Chapter 2: The Misfits

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Star-Lord goes over to Xandar to visit The Broker, until he encounters an assassin, who wants the Orb, and two thugs who are after the bounty placed on the outlaw...

Earth, 1996

Over in St. Charles, Missouri, there was a rural farm which belonged to a small family. The sun was setting down, while the birds were heard chirping in the distance. Then, in the basement of the farmhouse that resides there, a young boy was resting on his bed while listening to some rock music. The boy was actually a young Blake Riley and this farmhouse belonged to the Riley family.

Blake was jamming out to his favorite band, Star-Lord. His mother introduced him to this band, as they were also her favorite. She really enjoys listening to heavy metal. Unaware of Blake, a knock was heard at the door. Then, the door opened, revealing it to be Owen, his father, and Selina, his mother. As they saw their son listening to his music, they simply shook their heads and chuckled in amusement.

Owen walked over to him and tapped his shoulder to get his attention. Blake looked up to see his father, as he paused his music and took off his headset.

Owen: "Hey kiddo, we've been calling out for you. No wonder why you couldn't hear us."

Young Blake: "Sorry, dad."

Owen: "Whatcha listen' to, kiddo?"

Blake then handed him the foldout cover of the tape he's listening to.

Owen: "Heh, of course. "Star-Lord"... who's the creepy guy with the red glowing eyes?" He asked.

Young Blake: "He...really doesn't have a name. He's one of the Space Riders! And he's not creepy, dad, he's cool."

Selina: "Yeah, hon."

Owen: "Alright, alright. Your Space Rider definitely looks like he's got his hands full. I mean, look at these lizard guys." He showed it to his wife.

Selina: "Mind if we listen to it for a bit?"

He then handed his headset to his parents, as he then played the song. Owen was really enjoying it, while Selina was rocking out to her favorite band.

Selina: "Pretty far out!"

Young Blake: "Nobody says "far out" anymore, ma." He said as his mother didn't listen. "Ma! Nobody says "far out" anymore." He repeated, getting her attention.

Selina: "Oh, well, your mom does. You know, maybe we should see if we can get tickets to see them live."

Young Blake: "Really?! Would we go, dad?!" He beamed up in excitement.

Owen: [Chuckled] "Yeah, we would if it makes you and your mom happy. You know, I always find you listening to those songs. Why don't you listen to other artists like Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Doors, or even The Hollies?"

Young Blake: "I do listen to them from time to time. Even others like Blue Swede, Heart, Rolling Stones, KISS, Metallica, Journey..."

Owen: "Okay, okay, okay, I was just messin' around kiddo."

Selina: "Alright, you two, I'm gonna be cooking up dinner for the three of us. In the meantime, Blake clean up this mess, please. I almost stepped on Chewie and Bee, here." She said as she held up two figures of Chewbacca and Bumblebee.

Young Blake: "Yes, mom."

Both parents stood up and headed out. Blake puts on his headset and continues playing his music. He gets up from the bed and starts reorganizing his stuff.

"Blake? Blake?"

A female voice was heard, almost disoriented. Blake's eyes opened to see himself back in the present and in the cockpit of the Metallica. He looked to his left to see Loki standing next to him.

Loki: "Is everything alright?" She asked.

Blake: "Yeah, just...remembering some fond memories, that's all."

Loki: "Well, we are almost close to Xandar, so be ready."

Blake: "Got it."

Dark Aster

Kree Warship

Inside the warship, a hatch opened as Ronan The Accused was bathed in the blood of his enemies. He emerged from the hatch as his servants had him dressed and handed him his weapon, The Cosmi-Rod.

Ronan: "They call me "terrorist," "radical," "zealot," because I obey the ancient laws of my people, the Kree, and punish those who do not. Because I do not forgive your people for taking the life of my father, and his father, and his father before him. A thousand years of war between us will not be forgotten!"

Xandarian Prisoner: "You can't do this! Our government signed a peace treaty." He said, in desperation.

Ronan: "My government knows no shame. You Xandarians and your culture are a disease." He said as he walked by the prisoner.

Xandarian Prisoner: "You will never rule Xandar."

Ronan: "No. I will cure it!" He yelled.

He then turned around and raised his weapon in the air, striking the prisoner in the head. Blood poured down, as Ronan watched. Then, Gamora, the deadliest woman in the galaxy, approached the Accuser.

Gamora: "Ronan, Korath has returned." She informs him.

Korath then later stood in front of Ronan, who was furious. Not only was the Orb not in his possession, but it was taken by the one person he absolutely despises.

Ronan: "Not only you dare, to come here, without the Orb in your possession, but I hear that the outlaw, Star-Lord, stole it!" He yelled as he stood from his seat.

Korath: "Forgive me, master. I have failed in stopping Star-Lord, but we have discovered he has an agreement to retrieve the orb for an intermediary known as The Broker." He said as then Ronan sat back down.

Ronan: "I promised Thanos I would retrieve the orb for him. Only then will he destroy Xandar for me. Gamora, go to Xandar and get me the orb." He ordered.

Gamora: "It shall be done." She said.

