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"You came home late again. Where have you been?"

I looked at her with a poker face, "Do you even care where I've been? It's a miracle that you came home early."

I closed the door and straighten my shirt. I just came home after I drove Jungkook to his dorm. Well, yes. I spent my day with him. Eating chocolate ice cream, riding different childish rides at the amusement park nearby, and talking different stuffs.

Uh-huh, we rode the caterpillar ride and even the freaking carousel! I just said yes because he's kinda fun to be with.

Oops, what did I just said? I take it back. It's just a part of the plan.

"Why do you keep on talking back to me? I'm still your mom." I stopped in my tracks to my room when I heard her voice became stern. Here we go again. It really angers me when she is like this. I just don't understand.

"Ask that to yourself. If you and dad just paid attention to me while I'm younger I will not turn into this. This is my question, mom. Why do you treat me like THIS?"

She just sighed and that's why I locked myself inside my room. I'm too tired to argue with her. She will just repeat the things that she keeps on telling me. I am too tired of hearing that answer. I just snort every time she answers that. Just give me a break from that joke.

And you know what she keeps of answering me? 

"Honey, we love you that's why."

I removed my shoes and threw my backpack to the beanbag beside the shelf. I also removed my shirt and throw it to the laundry basket. I was about to go inside my bathroom to take a shower when my phone rings. I answered it without taking a look at the caller ID.

"Hey, Taehyung." Oh, it was Hoseok hyung.

"Oh, what's up?" I yawned and scratch the little scar on my waist.

"Wanna go clubbing? Me and Jimin will go to the newly opened club beside the mall." He said and I can hear Jimin's voice in the background. 

I shook my head but I remembered that he can't see me. Silly, Taehyung. I always do this every time someone asks me a 'yes or no' question on call. 

"Nope. Too tired."

"Whoa whoa whoa, who are you and why do you have my friend's phone?!" I just laugh at his response, this hyung really. He is always like this every time I decline his offer at clubbing or having fun and the likes. But my body is really tired and I just wanted to rest. 

"Dumbass." I snorted, as I scratch something itchy in my right arm. I am really itchy right now and wanted to go take a bath so badly but I cannot. Still talking to Hoseok hyung. 

"What did you eat and you said no?"

"Do you even need to know that, hyung?! Have a decent time with Jimin and hey..." I stopped mid-sentence, smirking at the thought that popped in my mind. 


"Don't forget your lube and check in a motel nearby if you're going to fuck Jimin, okay? Don't make a mess inside the club."

"WHAT THE HELL?! Taehyung you horny dirty monster!" He shouts and I just laughed at his response. I knew that he'll go hysterical at my remark. 

I chuckled, "You know that I love you hyung."

"You're gross. I'm out." He hangs up at my finaly remark.

I just shook my head while grinning. Maybe you're wondering how we get inside the club while we're still underage. Simply because they pay the bouncer or the one whose at the entrance with bunch of money they wanted to. Just tell the price and they'll pay for it after that we are free to go inside the club. My hyungs are kinda rich. That's why they love clubbing and such.

I'm gonna admit that they influenced me a lot that's why I'm the only one who cares about grades but I didn't regret it. They just taught me how to have fun.

I grabbed my towel and went inside the bathroom. I spent an hour and a half inside the shower before dressing up. Preparing myself to go to bed. Finally time for me to take my rest. Taking a look at my Spiderman's clock, it's already midnight. I jumped to my bed and make myself comfortable in the sheets.

It's not the first time that I will sleep early. I just feel like it and like what I said a million times already. I am tired and I just want to sleep. 

I woke up because of the sunlight ray that is straight to my eyes because of my window.

"Ah, fuck!" I sit immediately and hold my eyes. It was too freaking bright! I might be blind!

I opened my eyes and waited for it to adjust then looked at my clock, it was 7 am. My class starts at 8:30 am. Should I go to school early? Or be late again?

I sighed and stands up then look at my phone. There is one message, it's from Hoseok hyung. I gasped and nearly drop my phone by the time that I read the text that he sent me. What the heavens... 

He texted me this: "yah, taehyung. we had a great time, thanks for the reminder to bring my lube! yeaahh!"

I replied: "what the actual fuck hyung?!?!?!?"

I rub my temples. That was sick, he really did it with Jimin. I thought he will just took my remark as a joke. But wow, just wow. I threw my phone to my bed and grabbed my towel. Time to take a bath and get decent.

After taking a bath for 30 minutes, I prepped up myself into a pair of black v-neck and grey pants plus my undying love for my red vans. I think that sounded too cheesy. But it's true. 

I messed up my hair a bit and put my backpack on. I grabbed my car keys and phone then proceeded downstairs. I was a little bit shocked when I didn't saw my mom. I looked at the time in my phone and says it was only 7:40.

How come she's not here in the living room or preparing breakfast? I look at the door and found my mom's slippers beside the newspaper stand.

Oh, she went to work early. Okay, the hell I care. 

