space four。

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"Dude, what happened? Where were you the whole Science time? I came back to the room to call you but found out that you weren't there." Namjoon hyung approached me, worry is present in his tone. 

Yep, I didn't attend my Science class. I stayed at the abandoned room the whole time trying to recollect and analyze things. Asking myself questions like: "What the actual fuck happened?". I seriously can't get over it. It was kind of... traumatizing? Just kidding, it wasn't. I just can't comprehend a word to describe what happened and what I feel about it. 

"Damn, man. You made us dead worried! You also didn't take a break recently. We're waiting for you but you didn't come. What the hell happened?" Jin hyung followed and sits at the desk in front of me, worry is also present in his voice but you can tell the he worry way more than Namjoon hyung do. Typical mom of the group.

There is no teacher present in our English time. As expected, the whole class is noisy. Everyone is in their own little worlds. Some are chit-chatting, some are tripping. It is always like this every time our teacher is not present. 

But me right now? I think I am literally lost in space. I was just staring at Jungkook whose doodling or writing something in his notebook. His angelic face and innocent aura. He looks really innocent but no! He wasn't. So deceiving and it's driving my sanity away. 

"Oh, so the new kid huh? Hm."Jimin said that caught my attention, a hint of teasing in his voice. 

"What?" I raised my brows, giving him an are-you-serious-look.

Suga snorted and grinned playfully, "You're not telling us that you're having a thing to that new kid, huh?"

"That explains why you are not paying attention to us lately. Instead, you're just staring at that new kid. Jungkook." Hoseok hyung added then pushes his lower lip outward that forms a pout. Trying to form a cute disappointed look but failed horribly. 

"No! There's nothing on between us!" I defended myself but they just laugh at me. The kind of laugh they use every time someone gets teased or roasted. I think it's my turn today. But heol, please. Not now. I am not in the mood to deal with their shits. 

"Stop defending yourself. It's already obvious. I knew it." Namjoon hyung said, smiling at his own little victory.

"Huh- what- how-" I am already confused by them. A lot of things are bothering me. I don't want to deal with their teasing now. I want to clear my thoughts first. My brain isn't functioning well. I don't know how to respond to their jokes. Sighs. 

"I already knew that you came back to the room because of him. I'm just confused why he only came back here alone and you're not with him." He said and play with his phone, the smile is still on his face.

Should I tell them what happened to me recently? Or not? Well, yes. They are my hyungs and my closest friends. But for sure their teasing will get worse which isn't on my list. Okay fine, it's final. I will not tell them. I can deal with this matter. I am not fine right now but I know that I'll be. 

"Oh, that? Nothing. I just recharge my phone in my car until it's full and decided to stay there for awhile because I'm kinda sleepy. That's why I'm not with him when he came back here." Oh god, I hope they'll buy my reason. I think it sounded real. I didn't stutter at all. 

They just shrug and said their okays. Wait, really? They believed that?! Ha! I told you that it sounded real. Or maybe they are tired to tease me because I'm not responding well that much. But it's good that they already stopped.  Our topic changed and we decided to talk about random things like what we usually do when we're together. 

Until the bell ringed, well. 3 more subjects and we're done for this day. 

Time check. It's our Arts. The last subject for the day and seriously, I'm not really fond of this subject that much because lots of energy and time are needed to produce a single piece of artwork... which is definitely not my forte. 

"Good morning class! Today we'll have a group of two activity!" Our teacher said and the room was filled with sighs but some are intrigued about it.  

"Don't be so grumpy. This will be easy and for the record, you will be given the chance to choose your partner!" With that, the atmosphere and the mood of the room changed. Some yelled their yeahs and hoorays. But me? I remained still and unfazed about it. 

"What's so fun about it?" I murmured under my breath and put my hand under my chin as I stare at the smiling middle-aged woman in front of us.

"Hush for now, teens. Let me explain. In this activity, I will give you your own canvas and you will paint your own interpretation or ideology about  love. Additional information, this is not a simple activity. This will serve as your project for the whole quarter that you'll have an additional points this coming examination week." She added and her smile became bigger. The kind of smile that annoys me.

I rolled my eyes. I am not expecting to get that additional points for the upcoming exams for Arts. But I do hope that my partner knows how to draw well so that we will not end up being losers together.  I can draw but just a little bit and the basics. Definitely not a drawing of a high school student like me, so nope. 

