Q&A with Jane and Characters #3 [BONUS!]

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How many chapters do you plan on having for this book?

It currently sits at twenty-three, and the final battle can be initiated any second. A good guess is between twenty-four and twenty-eight chapters. It's a small story, I know, but it'll be a completed one, and that's what matters :)

However, while I thoroughly edit it, I'm planning on posting Thoysal's POV once a month. Not really something important, but a nice bonus for the both of us while I work on the next book offline.

Why have you barely written anything in almost two weeks?

I was completely wrapped up in the forums, as I was a major player in the City of Elgin ARG. So uh... I invested basically all my time in that, night and day. There was no space for writing anymore. But, in my defense, I was the official recap writer, and technically wrote more than a few thousand words.

And I also got two fancy badges out of it, as well as a bunch of new friends. Wooh :) Now I just need to get my backlog up to five, from the two it sits at now...

(Question totally not asked by myself to justify my lack of writing -- Update from future self: I wrote 200 words again on Friday and Monday, topped off by 600+ on Tuesday. Wooh!)

Do you have certain update days or is it random?

I update every Wednesday. I think it started back on my old account, JaneTheFirefox. I wrote my book and just couldn't wait anymore, and thus, I published it that day: Wednesday. Although I sometimes updated a few times a day (my chapters were like 100-600 words and riddled with grammar mistakes and typos), I would always update on Wednesday. That trend continued with my second book, the first ever book in Uurion (Infused with Darkness). And then it continued with the rewrite of my first book. Now it's just so ingrained in me, it's never gonna go away.

Long story short, if I haven't updated by Thursday, you can assume something terrible happened to me. It's incredibly unlikely for me to miss something I look forward to every day.

What is Nix's favourite critter from the world?

A critter, so an animal, huh? Definitely not fish. Fish live in water, and water is bad. She'd probably pick a normal fox, or another firefox, as normal foxes die so quickly. Imagine being young for hundreds of years, yet your average fox lives and dies in five. You can't keep playmates like that. That's the exact reason why Racra made the elves, actually; humans died too quickly.

Is there gonna be a sequel? Or will you continue to write after this?

There is no sequel planned, at least, not now. I will definitely continue writing, though. I'll leave TAF in a corner for two weeks, then edit it, then get beta readers to go over it, then edit again, then get both beta's and editors, then edit it one last time before I'm happy. While that slow process is going on, I'll be working on a story in my mother language, as well as short stories about Uurion mythology and lore.

How would you have reacted in Nix's situation of being trapped in a bottle?

I have actually lost my freedom once, for eleven weeks. Maybe that's why the idea struck me even more, even though the focus is on her momma, not on her imprisonment, like I intended it to be. It helped that the bottles had magic to keep their inhabitants from freaking out, losing their mind, going insane, the likes. I probably wouldn't have reacted well, though.

Pick three characters, what are their favourite colours?

For Zanixa, it's most definitely red or reddish orange, because it looks like fire. That fox is obsessed with fire - and herself, because of that.

Thoysal... Hm. He wouldn't say black, as black is the color of Daskil, and not one vampire likes that guy. Silver is probably his color of choice, because it's shiny, and he can relate it to, "Silver kills wolves, so it's a nice color".

Are you going to keep the title? What would you change it to if you don't?

The title really has to go. Like, really. Oscen barely plays a part in all of this, and I'd be surprised you guys still know who he is at this stage. The title is clickbait, because "x's flame" is generally something sexual, and Wattpad is known for its... You know. I hoped that I could draw people in with the promise of smut, and by the time they realize it isn't gonna come, they're staying because of my superb writing. (Yeah, sure). It seems to have worked so far, though.

I'll probably ask other people for help with the new title, like at the end of the story here and in the forums. Feel free to suggest away.

We know about Zanixa's mom, but will there be anything mentioned about her dad?

Raset did mention the one male firefox in Todas, back all the way in chapter seventeen. However, firefoxes really don't have much of a "father". The only one that cares for the kits is the mother. The father just continues on his merry way and decks other female firefoxes before going to a different area to repeat the process.

So no, her father will play next to no part in this story. The only part he has is the fact that he caused Zanixa to exist, and that's about it.

Does the pack understand why Zanixa set their town on fire, and do they even feel guilty?

Nope and nope.  Most already disliked having a fox anyway, and they now full-out hate her because she literally tried to burn them down when they can be attacked by a hostile pack any moment. That only makes it worse, because what she did could've caused them to attack sooner. They barely tolerate her presence at the moment, only keeping her around because they're busy preparing to fight an enemy that has twice the number of warriors that they do.

If Zanixa was a pokemon, what would her moves be?

1. Tail Whip

2. Fire Fang

3. Flamethrower

4. Charm

She has used each before, and it fits her pretty decently, to be honest. Sadly, Thoysal is immune to Charm, but not to Tail Whip. Flamethrower would be super effective.

Could Zanixa help with baking or cooking things with her flame? And if so, could you imagine a scene where Raset, Thoysal, and Zanixa were baking things together?

First off, congrats for writing Thoysal's name right :D Second, yep, she could help with baking or cooking or forging or glassblowing. I actually have a story idea for a pyromancer mage being a glassblower or baker or something, waiting to be written.

As for that scene... It may just be the bonus for 20k, if I get around to writing it before then. Thanks for the idea!

One question for you guys: what did you think of my 10k celebration cheesecake? I was quite happy with it myself, especially because it tasted good, heheh.

Once more, I cannot thank you enough for all the support. Ten thousand reads?! That's insane. Hell, within three days, it's now 11k! You guys' endless support definitely helps keep me going; all the votes, all the happy comments, all the reactions to the chapters. It's amazing, and I'm really thankful for that <3

Now, I have a sneaky suspicion that the book will be over at around chapter twenty-seven. The chance that we'll hit 20k before that time is incredibly, incredibly low, so that even if we do hit it, I think it'll be moments away - or moments after - the final chapter has been published. So personally, I think the next bonus thing will be getting the chance to choose my next story idea, instead of another Q&A, simply because I don't want to prolong the end anymore by shoving the next chapter another week away and plopping a Q&A in between like I'm doing now. I hope y'all don't mind, although feedback is always welcome.

I'll see you in the comments, or at the next update :) Don't be afraid to reach out to me, I won't light you on fire like Nix would.

Oh, and some extra writing-related news. I joined a fantasy writing competition in my native language, and the contest closes tomorrow (April 25th). An actual publisher is involved - be it a small one - so I have really high hopes. I'll keep you guys posted on what happens on that front, like if I win anything, or if the publisher notices me. We'll see.

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