I walk to the dining area and found a plate with a pancake and syrup plus a sticky note on the glass of the juice. I read the short letter on the sticky note: "Good morning, sweetie. Hopefully that you'll come to school early. Eat breakfast please, you're becoming thinner. Saranghaja! Xx"

Even though I'm still angry, I didn't manage to keep my smile, so I grinned a bit and took a sit. I looked at the pancake. It had a smiley face made of syrup which made my smile wider. Mom duties. 

I ate all of it and gulped down the juice she made. It was good and I admit that I enjoyed my meal. I washed the stuffs that are needed to be cleaned then take a glimpse at the clock in the kitchen.

It was already 8:10. I think it's already time to go to school, right?

So, I proceeded outside and make sure that our front door and the gates are locked. Before I hopped in my car. Before I turn on the engine, I connected my phone to my speakers and blasted out some rap and hip-hop music.

I drove myself to school while enjoying the music. Within 10 minutes of calm driving, I reached my university.  After parking my car, I proceeded to the lockers and saw my hyungs there. Except Jimin and Hoseok hyung, of course.

"WHOA. GUESS WHO'S HERE?!" Jin said a little too loud which made my hyungs hissed at his voice.

I also hissed a little bit because of his kinda thin voice. It is hurting my ear! I am still not used to his thin and over-reacting voice. It does really hurt my ears. 

"Shut up, you crazy man." Namjoon hyung said and Suga just laughed.

"Why are you early? We're not used to it." Suga said and closed his locker, putting the lock on.

I smirked, "I just wanted to."

"Oh, I know! You miss sleeping during Math class!" Jin said and laughed at his own joke. Self-support, eh?

Oh-kay. He is really out of his mind. Take note, he's my oldest hyung. But I think mentally, he's the youngest... and the most childish. 

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever hyung. Where's Jimin and Hoseok hyung, anyway?"

"We don't know neither. Maybe they will be late or so because Hoseok texted me that they went clubbing yesterday night." Namjoon said while searching for something inside his locker.

I just shrugged even though I know where they are or what have they done and opened my locker then grabbed my Math notebook. This is the only notebook I always leave here in my locker then the rest are just in my bag or left in my room.

Later on, the bell rings. All of the students barged inside their class.

By the time I entered the room, I saw Jungkook immediately and he saw me too that's why he smiled. I just smiled a bit and took my seat at the back of him.

"Hey, hyung. Good morning." He greeted me with a smile.

"Morning." I greeted shortly and nods at him as a sign of acknowledgement.

"Hyung..." He was about to say something when our first teacher enters the class. Tsk, what a great timing.

In the middle of our teacher's writing on the whiteboard, Jimin and J-hope barged into their seats.

Our teacher stopped writer and caught the two who just took a sit, "Hoseok and Jimin. You're 45 minutes late! Get your late slip from me before break time, understood?"

The two just threw a bored 'yeah'. Typical Jimin and Hoseok.

Our teacher continued to lecture and explain, as expected - I feel sleepy right now. I groaned in low voice but in a quiet manner and put my head down.

I am off to dreamland when...

"KIM TAEHYUNG!" I was startled when my teacher called me. I stood up, still with my bitch face on.

She glares at me, "You look like you're off to dreamland, Mr. Kim."

"Well, almost there but you startled me. So, yeah." I said and the whole class laughed.

"Quiet!" She shouts and glares at me even more, "You're challenging me, huh? Well, explain and answer this. If you can't explain it properly, you'll be automatically 70 in your next periodical exam in Math."

I wanted to say 'K. Dot.' but a yawn escaped my mouth as I look at the board. Hm, I remember this one.

I walk in front and get the whiteboard marker from her hand. I noticed she was shocked but she maintained her posture. Let's see if you will be not amazed when I answer this.

"As you can see. You need to divide both side with 4. After that, transpose the answer to the left side so that sign will be changed. From positive to negative, because whenever the number passed or change positions with the equal sign - the sign will change." I said as I write the solution swiftly.

The class are suddenly quiet and listening well. I'm not surprised, I know I'm handsome and such a smart-ass. Even you, admit it. 

"So, after the transposition. Solve the equation. This equation is quiet easy because it's one of the basic. Complex fractions plus algebra are not that hard to analyze. After that, divide it so that the 3 of x will be removed." I continued then write the final answer.

I looked at my teacher whose currently in awe, "That's how you get the answer which is x is equals to 46."

I smiled and put the marker in her hand then go back to my sit. The class was still quiet and in amazement. What? Is it the first time they saw a handsome man writing and solving some math equation on the bored? Geez. 

"O...kay... that's it. I think he explained it briefly. That's very good! I am very much impressed, young man!" She clapped her hands and I just rolled my eyes.

Tsk. Don't underestimate me, old lady. Just because I am not paying attention during your class doesn't mean I don't know anything about that stupid Math. The bell ringed. Finally! Break time! I thought math will take forever before it ends. 

"Okay, class. It's break time now. Goodbye." She said and we greeted her goodbye before she exited our room.

Then, the class became noisy again and some went off to the canteen immediately.

