Chapter 10: Love

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A/N: Thanks for the comments and votes. This chapter is dedicated to  WordsAndAll thank you so much for the awesome/enthusiastic feedback. It really means a lot. Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who is also reading this story!

Please don't forget to vote/comment.

Thanx guys!

"I feel alive when I'm only with you. Isn't that strange?"


  When I walked into school that Monday morning, things had already started to feel weird. The kind of feeling where you feel like you don't belong.

  My teammates and fellow football players were giving me the cold shoulder, and as expected, Will and Mark didn't meet up with me at the school entrance. But maybe, I hoped, it was just because I'd taken the bus and they hadn't seen me pull into the parking lot with my familiar Prius. They couldn't possibly have stopped being my friends cuz of their damn assumptions and misconceptions of me, considering I've been acting strange.

  I didn't sleep with Julie. I hadn't and didn't want to sleep with her. My actions had been out of control, and I was gonna give up weed for a bit—maybe forever.

  I wondered who started the rumor anyway. And why did Will find it effing weird that I left the party early? Yet, I wanted to ask Allan about the fight his friend got into with the star quarter back of Warner High, Simon Moore. It looked like Charlie had been winning from what I saw.

  "So, have you talked to Will and Mark yet?" Zanna asked, appearing beside me in that regular spontaneous way of hers.

  I shook my head, and didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything to Zanna with a lot of people around. Will did say someone caught me talking to "myself".

  Zanna must've understood, cuz she too, silently awaited for Mark and Will to show.

  It must've been ten minutes till first period when Will decided to comeover and talk to me. He was acting strange and disinterested. Even when he, himself, was telling me about how the known asshole of the school Iain (I forget his last name) cursed-out these two girls and had caused a scene. It had something to do with Simon Moore.

  After Will was done telling me about the events that took place after I left the party, he spoke in a whisper. Leaning in he told me, "Mark's pissed off."

  I rolled my eyes. Zanna crossed her arms and yawned. She remarked, "Such a phony. Mark can't even meet up with you in person."

  "Well, where is he?" I asked Will. "He can't come and tell me that himself? He wants to act life a fuckin'..." I couldn't find the word to finish off my sentence.

  Zanna whispered in my ear, "Meathead."

  "...a fuckin' Meathead."

  Will frowned, and shook his head. "Nah, Blayze. You've been acting like the tricky bitch."

  Zanna and me looked at each other. Will couldn't have possibly been acting like the instigator. Admittedly, I felt that I'd have more of a chance winning a fight between Will and me, rather than Mark, who supposedly took boxing lessons.

  Mark wasn't a fair fighter.

  Zanna said to me strongly. "Tell Will that he's Mark's she-dog cuz he's telling you this instead of Mark who is entirely capable of doing it himself."

  She made a slapping motion at Will's face. Sadly, she couldn't successfully slap him, both of her hands simply phased through both sides of his face.

  "You're Mark's bitch, cuz he could approach me like a man, and you're trying to be the instigator!" I didn't raise my voice until the last word. Man, I must've been starting to get pissed off.

  "Blayze, I don't know what's with you man," Will lamented. "You've been acting weird, and you never yell. What's with you? Did Hailey really mess with you that bad?"

  Was he saying that I'd been acting weird before Zanna Casper'd me? I wasn't entirely sure.

  Will walked away from me (and Zanna) before either of us could think up a response.

  During Chem, I found myself being partners with Dalton Heimshra. I heard that his girlfriend Tally Grant knew a thing or too about astrology and the dead. I was seeing if he could tell me, why, exactly, I was the only one who could see Zanna—who wasn't entirely a ghost; not dead yet, just in a coma—and no one else could?

  I didn't ask it like that though. I was a bit more vague. Today, in Chem, the lab assignment was to make a rainbow spectrum out of the chemical based liquids in the beakers before us on the respective lab tables. Mrs Eton, the Chem teacher, had done the pairing up.

  As Dalton measured the amount of water I put in the beaker, I decided to question him about seeing ghost. "Hey, like, I know who your girlfriend is. Tally Grant, right? Would you know, from her, what it means to be the only one who can see the ghost of someone who's not entirely dead, but not entirely living either?"

  Dalton gave me a look that showed how appalled he was towards everything I'd done to surprise him. For instance, I was surprisingly participating in the lab assignment, and he wasn't having to do all the work like usual. We'd never been paired up before, but a couple days ago, if this took place, he'd be doing all the work as I discreetly texted on my phone, or possibly even napped. But for some reason, I decided to participate and try on the lab experiment.

