Q&A with Jane and Character #2 [BONUS!]

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How protective of Nix is Thoysal? Would he attack a pack member for her, or even the Alpha?

Hmm... Quite a lot. But not enough to leave the pack open to an attack to go after her. The lives of five hundred people still outweigh the life of one. He'd still kill many to get to her if necessary, though. He would definitely chase off a pack member with his glare and terrifying aura, and Oscen knows better than to go against him. He wouldn't attack Oscen, but he would definitely chew him out verbally.

I'm trying to write a few books myself, and I find that I don't have a lot of motivation. Any tips to try and keep writing consistently?

I am one of the worst people to ask this, honestly. Across my two accounts, you'll find all the stories I abandoned because I lost motivation. The Alpha's Flame has the biggest chance to make it, because I'm now in a situation that allows me to write every day - and so, I write every day. calmwolf and DumDumPops4 make me write at least 200 words a day, although I'm slowly cranking that up to 250-300. I also made a list of scenes to get me through to the end battle, which helps tons. I'd always get lost in the empty hole that was the middle, and now I can simply go by a list to fill that hole. You could try to write 200 a day too, and make a list of scenes to get you going.

How old are you?

I am between fifteen and twenty-five. That's all I'm gonna say :) I'm a majestic beast in the prime of her life, with an ocean of time ahead of her. Fear my might, peasant!

What roles do Omega's play in packs? Do they have special characteristics?

They generally do the tasks others don't, as they are too busy training for combat or doing heavy work such as mining. They cook and clean, do gardening, or make art or such. They also function as living alarm systems for if the higher-ups are pissed off. They can sense emotions and such, and if they can sense the Alpha or Ira are angry, they high-tail out of there as fast as they can. When others notice them suddenly pulling the disappearing act, they know bad stuff is coming and quickly leave as well. On top of that, they are also living lie detectors and function as comfort, as they look small and innocent and generally hug-able. 

They have special magic only Omega's have, such as sensing emotions, sensing lies, half-truths, and deceptions, the ability to comfort and calm people around them, and the ability to make people unable to focus on them. The last one allows them to quickly escape notice if they're uncomfortable - which is often. They're more nervous around higher-ranked members and prefer the company of other Omega's.

Omega's always have common hair colors, such as black and brown. You will never find any that have blond or red hair, as that simply stands out too much. They prefer to be invisible, unnoticeable, as they don't have the strength or powerful wolf form that others have. This means they also lack the over-inflated ego and sense of pride other wolves have.

Will any gods or goddesses appear in future chapters of this book?

No, not at all. Although many are still active in the world, they have no part in conflicts between two packs of werewolves. Seeing gods is quite rare, unless you belong to the special group of mortals that are close to them, or see them at specific celebrations if they are the patron of your city. This is simply not important enough for them to care.

How would you describe back where our little firefox used to live with her momma?

Have you ever seen the roofed forest biome in Minecraft? Imagine it like that. The canopy is so thick that barely any light comes through. The forest floor is covered in thick, dark-colored moss, and the air is permanently humid. Zanixa and her momma live closer to the Ufri mountains, causing their territory to be riddled with hills and steep inclines, the snow-covered tips of the mountains looming in the west. Lush ferns thrive in the darkness, covering the many little streams that flow between the dark trees. Many eyes watch from the shadows, ready to flee or tear into their prey. Here and there, there are cave entrances where the streams carved their path into the ground before deciding to go in another direction, creating perfect dens for the creatures that live there. Zanixa and her momma live in one of those caves, a bit higher up on a hill to prevent their home from being flooded if Bleoles feels like torrential rain.

I think I went a little bit far here... Heh. Hope you have enough inspiration ;)

How old is Zanixa?

Three-hundred and forty-seven years old. She is but a child in firefox terms. Fun fact: She's technically older than Oscen.

Would other wolf packs find Nix or even Thoysal valuable, and possibly try to abduct them?