Jungkook looked at me, "That was awesome! I finally understand the lesson because of you. Thank you so much."

"Oh, don't mention it." I smiled at him, making sure my eye is smiling too so that it will be added to attractive points. 

"DUDE~ You're really ah-may-zing! You got the jams, man. You got it!" I laugh at Namjoon hyung's compliment. 

"Yeah, yeah. I know." I said while smirking smugly. 

I was about to go with them to the canteen when I remembered Jungkook was about to say something to me recently.

"Hey, guys. Go to the canteen without me. I'm gonna do something." I pat their back and smiled at them.

They just agreed and continued their tracks to the canteen. My smile turned into a smirk.

Jungkook was left alone in the classroom because it looks like he's doing something. I walked back inside the classroom and found him at his desk.

"Hey, there. You're supposed to tell me something recently, right?" I took the seat beside him.

He nods, "Yep. I was about to ask you if we can have recess together because you know. I still don't have friends or someone I'm comfortable with."

I knew it. Perfect timing, huh?

"Hm, okay. I understand. Let's go." I stand up again and stretch my arms, trying to hide my mischievous smile from him.

He looked at me, "Really? You're having a recess with me?"

"Yeah. That sounds great, plus you can be friends with my group." I suggested.

He stands up while fixing his things, "Okay, then. Let's go."

We exited the classroom. Time to play with him because I'm not hungry but bored and horny all of the sudden. You cannot blame me, I am really like this. Jungkook is my new toy. A cute one. How amazing it is. 

"Are you really hungry?" I asked, biting my lower lip at the excitement and eagerness to hook up with him. 

"Hm, actually I'm not. It's just that... it's recess. We are supposed to be in the cafeteria, eating."

I laugh at his innocent response. He really doesn't know anything. Making easier for me to play him. Having an innocent target is a plus because you can easily mess up with them without noticing it. 

"Nope. We can still go anywhere within this university." I said then put my hand inside my pocket.

"Jinjja?" He said then looks at me with excited eyes.

I nod my head, "Yeah. Oh! I will show you something!"

"Wha--" Before he finished his question, I grabbed his hands and starts to run - dragging him with me. Then, I stop running when we reached building two. It is a bit far from our building or building one. This is my favorite building of all time. 

"Ouch! That hurts!" He whined and rubbed his hands to his arms.

"Why are we here?" He added but I didn't response.

We entered building two. This is the building where remedial classes happen so this building is empty most of the time. This is a good place, you know. 

"Whoa, there's no one here." I heard him said as he followed me upstairs.

"Hey, why are we here? What if the bell rings?" He said, still following me until we reached the empty little classroom at the end.

"This is scary." He added but I still didn't response and keep my mouth shut. 

I chuckled. No, this is not scary. This is where miracle happens most of the time.

"Tae? Uhm." He said, feeling uncomfortable now.

I entered the room then looked at him, smirking. His face flushed and I saw him gulp. I chuckled at his response. Oh how cute you are, Jungkook. You make me wanna ram inside of you endlessly. 

"Come in." I said in my low voice, enough for him to hear.

"W-what are we g-going to do here?" He said but followed otherwise.

"Going to have fun." I said before locking the door beside him.

This room is a little bit dark. The only light source is the sun that is behind the curtains. He was just standing awkwardly beside the door. I smirked again then walks towards him. Until, I was in front of him. Face-to-face, he averted his eyes to me.

"Why are you so tense? Are you scared?" I purred in between his neck then lick it and my hands snaking in his waist. 

He let out a groan, his breathing became heavier but his shoulders become relaxed now.

"Hm, you're not scared." I said as I traced his jawline with my finger to his lips.

I bit my lip, "I feel so hot right now, Jungkook."

I was shocked when he sucked my finger as he stares at me seductively. Fuck this shit.  W-what is he doing?! Ugh, I can feel that I'm really hard right now. Can I just push him and rip his clothing off him?! 

"Then, I will help you." He smirked then wrap his hands around my neck then kissed me roughly.

I smiled as he bit my lower lip. I pinned him to the wall and grinned on him. 

"Ugh~ Tae~" He moaned then I entered my tongue to his mouth and sucked his cavern. 

A small gasp escaped my lips when he pushes me to the chair and sits on my lap as he stare at me intensely. Damn, is this Jungkook? I thought... he's innocent?  He licked my jawline and pulled back then smirked as he starts grinding in my lap while moaning messily. He's driving me insane! 

He sucked my neck and I let out a long, satisfying moan. Hmm~ This is good. 

I heard that the bell ringed. But crap. The hell I care. I was about to unbutton his blue polo. But he grabbed my hand then stands up. He leans to my ear.

"Not so fast. We still have classes, right?" He whispered, back to the innocent tone then nibbled my ear. 

He smiled sweetly before exiting the room without looking back at me once as I stare at him with wide eyes. T-the f-fuck?  

Now, what was that?! He just left me with an unfinished business. 

Shit, I don't think this game will be easy. 


[author's note] warned you about the scenes like this! hehe.

edited ; 041216.

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