Q&A with Jane and Characters [BONUS!]

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All bonus chapters have been moved to the back of the book for the binge readers. The newest chapter is always before this one. Enjoy!

Will Nix ever find her mother again, or is she dead?

She is most definitely not dead, as firefoxes live up to 5,000 years. But if Nix wil find her momma...? Well, that's a mystery :)

Will Nix actually get bigger than when she was first trapped?

Much to her disappointment, Nix has not grown a bit. She was in a state of non-living for two hundred years, meaning she's technically two centuries behind on her growth. This also means she'll live two centuries longer, as she didn't really 'exist' those two and a half centuries that she was in the bottle.

Who's been your favorite character to write so far for The Alpha's Flame?

Aside from Nix? Most definitely Thoysal. Gods, I just love him. He's like a better version of Estrary - another character I just need to write a story on. I can't wait for him and Nix to lurk together, for him to teach her how to sneak up on werewolves and watch them without them noticing. He pretends to be all heartless and cold and loner, but he secretly likes her presence.

Who's been the hardest character to write so far?

Oof... That is a good question. I'd say Oscen. I don't want your usual cliché Alpha that is barely over eighteen years old, just happens to be mates with the main character, is a formidable fighter, has amazing abs, barely thinks twice about caring for the pack, yada yada. He had to be a good leader, one who cared for his people, yet somehow still be impulsive enough to spend far too much money on a nifty piece of magic.

Fight between Thoysal and Nix -- Who wins?

I'm sorry, Nix, but Thoysal. He's older, knows his fair share of magic, and is faster, smarter, and far more lethal. He could simply knock her out with a mental blow and kill her within seconds. She has no defences whatsoever, aside from her tail. If she were fully grown, it'd be slightly different, as she'd mentally be stronger and would be able to summon fire at will, but as a young fox kit? She doesn't stand a chance.

Nix, why are you so cute?

Nix: I'm not! ;-; I'm gorgeous, just look at my tail. You don't have a tail like that, do you? I'm beautiful, not cute. If you think otherwise, you get my tail in your face.

Why did you pick a fox kit, out of any animal?

I'll have to be honest here and finally post what inspired this entire story. It's the picture below. I tend to browse Pinterest for pictures to build my characters around, both male, female, and creature. This picture popped up along with other bottled creatures, and I knew I just had to make a story about her. Just like the character of the picture below Nix's will definitely make an appearance soon. Oh, and do you see the big fox in the bottle? When Nix is all grown up, her tail will be just as big.

How did you come up with the names for all these characters?

... Heh... fantasynamegenerators.com - My main generator for the Afreiton area is Country & Nation. I also use the Continent and the Civilization name generator often. 

How did you come up with the idea of bottled creatures?

It wasn't my idea. As you can see above, Emma Lazauski was the original creator. I contacted her, but apparently, her bottled creatures aren't sentient like mine are. Ideas tend to expand really quickly. It's what happened with the picture of the girl with mini antlers.

Choose two other characters... How would they react to being put in a bottle?

Hmm... Let's see. If we take away the fact that the Vesmai (even smaller: the Tamers) bottle creatures because it's easier to transport them that way, and just bottle any possible character, I'd pick Dubren and Thoysal.

Dubren would most likely freak out, being the scared Omega pup that he is. He'd probably try to hide, and very quickly give up on escaping.

Thoysal would fight tooth and claw, trying every possible spell and type of magic he has to bust out of the bottle. After finding out all of that fails, he'd become quiet and brooding, listening silently while trying to come up with a way to escape. He's old - he knows to bide his time.

Why does the vampire like her and want to take care of her?

Nix reminds him of himself when he was just turned. Young, helpless, all alone, abandoned by her family. He wants to give her what he never had - someone she could feel safe with, who she could trust.

I want Nix to be free already, gosh. Whyy must you torture us?

Because I am your biggest enemy - the author :D I'm evil, and I know it. What I'm doing to Nix is nothing I've done compared to older characters such as Kevin or Roshi. Oh, Roshi... Yeah, no, that guy will never recover. I may tell you his story sometime, if you're curious.

Would she be a lot larger than she says since she wasn't full grown when she was captured? Wait, can they even grow in the bottle?

No and no. In the bottle, they are undead - a bit like being in a pokéball made of glass. They don't really exist, but they move around as if they do. This means they can't grow, can't get sick, don't feel hunger or thirst, don't shed their fur or scales like they'd do in summer/winter, all of the things that living animals do. She is as small as the day she went in :)

Does Nix have any family, other than her mom?

No, she does not. She was only child, and the father left shortly after impregnating Nix's mother, as is commonplace for firefoxes. 

Were Zanixa and her mother created by a god or goddess?

Maybe, long ago, Eskela created firefoxes as she's mildly obsessed with them. Truth be told, this is one of the few races that does not have an origin story; they simply exist. Zanixa is her mother's daughter, just like their parents were born from other firefoxes.

Nix is a shapeshifter, right? So does she eat human food, like potatoes or something?

Yes, she is a shifter. However, even when in human form, she thinks like a fox. She's never even considered eating anything other than coals or molten metal. It's never crossed either of our minds. Now I wonder what'd happen if she were to taste a potato...

What is this RealmOfVampires in your bio?

It's the community profile I'm co-owner of :) As you can guess by the name, it's a community especially for vampire writers and readers, as there're some serious stereotypes regarding these poor creatures. Just look at Thoysal! He's all alone, hidden away on the edge of the pack territory, just so he doesn't have to deal with the wolves stereotyping him. The community offers a book club, reading lists, writing contests, a Book of the Month awards, and many threads in the forums to hang out in. If you love vampires or even write about them, feel free to take a look ^-^ The Coven welcomes you.

(That last question was totally not made up by me to give my community a shout-out...)

Once more, thank all of you for your support. It's crazy that we've hit over 2,000 reads before ten chapters are even up - and I have you readers to thank for that <3 Thank you for sticking by me, even when I keep Nix in the bottle for far too long. It really means a lot to me.

The dedications are sporadic, but I will keep them up <3 There's plenty o' chapters left to dedicate to all of you.

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