space eight。

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The ringing of my phone woke me up from my deep slumber. I don't really take calls after I woke up. I groaned as I tried to reach my phone at my nightstand.

I answered the phone without looking at the caller ID, "Hello?"

"Taehyuuuung! Just annoying you. Good morning!" I rolled my eyes and groaned again.

It was Jin hyung. The most annoying yet reliable hyung ever. He may look matured but I'm telling you - no. Yes, he is. But still a no. He's one of my most childish friends that I have. Despite all of that, he's really reliable tho. 

I sit up and rub the back of my neck, "What do you want, hyung?"

"Oh, nothing. Just waking you up and reminding you that we have classes today. Don't be late, V!"

I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was freaking 6:30 AM!

"How sweet of you, hyung! Waking me up at 6:30 when school begins at 8:30! Thank you!" I said, sarcasm visible in my sentence.

"You're welcome! Bye!" With that, he ended the call.

Ugh, how great. I don't want to sleep anymore. For sure, I will overslept again. Anyway, it's not that bad to attend school on time.

I slipped off my blankets then stands up. I stretch and yawn before walking towards the bathroom in my room to wash my face and gargle for a bit. Duh, even though it's morning and I just woke up, I need to maintain being flawless.

After my morning routine, I headed downstairs. I smelled something great. It was the smell of omelette and toasted buttered bread. I knew it, it's my mom preparing breakfast.

She looked at me and smiled, "Hey there, young man. You woke up early! Good morning, honey."

"Morning. You got home early mom." I said as I took a seat at the dining table.

She nodded her head as she pour some hot chocolate in my mug and puts an omelette plus two toasted bread in my plate. I thanked her and she smiled then took the seat in front of me.

"Yup. I got home at 4 am. The field work was good and went smoothly that's why it was finished earlier than what we expect." She said and took a sip from her violet mug.

I took a bite from my bread with omelette on top, "Oh. Is that so? That's good, mom."

"How are you while I'm gone?" She asked before putting a spoonful of omelette in her mouth.

I stopped chewing and froze for a bit. Okay . . . what to tell? Lie again, Taehyung. Lie. White lies can save you. You're good at lying. Add to that, she don't have a clue that you are taking home someone without her permission.

"Taehyung? You alright?" My mom snapped me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head and gulped the food in my mouth, "O yeah. Well, it went well. Nothing happened. Just the usual, I'm alone and I slept early last night because there's nothing to do."

"Oh, okay. I see." She said and smiled again. Phew, I don't need to explain myself anymore. 

We just talked over breakfast until I'm finished. She told me to prep up for school so I walk upstairs to my room then take a bath. I finished off with a final look at my 'handsome' self in the mirror while fixing my hair before grabbing my bag and phone the head downstairs.

I took a glance at our wall clock. It's already quarter to eight.

Maybe it's a good day to drive off to school earlier. So, I bid a goodbye to my mom. She reminded me to be a good boy and I just said yes. If only she knew who am I at school, for sure she will gone hysterical and faint out. Even though I hate my mom most of the time, I don't want that time to happen.

My mom thought I am a good guy at school. But heck, am not! I just laugh at my thoughts then hopped in the car.

My phone beeped. I looked at the message I just received.

Oh, it was from Kook.

Good morning, hyung! I finished the painting! See you in school! (:

I smiled after reading the text then replied a short morning and okay with a smiley face before putting my phone back into my pocket and igniting the engine. The road was clear and I was shocked by that. Most of the time, there will be children playing even if it is freaking early in the morning or a light traffic.

But this day is completely different. It was clear! So as expected, I arrived at school really early.

It was just 8 exact. I just shrug it off then hop off my car.

I texted my hyungs that I arrived at school early and asked where they are. Unfortunately, none of them replied. Even Jin hyung! Ugh, for sure that asshat slept again after waking me up super early in the morning.

How great! But what can I do now? I'm already here.

I just let out a frustrated sigh before deciding to enter the classroom. Only few students are inside. For sure, these are the geeks or nerds. I don't know. I just don't mind them and just took my seat before put ting my earphones on then blast on some music.

As minutes passed by, the people inside the room are increasing.

I removed my earphones when I saw Namjoon, Jimin, and Jin hyung entered the room.

I stand up and greeted them, "Yo."

"Hey man, sorry for not responding to your text. I got it late." Jimin said and I just nod.

That's when I hit Jin hyung in the arm which shocked my two other hyungs but laugh otherwise.

"AW! The fuck?!" Jin hissed.

I put my tongue out at him, "That's for waking me up early, you crazy hyung."

He just grinned. I noticed that Suga and Hoseok hyung are not around.

"Looking for Yoongi and Hoseok?" Namjoon hyung asked as if he's reading my mind.

I nodded, "Yeah. Where's that gums and horse?"

