. Blake shoots one, electrocuting one guard and the other. He quickly blocked the third guard's attack and hit him with his blaster.

A fourth guard approaches as Blake shoots and knocks out the third one to the ground. Star-Lord continued walking as a fifth guard charged at him, but he was then shot, falling down on his back.

Guard 5: "Ow! My neck!" He groaned in pain as Blake shot him again as he walked past him.

The others boarded the Metallica, where they were all waiting for Star-Lord to appear.

Rocket: "Well, how's he gonna get to us?" He asked Gamora.

Gamora: "He declined to share that information with me."

Kraglin: "Yeah, he does that sometimes. You get used to it."

Rocket: "Well, screw this, then! I ain't waiting around for some humie with a death wish."

Loki: "No, rabbit. We are not going anywhere. Especially, when you don't have that precious Orb." She said as she glared at Rocket.

Rocket: "What are you talking about lady? We got the Orb." He then turned to Gamora. "You got the Orb, right?"

Gamora: "Yes." She responds as she looks in the bag that Blake gave her and finds the orb is missing.

Nebula: "You were saying, bitch?" She said, smirking at her sister.

Gamora glared at Nebula and growled as she threw the bag away, angrily. Kraglin chuckled and Loki smirked towards Rocket, who was shocked that the Goddess knew.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Back at the Kyln Impound, Blake took out the Orb from his jacket and threw it up and down in his hand. Underneath the mask, Blake smirked, thinking how Gamora must be angry, not having the Orb in her possession. He then stops playing with it as he approaches the guard, who was wearing his headset and listening to music.

The guard slowly looked up and gasped. The last thing he saw was Star-Lord raising his arm up in the air and using the Orb to knock him out.

Rocket: "If we don't leave now, we will be blown to bits." He tells the others.

Gamora: "No! We're not leaving without the orb."

Loki rolled her eyes, annoyed by this woman every minute she was here. She looks out from the cockpit till she notices Blake flying towards them. The Goddess smirks as Drax also notices and stares in awe.

Drax: "Behold." He informed everyone.

Rocket, Nebula, Kraglin, and Gamora look out to see Star-Lord reaching them. They all headed down and waited for him to enter. Blake opens the hatch and his helmet retracted as Drax and Gamora helped him up.

Drax: "This one shows spirit. The stories I've been told seemed to be true. He shall make a keen ally in the battle against Ronan. Companion, what were you retrieving?" Blake then gives him his music player. "You're an imbecile."

Nebula: "If only you know the significance of this little thing. It's much more important to him than you realize." She said as she snatched the music player away from Drax.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Sorry it took so long to update!! I'll do my best to update this story as much as I can. Anyways, catch you guys in the next chapter, peace!!

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