Blaze's 2nd sister part 2

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Hey guys! Welcome back!

Ro: Hello, you jewels out there!
Bl: Morning.
Cream: Good morning, Miss Danielle!
Cheese: Chao!

Wha-what....I ...Umm......

Ro: Oh, sorry, Danielle. This is Cream the rabbit and her Chao friend, Cheese. She's here to replace Amy.

Well, keep her here forever!

Cr: Its nice to meet you!

And you as well.

Bl: Well, Elsa is running a few mins late, but she's will be here.

Okay, so I have a full list of what all of the people all around the world want to know about her.

Ro: This is going to be sweet!
Bl: Oh, Elsa just texted me. She's right outside the door. Be right back. ( leaves)
Co: So . . . . What's the list?

Okay so they want to know. . . *pulls out the list*




Role in family:

Relationship (crush, boyfriend, engaged, or married):


Favorite color/s:

Favorite drink/s:

Favorite restaurant/s:

Favorite food/s:

Favorite dessert/s:

Favorite animal/s:

Favorite pet/s:

Favorite song/s:

Favorite movie/s:

Favorite weapon/s:

Favorite power/s:

Favorite friend/s:

Best friend/s:

Favorite season:

Favorite flower/s:

Favorite hobbies/s:

Favorite thing/s:



Biggest fear/s:

Favorite verse/s:

And that's it for the list.

Co: Wow! Long list!
Ch: Chao!
Ro: Are we allow to ask more?

Sure! As long as they aren't dumb questions.

(Bl walks into the room leading El who was partly hiding behind Bl's back)
Bl: Ladies, this is Frosty the cat or as we know her, Elsa.
El: ( speaks quietly and shyly) Hello.
Cr/Co: Aww...........she's so cute!
Ro: Umm, LOVE your outfit!!!
Bl: See?! I TOLD you they would like you!
El: I....I guess you did.....
Bl: El, I want you to meet Comso the seedain.
Co: (walks up to El, shakes her hand) It's very nice to meet you.
El: And you as well. (smiles shyly)
Bl: Cream the rabbit.
Cr: (hugs El) I just KNOW they are going to be GREAT friends!
Ch: Chao, Chao!
Bl: Rouge the bat.
Ro: Hi, got any jewels sugar?
El: Ummm.....well I hav.....
Bl: (covers El's mouth) Dont...tell...Ro that you have a jewel.
Co: Yea....she'll steal it.
Ro: ME?! Steal?! Never!
Bl/Co: Right............

We'll go with that......

Bl: And the one just speaking is Danielle.


El: How do you do?

Uh.....I do what I I in a Shakespeare play?

El: ( giggles) No, no. It's a greeting.


El: ( smiles)..............

Okay, so we all wanted you here to ask you questions and to learn more anointing and your family. Do you mind if we ask some questions?

El: Not at all. Ask away!

Sweet! Now who wants to ask them?

Co: I can.
El: Okay.
Bl: Lets begin.
Co: Question one, What is your full name?
El: Well, my full name is Frosty Snowflake Mato.
Ro: Aww, cute!


El: Well. . .  I am 16 years old.
Cr: Like Miss Blaze!
Ch: Chao!
El: Yes.
Co: Umm... birthday?
El: Umm, well this is confusing, but even through my sisters, brother, and I were born at the same time we celebrate our birthdays on different days.

Got it. So when do you celebrate your birthday?

El: Umm.......Christmas Day.

Well, that's sad.

El: Why?

You won't get as many presents.

El: (laughs) Oh, I don't need presents to be happy! I have my family, my friends, and my Savior! I don't need anything else!


Co: What is your role in the family?
El: I'm the 2nd oldest.
Ro: Sweet! Oh! My favorite question! Can I ask it?! Please, please, please?!?

Go ahead, Ro.

Ro: Yes! Okay, El, dear, are you in a relationship with anyone?
El: ( turns her head slightly to the right) Relationship?
Ro: Yea! You know...a boyfriend!
El: Oh! Umm
Ro: No?! What is WRONG with these men?!
El: I...I'm not looking for one!
Ro: Fine, so no crush?
El: Uhh.......
Bl: ( snickers) Yea, Elsa.....
El:  So help me Bl if you spill.........( says with a bite)
Ro: Spill what?
El: Nothing!
Bl: Nothing as in she does has a MAJOR crush on someone........
El: BLAZE!!!!!!!!!!!
Bl: What?! I didn't say who...........
Ro: Ooh.....

This is going to be good!

Cr: Aww! That's so sweet!
Co: Who is it?
El: Uhh...........
Ro: Come on girlfriend! Give your friend Ro all the juicy details!
El: ( blushing madly)'s nothing........
( Then Sil walks in, carrying a huge box)
Sil: Here's the box from the post office, Danielle.

Sweet! Thanks man!

