space nine。

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Today's Friday and it was our break time. The first person I saw by the time we entered the cafeteria is Jungkook whose currently alone at the corner seat. A sigh escaped my lips as I saw him. He didn't sent me a good morning message this day. He didn't even texted me last night! 

"Hyung. Eat without me. Gonna talk to someone." I said and tap Namjoon's shoulder.

He looked at me with knowing eyes and just nods his head. I proceed to his seat and I notice that he was wearing his earphones while reading a book.

No food in front of him, so this kid didn't eat huh?

I took the seat in front of him and finally he noticed me. But he didn't bother to remove his earphones instead he sighed at read his book again.

Seriously, what the heck did I do that caused him to act like this?! Since yesterday, I called him twice and messaged him thrice but neither of those got no response.

Now, how cool is that.

I pulled out one of his headphones which got him to glare at me. Before he opened his mouth, I started it.

"What the hell is your problem, Jeon Jungkook?! For Pete's sake, you're ignoring me since yesterday!"

He ignored me again and put his earphone back which got inside my nerves. That's enough! Nobody dares to ignore Kim Taehyung! I stand up and go beside him. Then grab his arms up which made him stand and his earphones remove.

"What the fuck, Kim Taehyung?!" He shouted at me which got some attentions from the students and my hyungs.

I gritted my teeth, "Enough of acting shit. You're coming with me."

I get his book and phone with my free hand and dragged him out of the cafeteria.

"Taehyung! Let me go!" He protested but I just tightened my grip at his arm which made him whined in pain.

We reached our classroom, nobody is inside as expected.

"Hold your things." I said firmly without letting him go.

"Hmp! Let me go!" He protested again and tried to remove my hands but I just make my grip tighter again. I grabbed my backpack and his. Then, dragged him out of the room to to the parking lot.

"Kim fucking Taehyung! I don't want to cut classes! For the record, we are not in good terms!" He said in a loud voice.

I glared at him then throw his backpack to his chest but he got it, "Shut up and just follow me or I'll fucking kiss you."

His eyes widened but he keeps his mouth shut. Good. I got my keys out of my hand and opened the passenger's seat then let him in before proceeding to the driver's seat.

I turned on the engine then drive away from the school grounds. Good thing, the school guard is not around that's why I got away easily.

I took a quick glance at him and wait-- is he crying?

I stopped the car beside the sidewalk and looked at him.

"Yah, Kook. Why are you crying?" I said, my voice is calmer this time.

He ignored me and sob harder with his eyes tight closed which kinda irritated me and triggered me to threaten him once again. .

"Jungkook. Look at me. Stop crying or I'll kiss you." I added but as expected, he ignored me.

So, this kid wants to be kissed huh? Okay then.

I removed my seat belt and leaned closer to his face. Until, I finally claimed his lips into a soft kiss. His eyes opened wide, shocked. But I just kept mine closed. I didn't move my lips not until his lips was the first one to response.

The kiss was slow and passionate. It is not rushed and rough. It is not a kiss of lust. It has a meaning. I just can't get the word right. I pulled back but kept my face close to him. His eyes opened slowly. It was full of emotions.

I cupped his face with my right hand, "Kook. Why are you crying? Why are you ignoring me?"

He didn't answer me again and just averted his gaze down.

"Kook. C'mon. Talk to me." I said in a concerned tone.

He pushed me lightly on the chest so I got back in my seat. He then looked at me.

"Tae," He started off, "I didn't know that... that I will reach this stage."

I creased my eyebrows, "What are you talking about?"

"I-I don't know neither. I just woke up then I had this feeling. A feeling that makes me so happy. A feeling that I can't explain. This feeling when I'm with you. This feeling when I saw you with someone else." He response.

He sighed the continued, "I don't know why I am hurting like this. I cried so hard when I realized that you're just messing up with me. You're just screwing up my feelings!"