  Zanna wasn't with me at the moment. She said something about going to choir room and a solo.

  "Meet me and Tally under the bleachers, in the gym, during lunch. She'll be able to tell you something then," is all Dalton said, before adding the components to the liquid that caused our spectrum so far to be a brown murky color.

  "All right, cool." I needed more answers.


  Tally presented to me a book marked book. The title of the book read Heaven Sent.

  Dalton's girlfriend wore dark black eyeliner, fingerless gloves, and her hair was the oddest color. It was close to a lime green. She also had on snake bite piercings.

  "We can rule out clairvoyance," she said softly. "But before I can continue, I'd like to know who is it. And is this person exactly dead?"

  I shook my head. "Uh, no. She's in a coma. I don't really know her name. I couldn't tell you who she was."

  Tally looked unconvinced. 'The girl's had to have told you her name. Especially if you are only questioning things now—about her, that is. And how do you know she's in a coma?"

  I sighed. "Cuz, because she told me."

  "Well, if she told you that...I'm sure she's told you her name."

  "Zanna Purgeth," I heard myself say. "She went here."

  Tally didn't laugh at me. Or look at me like I belonged in an ensemble cast of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. She looked at Dalton, and looked back at me. "We know who she is, we weren't aware that she was in the hospital. We thought she moved." She moved her bangs out of her face. "I was going to charge you for this, but since we know who you've been seeing. I won't charge you."

  I nodded. Good, I thought, 'cause I don't have any damn money on me right now. Seriously. The only thing I had for lunch was a granola bar. I couldn't even afford the school's lunch because I forgot to tell my parents I needed some money for the school's lunch. Not only, were my car keys taken away. I wouldn't have an allowance for awhile, nor would I have the luxury of going out and doing my own thing. They monitored me when I was on the computer; and they even checked my browser history on my phone and computer.

  It was 12:15.

  In 15 minutes lunch would be over, and I was now walking out of the gym.

  Tally had told me some interesting stuff, that I didn't know wether or not to believe in. Then she mentioned some stuff about soul matetes. I was in so deep in thought. Zanna surprised me when she appeared.

  "Blayze, my grandparents paid me a visit!"

  I sort of jumped when Zanna made her appearance right in front of me like a genie. She looked like she wanted to cry. "I didn't like seeing my grandfather break down like that. He said he'd saw me doing great things in the future."

  I pulled out my phone, and pretended like I was talking on the phone. Even though I saw no one nearby, or around. I didn't want anyone reporting to one of my friends or teammates that I was talking to midair and shit.

  "Zanna, don't get upset. When you wake up," I said optimistically, "I'm sure your grandfather will be able to still see the potential."

  She gave me a smile, and put her hand up to her ear like she was talking on the phone. Looking at me, she spoke into her makeshift phone and said, "If you say so, Blayze. I'll take your word for it."

  Zanna and I had rounded the corner of the hallway, when I came face to face with Mark. I gotta admit, it felt weird not interacting regularly with my buddies and teammates all day. But it's not like things had been exactly normal these past couple days either.

  Mark looked at me like I was a piece of cow dung. He eyed me like he was the dominant one.

  "I knew he was always jealous of you," Zanna said to me matter of factly. "You two almost look a like, except you're cuter, and you have friendlier eyes." She again, said this like it was more fact than opinion.

  "You know, when Mark was bragging about practically jumping freshman Peter Fierro in English, and everyone was making him feel good about it. Like Macho Man, and stuff. I like how dumb you made him feel."

  I glanced at her, "You remember that?"

  "Yeah, I do." She smiled at me.

  "Who ya talkin' to, Terran?" Mark asked in churlish manner. "You've been acting weird as fuck. Fucking you're ex's friend, not hanging out with your buddies on the weekend, and I heard you were wanting to skip homecoming like the pussy you are."

  12:25, the time read. That meant five more minutes until the bell rang signaling that lunch was over, and that next hour classes were about to begin.

  People also began coming in. They must've felt the tension between Mark and I.

  Everyone was staring at us.

  Zanna chided me. "Don't let him call you that!"

  I was thinking of another comeback in my head when he went in for a punch. The punch was successfully executed. Therefore, a crowd formed around us. Fight! Fight! Fight!

  Before I could even think straight, Zanna proclaimed, "Let me do this. I've always wanted to beat this son of a bitch up. He needs it!"