Sil: Np! Hey girls!
Co: Hello.
Ro: Hi!
Cr: Hello, Mr. Silver!
Sil: I like this kid! Oh, hey Elsa! ( smiles brightly)
El: ( turns red) H...h...hello Sil.......
Sil: Well, I need to save Sonic from Shadow.....again! See ya around!
Ro: Bye!


Sil: Don't get too cold in here! Ha get it?!
Co: ( rolls her eyes) Yes, we get it.
Sil: Well, I don't know about you guys, but it just got warmer in here. ( winks at Elsa)
El: ( looks away, blushing, begins to frantically twist her hair around and around).........
Sil: ( waves) Bye! ( leaves)
( Everyone looks at the door then at the red-faced Elsa then the door again)


Bl: Oh my word......
Ro: Ship, Ship! Ship! SHIP!!!!!!
Cr: too adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ro: SHIPPING.......HARD!!!!!!!!!!
Co: You have a crush on Sil?!
El: ( covers her face) ".........."
Ro: That's too freaking adorable!!!

Guys, guys. I got it! Silsa!

Co: Aww!
Bl: Yes!
Ro: Ship!
Cr: What's a ship?

We'll explain when you get older, Cr.

Cr: Okay!

Okay, guys, I think we embarrassed So long enough. Let's continue.

Ro: But, but....the shipping! (whines)

Rouge. . . . .

Ro: Oh.......fine.

Okay, next question..... what is your religion?

El: Christian but more specifically, Baptist.

Oh, so am I!

Co: Favorite color or colors?

Lets just confirm right now that mostly every question from now to the end can be single or plural.

El: Okay, and my favorite colors are icy blue and white.
Cr: Drinks?
El: Umm...a iced white chocolate latte.

Umm....favorite restaurant?

El: Well................... Coldstone.

Ro: Favorite food?
El: Anything cold basically.
Co: Favorite dessert?
El: Ice cream!
Bl: Favorite animal?
El: Anything that's white like a husky to a seal.

Favorite pet if you have one?

El: Actually, I have a pet baby Emperor penguin. I have a pic of him.
( shows a pic)

Ro: Aww!
Cr: So cute!
Ch: Chao!
Bl: His name is Pecker.

Favorite song?

El: Um............ probably....... " Let It Go" and " Let it Snow."
Bl: ( flatly) Couldn't guess that one.
Co: Favorite movie?
El: Well.....


El: ( gasps) How did you know?!

"......." Lucky guess. Oh! My favorite question. What is your favorite weapon?

El: Oh......well......I don't normally use weapons......but I do like the crossbow and the kanata blades.
Cr: Do you have a power, Miss Elsa?
El: Actually, I have three wrapped in one, Cr. My powers are ice, snow, water, and sometimes gas. My favorite is ice though.
Ro: Favorite friend?
El: Well, you guys, of course! You're my new friends! <3
Co/Rob Aww!
Cr: I'm glad I'm your new friend!
Ch: Chao......(sad)
El: (smiles warmly) Yes, you too, Ch.
Ch: Chao! ( happy)

Who is your best friend?

El: My best friends are my family.
Co: Favorite season?
Bl: "....." Really?
Co: What?
Bl: It's not difficult to figure out.
Ro: It must be winter!
El: Yes, it is.
Cr: Favorite flower?
El: Umm....tiger lilies, daisies,and whiteroses.

What are your favorite hobbies?

El: skating, swimming , playing the harp and piano, making snowmen, snowball fights, somewhat ballet, gymnastics, and painting.
Co: Favorite things?
El: J love children, snow, cold days smuggled in a warm blanket...
Ro: Next to your crush!

* dies laughing* Ha ha ha ha! *rolls on the ground*

El: (blushing) Ugh!


El: Umm..probably my family is my main strength.
Ro: Weaknesses?
El: Seeing my family hurt and I can't stop the person. It weaken me, and if it's too hot, I can't function right.
Cr: Biggest fear?
El: Well, I'm afraid of blood, broken bones, furnaces, deserts,sometimes my dad, snakes, spiders, and bugs, well except butterflies.

But what's your biggest?


Ro: Boys?!
Bl: Really?
El: Yes.
Ro: Why?!
El: They....they make me nervous! Especially that black and red spiky.....thing.
Ro: That.......would be Shadow the hedgehog, and he's isn't THAT bad.....


Ro: Well, he isn't!

Sure.................We'll go with that.

Co: Okay, last question, Elsa.What is your life's verse?
El: " Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might." Eph. 6:10 ( KJV)

Nice. Well, it's time to go.

Cr: Aww!
Co: Yea...I guess it is.....
Ro: Bye ya!
Co: Thanks for coming, El.
El: Np! Goodbye!
Bl: Good night.
Cr: Night!
Ch: Chao!

Night everyone!

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