Wait-- what? He knew I'm just playing with him? Oh, stupid Taehyung. Of course! He even saw you hooking up with others then you'll ask yourself how? Even others can tell that you're just screwing up with his feelings! Stupid! 

I was about to defend but he didn't let me, "I hate this! I hate what I am feeling about you! I hate you!"

"Jungkook..." I am lost at words, I don't know what to say.

"Is this love? Do love fucking means pain and jealousy? Because that's what I'm feeling right now." He said and a tear fell but he immediately wipes it and laughs sarcastically.

"I thought I can fight this feeling. But I can't. I thought I can ride with you and your play. But guess what? I lose."

I tried to hold his hand but he jerk it away.

"Jungkook. Wait--"

"Stop. I hate you so much and I hate the fact that I fell for you. So, fuck off." With that, he opened the door and left.

I want to chase him. But my body won't just move. I just stare at him as he walk away while crying. That's it. He already knew that I'm just playing his feelings. That's it. He finally hates me. For sure, he will definitely not going to talk to me again and probably going to ignore me. 

Damn it, Taehyung. Not again


"Whoa, Kim Taehyung. That's your third shot!"

I took a sip and hissed at the effect of the strong tequila, "The heck I care, hyung."

"Hm," Daehyun hyung pursed his lips and continues to wipe the wine glass he is holding, "What happened this time?"

You're right. I'm currently here in a bar that I used to visit and drink. I usually come here when something's bothering me. Daehyun hyung, a bartender, is the person I always tell my problem that I cannot tell my hyungs. That's why we are quiet close.

I shrug and finished the shot, "I don't know neither."

I can tell that his eyebrows creased despite the lights flickering on and off.

"What?" He repeated.

"Someone..." I trailed off and look down, "Did this to me."

"What? Did what to you? C'mon, Taehyung. I'm tired of your puzzles! You know I'm not that smart. So, please."

I chuckled, "Hyung, what will you do if someone told you that he fell for you then run away?"

A playful smirk plastered in his face, "Ohh.. love problem eh?"

"Hyung, just answer my damn question." I rolled my eyes.

"Language, Taehyung," He let a short laugh out then sighed, "Hm, maybe I will chase that person and talk to him. You know, clear things."

I closed my eyes and let out a deep sighed. That's what I did not do. I was supposed to chase him, but I just can't.

"Wait. Did someone confessed to you?" He said, that's why my eyes shot open and looked at him with wide eyes.

"A-ah. Y-yes."

"Ooh. That's what happened? Interesting! What did you do? I bet you did something fun because I know you're a player." He winked as he placed his chin at the palm of his hand which resting at the counter.

I look down again, "N-no. I didn't chase him."

"You-- what?! Why?!"

"I don't know. I'm confused. I was shocked because I'm just messing up with him. My plan is just to play him. But I didn't know that this will be the outcome!" I blurted out and hissed at the sting that hit my head.

The effect of tequila is kicking in. 

"So... who is this guy? Is he cute? Let me see!" He shrieked.

I rolled my eyes and fiddled with my phone. Then, I opened a selca of us together at the carnival. He grabbed my phone and took a good look at my phone then give it back to me with a grin. He looks satisfied with what he just saw.

"He looks cute. You got a fine-ass guy there. So, why are you confused? He looks good!"

I knew it. I'll never get a good advice from this hyung. There is no difference from Daehyun hyung and my hyungs. All of them are quite stupid. 

"Got any good advice there? You don't know how it feels, tsk." I sneered and put my phone back at my pocket.

He became silent for awhile then smiled, "Good advice?"

I just nod my head.

"Think and reflect. Maybe you're confused because you feel the same and you were shocked at the outcome of his expression. Or you was just shocked because he ran away. Tho, I don't know what really happened between you two. I can tell that there is a big attachment between the two of you."

With that, it got me thinking.

Maybe he's right that I do feel the same... but maybe not. 


[author's note] remember good books don't rush things! sorry for ruining your expectations that they will lovers all of the sudden, hehe. 

edited; 051916.  

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