Ronan then stood up again, only this time, he walked over to her and narrowed his eyes.

Ronan: "You will not fail." He warned her.

Gamora: "Have I ever?"


Capital of the Nova Empire

"Xandarians. What a bunch of losers. All of them in a big hurry to get from something stupid, to nothing at all. Pathetic."

Someone was watching the people of Xandar go on about their daily lives. The person focused his attention on a man walking by, with an interesting hairstyle.

"Look at this guy! Can you believe they call us criminals, when he's assaulting us with that haircut?"

Then, there was a small Xandarian child walking and getting help from the father to walk down the stairs.

"What is this thing? Look how it thinks it's so cool. It's not cool to get help! Walk by yourself, you little gargoyle."

Finally, there was an older Xandarian man (Stan Lee, RIP to the legend) talking to a pretty young woman.

"Look at Mr. Smiles over here. Where's your wife, old man? What a class-A prevert."

The person talking was revealed to actually be a talking raccoon named Rocket, mocking every one of these Xandarians.

Rocket: [Laughs] "Right, Groot? Groot?"

He turned to see his partner Groot, a large-tree like creature drinking water from a fountain.

Rocket: "Don't drink fountain water, you idiot. That's disgusting!"

Groot quickly stood up straight and shook his head, lying to Rocket that he wasn't drinking water from the fountain. Even though Rocket clearly saw him and called him out.

Rocket: "Yes, you did. I just saw you doing it. Why are you lying?" He asked as then his device beeped. "Whoop. Looks like we got one. Okay, humie, how bad does someone wanna find you?"

He aimed his device at the person it had locked on. It was revealed to be none other than Blake Riley, looking around Xandar, as he continued walking. The device shows the bounty placed on him, which was about 40,000 units.

Rocket: "Forty thousand units? Groot, we're gonna be rich." He said.

Rocket looks over to Groot and finds him drinking from the water from the fountain again, he sighs and shakes his head.

Blake was making his way to meet the Broker in his shop. As the door opens, he enters to see the Broker at his desk.

Broker: "Mr. Riley."

Blake: "Broker. The orb, as commissioned." He says as he places it on his desk.

Broker: "Impressive. I'll take this off your hands and you can be on your way."

As he reaches for it, Blake quickly takes the Orb and narrowed his eyes toward the Broker.

Blake: "Ah, ah, ah. Not so fast, I'll take that reward, but you also promised me answers about this. And who is also interested in it." He said as he shakes his finger.

Broker: "Mr. Riley, It's my policy never to discuss my clients, or their needs."

Blake: "Yeah, well, I almost died getting this damn thing."

Broker: "An occupational hazard, I'm sure, in your line of work."

Blake: "If by occupational hazard, you mean Ronan sending his goons after this and shooting me, then yeah, sure let's call it that."

Broker: "R-Ronan? I'm sorry, Mr. Riley, I truly am. You may keep the Orb as I want no part of this transaction if Ronan is involved." He said.

He tried to push him towards the door, but he wasn't budging. Star-Lord grabs him by the shoulder and pins him to a nearby wall. He takes out one of his blasters and aims towards his face. The Broker whimpered in fear, staring at Star-Lord's glaring cold eyes, as it even glowed.

Blake: "Now, I'm sure you wouldn't want to be on Ronan's bad side, but one mistake you're making is getting on MY bad side. And believe me, it's not pretty. You understand what I am saying?"

Broker: "Y-Yes, Mr. Riley." He responded, nodding.

Blake: "Good, now you will tell me what's so special about this damn thing and give me the credits that my crew and I deserve. So, let's start with the Orb. Talk."

Broker: "I don't know much, but from what I have heard, it holds much immense power. If Ronan is after it, you could use it to destroy Xandar. He was outraged by the peace treaty and he will not stop until Xandarian culture, my culture, is wiped from existence!"

Blake: "Hm, good enough for me. See, was that so hard? Now, the reward.

Blake walked out of the shop, happy and humming. As he was out, he turned around and looked back at the Broker.

Blake: "Broker, you were a wonderful person. Thank you for your time." He said as the door closed.

He then notices someone next to him. It was Gamora. She was just standing nearby, watching him. Blake already knows who she was, due to her reputation and how much Nebula talks about. She had...very interesting choice words for her sister. Adopted sister. He decides to pretend he's oblivious to her, as he believes Ronan sent her after him.

Gamora: "What happened?" She asked.

Blake: "Oh, well someone almost backed out on a deal on me, but I set him straight. If there's one thing I hate, it's a man without integrity."

Gamora: "Hm." She simply replied.

Blake: "May I ask who might you be, miss? I don't think I've seen you around here." He asked.

Gamora: "Gamora. And you?"

Blake: "Blake. Lovely to meet you, Gamora."

Gamora: "You have the bearing of a man of honor." She said.

Blake: "Oh, well thanks. That's kind of the first someone said about me. I mean, mostly everyone just calls me a thief or hero. Although, I don't think I see myself as that second part." He says as he was playfully throwing the Orb up and down on his hand.