No, not really. Only rogues would be interested for as she's so rare and likeky to bring in a lot on the black market. For packs, it's different. As another werewolf said, foxes don't belong with them. Zanixa isn't that powerful, and with her tail, she's actually a liability. Imagine having her around when Bleoles decided it's time for a drought. She could cause fires they have no hope of putting out.

As for Thoysal, although he is technically very powerful and very useful, his race was made by the most insane and dangerous goddess to ever exist. On top of that, he is dead and drinks blood. That is enough to freak most people out. And why risk abducting a being that is extremely fast, strong, and also happens to be a psychic? Psychics are dangerous when you are on their bad side. Just imagine them digging invisible claws in your mind.

Do the Vesmai have a god or goddess that created them, or did they come into existence around the same time the gods did?

Lustrio, the founder and leader of the Vesmai, was born roughly fourteen thousand years ago. He was one of the first generations of humans, maybe just over a century younger than the Second Generation, and he only created the Dark Order of the Vesmai a few centuries later. Technically, all beings were created by the immortals; vampires were made by Ablait, Mafrel turned his own sons and daughters into angels, Nestra created the leviathans. However, the Vesmai specifically weren't created by the gods. They were simply driven by the need to gain power by experimenting and acquiring knowledge, to the point they were so powerful even a god of the First Generation could no longer stop them.

Will we learn more about the Vesmai's background?

I'm trying to save things for a separate book about one of the apprentices, but I get really carried away in the Q&A's. The Vesmai have been my little project from the birth of this world, meaning that I have worked on them for nearly two years. I may drop hints here and there, which I'm not supposed to do since this book is not about them, but I can't help myself.

Long story short: no, not really, as only the Vesmai themselves know their true background. Anyone who looks too deeply into them ends up dying in mysterious and painful ways. There may be a book on one of them coming, but I'll let you guys decide which story idea I'm going after next when I finish TAF.

If Nix and Thoysal were in our modern world, right now, what's an invention or technological advancement that they'd find amazing?

Nix would most definitely love drying machines. She'd sit in them while they're still warm and bark and complain when she'd have to go out. Honestly, anything that emits warmth would make her happy.

As for Thoysal... hm. It's hard to say. He's the kind of guy to go all the way to Alaska and live in the wilderness, all on his own. He'd probably like the invention of planes, as the poor guy can't cross moving water on his own. The plane would function as a moving bridge, allowing him to cross oceans.

If Nix had social media, what would she be on?

Probably on Twitter, burning all the politicians and companies that are ruining our ecosystem at the moment. And to post cute fox pictures.

If Thoysal had to eat one meal for the rest of his life (excluding blood), what would it be?

Hmm... Man, questions about him are really hard to answer, as he's a mystery even to me. He has like this dark cloud of questions hanging around him. He'd probably go for the pastries from Astos. Those things are famous for how sweet and delicious they are, as the elves helped perfect the recipes with their knowledge, using tropical fruits from Orc Island. Even Thoysal has a sweet tooth.

When Nix is hurt, does fire heal her?

Not in a direct way. However, the coals the fire provides does help her heal, as having more inner warmth makes her heal quicker. On top of that, the fire makes it so that most predators can't touch her while she's hurt. Imagine a turtle hiding in its shell, but then that shell actually causing pain.

When you finish The Alpha's Flame, will some characters from this book get their own story?

I wasn't planning on it, to be honest. Barely any of these characters ever leave their territory. Maybe Raset may get a story, as I really like her, but that'd be a short story of maybe 5,000 words tops. Just enough to explain her background and look epic and such. I do, however, have more plans for other stories in Uurion. As said earlier, when TAF is finished, I'm actually going to allow you guys to vote on which story idea you like best, and I'll write that one.

Also, an immense thank you for allowing me to hit this milestone. I never expected this, and it makes me almost as proud as the fact that this story is so close to completion. It's been great to interact with y'all through the comments every time <3 Let's hope this trend continues all the way 'til the completion of TAF! We're getting scarily close to the end here...

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