And seriously? A painting that interprets the word love? So cheesy. It's not even Valentine's day for crying out loud. 

I didn't notice that the whole class are picking there partners and sitting beside them. Making unnecessary loud noises, of course - which annoys me more. I stayed in my seat because I don't like to do this activity slash project slash I really don't care.

Plus, I know someone will approach me to be his or her--

"Yah, Taehyung. Everyone had their partners already except us." A familiar voice asked me. When you thought that things can't get any worse, but you are definitely so wrong about it. Guess that crap is getting real. 

"Let's be partners instead." I said with a little smirk, trying to compose myself. 

He just shrug before taking the seat beside me, "Fine. That's not bad. I don't have to deal with others just because of this project. You are the only one I am really familiar with in this class."

But I do have to deal with you which is not good. I didn't response. We just sit in silence, letting the awkwardness overcome us. I can't think of anything to say. If I dare to say something, I will definitely stutter which will add to the awkwardness. 

"Okay class, listen up! I'll distribute the canvas now. It's your responsibility to buy paints or whatsoever. You'll pass this next Friday." She gave the set of canvas to one of my classmates before exiting the room.

"Oh, Taehyung! This will be great!" Jungkook said and I look at him. You can really see the excitement sparked in his eyes. Looks like he is really hyped up for this project which is the opposite of me. But hey, that's great. I will not have a hard time for this project. 

"Yeah. I think so." No, this will not be great because I'm with you.

"Hm? What do you think we should draw? We should plan now so that we can do this activity easily. When we plan now, we can pass the project on time or earlier. The earlier, the better." He asked eagerly.

I stiffened a little bit. He's really back from being a monster to an innocent one again.

"I don't know. Maybe hearts and flowers and such." His response was just only a laugh as he reach for our canvas.

"That's basic and too feminine, Tae." There he goes again for calling me Tae instead of Taehyung.

I raised my brows, "Well, I don't know. Arts is not my forte, sorry."

He smiled, "We can work this out, you know. I love to draw."

"Oh, I see." I responded, getting tongue-tied again. 

"Wait, I'm going to show you something!" He said a bit too excited then stands up to get something from his backpack. He can be a little bit childish sometimes. No, not just sometimes. Most of the times.

"This!" He said as he put a blue covered with graffiti notebook at my desk.

"You made this cover?" I asked and he nods his head.

"Cool." I added and opened the notebook. Whoa, awesome doodles and drawings. I flipped the page and found even more awesome pieces. Like 3D drawings, chibis, animes, and even real-life portrait. 

"Do you really love drawing that much?" I asked once again.

"Yep, I already had... I think 5 notebooks full of my drawings and I have my own paintings inside my room."

I look at him in awe, "Seriously? Own paintings? Why not sell them?"

"Oh no," he chuckled, "I will not sell them because those are just in little canvas with frame and I liked those."

"Do you made things out of stuffs?" I asked, getting intrigued little by little. 

"You mean, recycle things and produce another?"

I shrug - still unsure about it, "Uh, yeah. Whatever you call that."

"Uh-huh. Those frames that I used for my canvas are made of used wood covered with newspaper."

I grinned unconsciously, "So artsy and wise."

"Thanks." He said softly and smiled at my compliment.

I keep on flipping pages and got drown in it. It is refreshing in the eyes. Okay okay, I'm gonna admit that I'm fond of arts now. Well, not into this subject. But to the artworks, I mean.

Well, not that much. Maybe 20 percent? Wait- okay. 25 percent because of the cool drawing of Batman that I just saw. Because of my interest in the notebook that I'm holding, I didn't notice that the bell rang already.

"Yah, let's go home now." He chuckled and grabbed his notebook from my grip.

"Oh, uh yeah. Sorry." I apologized and stand up from my seat.

"Let's buy some stuff now for our project." He suggested which I agreed right away.

I nod, "Oh sure."

He also stands up and get his backpack from his seat. When I was about to follow him outside, my hyungs suddenly approached me. Looks like they are in the mood to hang-out again. 

"Yoooo~ Wanna hang-out?" Namjoon hyung said and pats my shoulder.

"Yeah, let's try out the new ice cream store down the street." Jin hyung said.

Hoseok hyung smacks his arm and gone hysterical, "What?! Are you serious? Ice cream store?! Are you a kid?!"

