space twenty-four。

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Waking up at the beam of sunlight from the curtains, I opened my eyes to find Jungkook cuddled up beside of me.

He is still sleeping while hugging me tightly. I smiled as I observed him, he looks so peaceful and calm beside me. I put my hand at the top of my head and stare at the blank ceiling. Making up my mind with undecided thoughts.

I am going to live here. With Jungkook.

That thought made me smile wider.

I love that idea - can't wait to fix my spot in here.

My eyes landed at the clock hanging on the painted wall of his room. It is only nine in the morning. Whoa, I woke up earlier than expected. Glad that there are no Saturday classes today.

I stretched before scooping him with my arm so that I am hugging him as if he's a teddy bear. I leaned my head down to peck a kiss from his forehead.

Pulling him closer to me carefully as if he's a fragile glass that I don't ever want to break. But even though I know that he is fragile, I still want to keep him and treat him like he's the most important glass in my life.

I chuckled at that thought. Out of all the metaphors I can use, I used glass. But hey, it's true. Despite of being fragile, he's a strong and an unbreakable glass. Ironic, isn't it?

"Tae..." My thoughts are cut when I heard his murmur.

My gaze went down to his still closed one. He slowly opened his eyes and looked straight into mine, then a small beaming smile appeared on his face.

"Good morning", he said.

I smiled back at him, "Good morning, love."

His smile already became the most wonderful smile that I've ever seen in my life. I've never seen a smile so strong after all the struggles he went through. I know that there are more and he's not yet telling me those - but I will wait until he's ready to tell me the struggles he had or he is having.

He opened his mouth as if he's going to say something but closed it again and pursed it. Instead, his eyes turned teary all of the sudden which made me worried.

"I'm sorry," He said, "I'm so sorry."

My eyebrows creased when he told me that. What is he sorry for? I am supposed the one to say sorry to him because of what my mom did. Well, I'm doing that on behalf of her.

He shuts his eyes, causing tears to spill from his still-tired eyes.

I pulled him into a tight hug and rested my chin on the top of his head as I hush him. The more I hear his sobs, the more my heart breaks. He looks so fucking broken and it frustrates me so much!

"Jungkook, why... why are you crying? Why are you sorry?", I cupped his face and he opened his eyes.

His eyes are full of emotions; emotions I can easily tell. Desperation, love, sadness, and loneliness.

He took a deep breathe before turns his back to me, "I'm sorry because I can't be the one for you. For failing you. For not impressing your mom because... I'm not a girl."

My eyes widened as my hand balled into a fist. I hate it when he's overthinking this way. I tried to push my anger away, instead I released a sigh and I hold his arms to turn him back to me again.

"How many time do I need to tell you that you should stop overthinking that way, Jungkook? Aren't my words enough? Aren't my promises enough to make you stop?", I said with concern in my eyes.

He bit his lip as he tried hard not to break down again before speaking, "But how? It happened already, Taehyung. It happened..."

He turn his back again before standing up, leaving me alone on the bed.

Looks like this is going to be a long day of explaining such to him. I know that he's going to change and I'm not going to let that happen. I don't want my happy and bubbly Jungkook disappear just because of that!

Without thinking twice, I stand up from the bed to follow him. I walk outside the room and found him in the kitchen, drinking water.

"Jungkook, I'm still not finish talking with you." I said and walked until I am beside him.

He looked at me with his brows up, "What? You're going to give me a lecture again? Saying that I'm just overthinking and shit. You don't know how I feel that's why you can say that. I'm tired of hearing that line all over again, Taehyung. I'm tired of expecting that everything will be alright because no! Everything is falling apart! Can't you notice that, Taehyung?! How ignorant of you!"

I was taken aback because of what he just told me. This is turning into a mess. Last night, he thanked me for not leaving him but now look - he's shouting at me, telling how ignorant I am. Patience is a virtue, I need to remind myself that one.

Maybe he's mind are clouded with dark thoughts that's why he is like this. A little patience- no, not little. Lots of patience is what I need. He needs to understand that he isn't alone to face his problem because I'm here.

"I'm not ignorant.", I said and he looked at me as if I said a joke.

He laughed sarcastically, "Then, what? Dumb? Oblivious? Stupid?"

I replied, "Jungkook, calm yourself down and listen to me. This will get out of control if you are furious. Please, let me speak."

His creased brows slowly turned into a calm one and a deep sigh escaped his lips before he softly nods as a sign for me to speak.

I take his hand and intertwined my fingers into his. It felt great and a sudden spark electrified me. I looked at him and noticed that he's looking at our intertwined hands. It's been awhile since we hold hands like this. And I'm telling you, his hands fit in mine as if it was a missing puzzle piece.

"First of all, I'm not going to lecture you again. I just wanted to tell you that you never fail me and you'll never be a failure to me," I tightened my grip to his hands and caressed it, "How can you say that you aren't the one for me where in fact I'm so deeply and honestly in love with you? You don't need to impress my mom to be the 'one' to me. She's a close-minded shit. And Jungkook, you know what?"

I stopped to look at his reaction, he's just staring at me with shocked yet loving eyes.

"Hm, what?", He asked, the tips of his lips slowly curling into a smile.

"You don't have to be a girl to be mine. 'Cause you're already mine. You don't have to be someone to impress me or anyone because you do not need to do that. I didn't fell in love with your physical features or to your gender. I fell in love with your soul." I finally explained without getting interrupted.

"I.. I don't know what to say...", He said and shook his head, he looks really flushed.

"But can I ask you one question?", He asked and raised his brows again, this time in a curious manner - I just hummed in response.

"Why me? I mean, out of all your flings and all the people that liked you, why do you chose me?", He said and his eyes looks serious for my answer.

I cupped his face as I walk one more steps towards him which closes the gap between us and I can tell that he was shocked because I heard a gasp from him. But he managed to maintain his posture even though his eyes were opened wide.

"Do I need to state a reason why I chose to love you? Can't I just say I love you because you are you and your soul is captivating?", I said which made his cheeks turned into a shade of crimson red.

"Oh and you know what again?", I said with a cheeky smile on my face. He mouthed, "What" as a response.

"I'm going to live here... with you. We're going to live toge-"

I wasn't able to finish my statement when he captured my lips into an excited, rush kind of kiss. He pulled back and all I can see is a wide grin on his face.

"Really?!", He said and I just nodded my head.

"Oh my gosh!", He peppered my face with excited kisses until he kisses my lips the longest.

"You don't know how much you made me so happy because of your reasons and I don't know how to explain what I feel because happy is too shallow to describe how I feel when you told me that you'll stay here with me!", He respond - the wide smile is still on his face.

"Taehyung...", He added but trailed off which made me raised my brows.

"Yes, Kookie?"

"I am really deeply in love with you and with what you said to me recently. All of that made me fall deeper. I love you so much, Taehyung! And hm, because of that. I demand for a date."


[author's note] guess who's back my angels... after a one month hiatus! me!

despite of being a lazy one, y'all still manage to give me a 121+k reads! holy guacamoly! i really owe all of these to you my angels! i love you all and i really miss all of you! /le hugs u all;

and here we go, let's start the next chapter/journey of the vkook couple huahua!

edited; 052016.

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