  So, basically Zanna became me; she sort of possessed me, and she helped me fight my battle. Don't get me wrong, Mark was a great fighter. But I wondered if he could ever win a fair fight.

  Half the time he was mainly doing the punching, and his opponents barely stood a chance.

   Albeit, it did scare the crap out of me that Zanna had taken control of my body, she was helping me. She knew when I needed to duck most of time, and she delivered some heavy blows and uppercuts. The only time Mark got the upper hand was when he slammed me against a locker, and kicked my shin. He could've gotten me in the stomach, but Zanna, gave him a good punch in the nose crunch! and she had me even punch him the throat. I thought I'd started to bleed from from a scratch on my forehead, but when Mark took a hold of his nose, holding it screaming the word fuck! I knew his pain was far worse than mine.

  Zanna really did hate Mark.


  I wish I could hug her right now. Maybe even kiss her. But I couldn't even touch her because she was a ghost. She probably wouldn't even want me to kiss her. What ridiculous thoughts I was having.

  Where was Zanna anyway? She'd disappeared on me when my parents were reprimanding me about the fight that went down between me and Mark. He'd been suspended for three days, and I'd been suspended for a whole week. Based about the amount of days in suspension, you could guess who won.

  They said that I broke his nose.

  Mark should've been glad that my dad was a doctor. Yet, I still didn't deem it fair that I'd have to apologize to Mark, and that my dad was offering to fix Mark's nose for free. Just freaking terrific.

  I won't apologize.

  I wouldn't apologize.


  What's your favorite song, Blayze?" Zanna had asked me that Friday night, which had been a couple days ago. "My favorite song's Fade Into You by Mazzy Star."

  I had shrugged. "I dunno. I guess I like whatever's on the radio."

  She shook her head and smirked at me. "Typical."

  "What's your favorite movie?" She then asked.

  "I like the Batman films starring Christian Bale."

  She smiled thoughtfully. "That's a better answer. Who's your favorite superhero then?"

  "Green Lantern."

  She laughed. "Now that's new. My favorite superhero is..."

  "You remind me of Supergirl."

  "I do?"

  "Yeah. Especially when she gets excited. And you have a kind of strength about you. Your minute you're cute and very nerdy like, but then another moment, you're someone else entirely. You're more outspoken and you give off this sort of attitude, like you need anyone else but yourself."

  "But at least Supergirl has friends to help her..."

  "But she has a mom and sister who love her like yours do."

  She smiled at me again, and this time a tear dropped from her eye. She wiped it away quickly as she turned her face away. "Blayze," She said quitetly.


  "Thanks for making this experience a lot more enjoyable. I don't think I would've had as much excitement nor happiness as a ghost without you. Thank you."

  "No need to thank me. I needed you too."


  Zanna had come back.

  We were at Hanson Lake.

  She had told me a couple minutes ago that her mother was thinking about taking her off life support because she was told by my father that her body hadn't been getting better, and that her brain activity was decreasing.

  She looked so distraught. "I don't know what to do Blayze. My mother's starting to lose hope, and faith." Continuing to stare out at the lake, she kept pulling at the grass and sighing with contempt. "But I'm probably better off dead anyway. There's a Heaven, I'm most certain of."

  Hearing her say that made me realize something.

  That thing was, I didn't want her to leave me. I didn't have any friends anymore, my parents were beyond disappointed in me, and Coach was pissed off towards the fact that I'd missed another day of practice, and it being a week until homecoming. Warner High's football team was hard to defeat, and there was most certainly the pressure. Oh, and we was also pissed that I'd missed tutoring yesterday ( he hadn't failed in bringing that up). Then there was half my teammates were pissed at me for the fight that happened between Mark and I.

  "How are you sure that you're mother might, uh, pull the plug?"

  She gave me a deadpan face expression. "She said she'd think about it. I didn't think she actually consider it..."

A/N: There ya go! I hope you guys liked the chapter. I'll correct any grammar and misspelled words later, ya know how that goes.

Please tell me what ya think.

Did you like how this chapter went?

Is Zanna going to make it?

DC or Marvel? (I'm DC, though they can work on their live-adapting)

  This story is finished and completed. I'd appreciate it very much if you could give me some feedback, or a vote. But if you're a silent reader, I won't be offended if you don't follow or comment.

I do reply to all feedback/comments.

I do know how much you readers matter.

Thank you!

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