We laughed and stopped Hoseok hyung from being hysterical. Seriously, Jin hyung. Ice cream store? Aigoo, hyung really. But I am already used to Jin hyung being like this. He really loves ice cream so you cannot blame him from suggesting a newly opened ice cream store. 

"Man, calm the fuck down." Suga hyung said and I just laugh at the scenario in front of me. 

"Yeah. Nobody's too old for an ice cream store.... maybe you, horsey!" Jin teased and puts his tongue out towards him. Trying to tease him which he successfully did. 

"WHAT DID YOU CALLED ME?!" Hoseok shouts and by that, he chased Jin hyung outside.

"Those insane dumbass." Suga hyung said which made my laugh louder.

Namjoon hyung just shook his head, "Those bastards. So, wanna come?"

"Nope. We'll start our project now." I said as I nodded at the direction of Jungkook where he was standing behind my hyungs.

Namjoon hyung looked at him then at me again as he smirks, "Oh, new kid huh? Okay then. Have fun."

My hyungs left me already with their goodbyes. But what Namjoon told me got me thinking - looks like it has another meaning. I just shook my thoughts away, not now. 

"Those hyungs are funny. Like really." I was cut off my thoughts by Jungkook'a chuckle.

"Well, yeah. They are really like that. So, let's go?" I offered and he said sure.

We proceed to my car at the parking lot and hop in. I asked him where to buy and he said that we'll just buy at his fave art shop. I started the engine and told him to tell the directions to the art shop that he is telling me since I don't know the way from here to there. 

"Just go straight... Turn left... straight. Oops! Turn right, turn right! Ohkaaay~ Then, straight... Here we go!" I stopped the car in front of a typical shop but it's full of graffiti outside. We hop off the car. 

To be honest, he's not good at telling directions. We nearly hit a light post.

"Hey, Jongsuk hyung." He greeted and my gaze saw a tall guy, standing behind the counter. 

"Uhm, Tae meet Jongsuk. Jongsuk hyung meet Taehyung. And oh, Tae. He is the owner of this shop." Jungkook said with a smile on his face.

We greeted each other with 'hello' and nothing too formal. I roamed my eyes around the shop, it's kinda cool. The walls are painted white with some artsy stuffs hanging. I like the atmosphere. It's light even though this store is not that big. This is comfortable. 

"What do you need, Kook?" Jongsuk said and followed us as we walked through the racks.

"Hm, we need some paints. Color light blue, dirty white, charcoal black, and scarlet. And uh, hyung? Do you have those thin little paint brush? I need two of that."

Jongsuk nodded his head, "Yep! Wait, I'm just gonna get those you need."

"Okay, kamsahamnida hyung!"

"He's kinda nice, huh?" I said as I look at the stack of colored papers that are assorted by colors. This is really cool and oddly satisfying. Seeing stuffs that are arranged by colors and sizes. 

"Yeah. He's REALLY nice and approachable! Do you like his store?" He asked, looking at me.

I nodded and continue to roam my eyes around, "Sorta. His store is cool."

"See? That's why it's my fave." Before I respond, Jongsuk is back with the stuffs Jungkook asked in the wooden tray he is currently holding.

"Here it is!" He said and put the tray at the glass table.

"Yay! Come, Tae. Let's pay for it already!" Jungkook said, pulling me to the counter. 

Jongsuk put the stuffs inside the silver paper bag and give it to us as we pay.

"Thanks, hyung. You are really awesome!" Jungkook complimented and Jongsuk pat his head.

"No worries. Just come back when you need something."

"Let's go and  get started already, Jungkook. And hey, thanks hyung." I said as I carry the paper bag and smiled at him.

"Don't mention it." He raised his brows, still smiling. 

"Bye, hyung~" Jungkook waved and we went out the store.

I opened the backseat door and put the paper bag in there before hopping in the driver's seat.

"So, where we will do this shit?" I said and caught red-handed by my words that's why he looked at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Uh, I mean this painting." I corrected then turn on the engine.

He laugh shortly, "I don't know. It's your choice."

I stay in silence while thinking of a good place to do this thing. My phone beeped, so I get it from my pocket.

"Yah, no texting while driving." He said and I just shrug it off.

"I'll just read it." I said before swiping my phone open.

I tap to read the message and it says that it's from my mom.

"Sweetie, I won't be around till Thursday. Okay? Take care. Love you."

I locked my phone again and grinned.



[author's note] thank you so much for the 2k reads! so much love everyone!

 edited; 041316

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