The three of them laugh at the nicknames that I gave the two. What's so funny about that? That's their real nicknames . . . I'm not trying to be mean, okay. 

Jimin responded, "They won't be around today. Suga will be visiting his mom while Hoseok is not feeling well."

"Oh. Is that so. Okay then." I said with my brows raised.

Since we got nothing to talk about anymore, we decided to take a sit. I look at the clock in my watch; 8:15 am. Ugh, still early. Our first subject for today is Physics because it's Thursday and for sure our teacher will be late. Expect that whenever it is Physics, the teacher is always late. Like he'll enter the class at 8:50.

I am playing a race car game in my phone when a slim hand wrapped around my waist and someone sits in my lap.

I raised my head and saw that it was only Minri. She's one of the sluts I already hooked up with.

She smiled seductively and said sultry, "Hey, babe."

I put my phone back in my pocket and decided to play with her a little. I put my hand in her thigh and smirked at her.

"Hey." I said and flashes a wink which made her cheeks reddened. 

She chuckled and leaned in then whispers, "I miss the feeling of yours inside me."

Minri pulled back and bit her lips slowly, teasing me. I leaned closer to her face and licked my lips in front of her face.

"You're such a tease. You never changed." I claimed her lips into a rough kiss.

When there is no teacher, expect class are having their own business. No one is interfering each other thing. Even if you make out, they will not mind. Well, modern world tho. I pulled out when I felt her hand crawled under my shirt. I remove her hand and grinned.

"Not so fast, baby." I said then pushed her which made her gasped.

I raised my brow, "Go away. I'm done with you, hoe."

Her mouth gaped then glared at me while stomping back to her seat.

When I looked at the door, I saw Jungkook standing there with shocked face while looking at me. What? I smiled at him and called his name out. He shook his head and gaze away from me then proceeds to his seat without greeting me.

What the. He just texted me this morning a 'good morning text' then here he go, snubbing me.

I tap his shoulder, "Yah kook. You alright?"

He flinched then looked at me with a smile... no wait, a fake smile.

"Hey, Tae! Uh. Yeah. Why?" He said, but his not looking at me.

I creased my brows, "No. You're not. Look at me."

He followed what I said. He's smiling but you can notice that he's panicking inside... more like sad.

That's when it hit me.

I smirked, "Are you jealous?"

Immediately, he looked at me with wide eyes.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" His mouth gape.

I laugh at his reaction, "I know that you saw me and Minri recently, babe."

"What?! That?! Oh cmon. I'm not jealous! And what the?! Babe?! I'm not a pig!"

I just laugh at his response. Look who's guilty and defensive?

"Hmp! I hate you!" He said then turn his back at me again.

I just shook my head, still laughing my arse off. Until our teacher came whose 10 minutes late. The first subject went fast and it was already break time. I stand up and go in front Jungkook whose still in his seat with his head resting on his desk.

"Hey, Kook. Let's take a break together." I tap his shoulder but he didn't respond so I tap him again.

"Kook. C'mon. All of them are already in the cafeteria. Kook! Get up!"

He put his head up then looked at me with glaring eyes, then he rolled his eyes as he stands up which got me confuse.


"Leave me alone. I don't wanna have lunch with you." He removed my hand then left me alone in the room.

Okay. What was that?

I just shrug it off then went to the canteen.

The day was finished quickly. Nothing special happened except that I hooked with another slut inside at the library recently. I'm telling you it was not satisfying. That bitch can't even pleasure me with a simple foreplay. So, I left her alone.

Oh, did I mentioned that Jungkook ignores me all throughout the day? Yep. He did.

When it was Arts, he just passed our covered-in-newspaper-canvas project without even me checking it!

Like hello? I'm your partner! 

The bell rang. Finally, this day is over. I was about to talk to Jungkook when he grabbed his backpack and exits the room immediately. Well, I got up too and catch him up.

"Jungkook! Yah!" I called him out but he didn't turn to look at me instead he walks faster.

Aish. What's wrong with this kid?!

"Yah! Kook!" We reached the school ground.

I grab his arm to stop him from walking. He just nudged it off then looked at me with creasing eyebrows.

"What do you want?" He said in a low voice, more like annoyed.

"Yah. Why are you acting so strange this day? You passed our project without me checking it." I said, a matter-of-fact, then crossed my arms.

He snorted, "Did you even ask me to take a look?"

I gulped. He was right. He rolled his eyes heavenwards then continues to walk away. I stopped him in his tracks by blocking his way. This kid is getting into my nerves! I'm still talking to him then he'll just roll his eyes towards me and walk away?! 

"Aigoo! What's your problem?! Why are you like tha--"

"What's my problem?" He cuts me off, "My problem is you."

With that, he left me completely and I was dumbfounded in what he said.

Now... what was that?


[author's note] thank you for reading! mind dropping off my message board? love lots!

edited; 051916. 

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