Suddenly Gamora grabs the orb, kicks Blake in his stomach and runs off. Blake reaches into his coat and throws something like a magnetic rope which catches around Gamora's legs and trips her up. As she gets the rope off her legs, Blake catches up to her but Gamora manages to kick him off and starts punching him. Both were on the ground and they exchanged various punches and kicks. Blake tries to reach his blaster, but Gamora traps his hand with her foot.

Gamora: "This wasn't the plan." She said as she took out her knife.

As she's about to stab Blake, Rocket jumps on to her and drags her away. Groot quickly follows, while holding a bag.

Rocket: "Put him in the bag. Put him in the bag!" He tells Groot but he grabs Gamora instead. "No! Not her, him! Learn genders, man." He said while Gamora bites his fingers. "Biting? That's not fair!" He yelled.

Blake quickly got up and grabbed the Orb from the floor. He ran away, as he glanced at the three. The deadliest woman in the galaxy is after him because of the Orb, and two thugs are probably after him because of a bounty that could've been placed. Maybe Korath put up that bounty. It's not important. Right now, he needs to get out of Xandar as he doesn't want to attract the Nova Corps.

Gamora throws Rocket off her and grabs her knife, to which she throws it at Blake's hand. He winced in pain, as the Orb was dropped from his hands and rolled down to the ground. She then brings out her sword and slices Groot's arm. She jumps off and lands in front of the Orb. Gamora grabs it and starts running off, until Blake jumps onto her and knocks her down. Gamora overpowers him again and holds Blake down.

Gamora: "Fool. You should have learned."

Blake: "Oh, please. You think I would do this without a plan."

He takes the Orb from her hands and attaches one of his rocket boosters on Gamora's leg. He pressed a button, sending her flying and landing on the fountain. Blake stood up and chuckled, until Groot placed a bag over his head.

Blake: [Muffling] "What the flark?! Let me go!!" He screamed as Groot carried the bag over his shoulder, smiling at his accomplishment.

Rocket: "Quit smiling, you idiot. You're supposed to be a professional." He tells Groot as he suddenly stopped. [Gasps] "You gotta be kidding me." He said as Gamora moved towards them and pushed Rocket off to the side. "Hey!"

Groot drops the bag, as Gamora goes over to him and starts slashing at him. She then cuts off both of his arms and hits him in the stomach. After she is done, she opens the bag where Blake aimed his blaster at her and electrocutes her. He quickly shook off the bag and ran off.

Rocket: "I live for the simple things. Like how much this is gonna hurt." He said as he took out his rifle and aimed it towards Blake.

He then shoots a ball of electricity and hits the outlaw, having him scream in pain and fall to the ground.

Rocket: [Laughing] "Yeah. Writhe, little man."

Meanwhile, Groot was whimpering as he nudged his severed arms.

Rocket: "It'll grow back, you D'ast idiot. Quit whining." He tells him.

Then, both Rocket and Groot were lifted in the air, as they were captured by the Nova Corps.

Nova Arresting Pilot: "Subject 89P13, drop your weapon."

Rocket: "Oh, crap." He said as he reluctantly dropped his weapon.

Nova Arresting Pilot: "By the authority of the Nova Corps, you are under arrest..."

At the same time, two members of the Nova Corps, Rhomann Dey and Ko-Rel picked up Blake.

Dey: "Hey! If it isn't Star-Fox!"

Blake: [Chuckles] "Close, but no. Not a bad name, though."

Dey: "Oh, right. Sorry, "Lord". Star-Lord, my bad."

Ko-Rel: "Never thought I would see you again, Star-Lord. Let alone, be here in Xandar."

Blake: "Aw, Ko-Rel, I thought we moved past titles. You can just call me Blake and it was just a simple in and out until those three ruined it."

Dey: "Bad day, yeah we get those sometimes. But hey, good day for us." He said as both he and Ko-Rel took him away.

Rocket: "Fascists." He simply said.

In the crowd, Nebula, Loki, and Kraglin watched their leader get caught by the Nova Corps. They were watching his move while he was making his way to meet the Broker. But as soon as they see Gamora, Nebula immediately leaves the ship and runs towards Blake, with Loki and Kraglin following behind her. Unfortunately, they arrived too late and retreated back to their ship.

Nebula: "Flark! I knew I should've gone with Blake!" She yelled, frustrated.

Loki: "Easy, Nebula. None of us would've predicted Gamora, let alone two thugs, going after him."

Nebula: "And now, the Nova Corps has captured him and will take him to places like the Kyln."

Kraglin: "Well, what are we going to do? How are we going to get the Captain out of there? The Nova Corps has that place fortified."

Nebula: "We'll follow the tracker, and if he goes there, then we'll be on standby. If I know Blake, he won't stay there for long."

Loki: "And how will he accomplish that?" She questioned.

Nebula: "I have a hunch those two thugs will get that job done. Loki, I need you to find information on those two. Kraglin, keep track of Blake and where he's headed. I have to inform Stakar of what's happened."

Kraglin: "He's not gonna be happy, once he hears it."

Nebula: "I know, but let's get to it, quickly." She ordered.

To be continued...

Chapter 2 of Star-Lord complete! Hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

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