Blaze's reveal of her 2nd sister

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   Okay, here is it, the first name of the newly found-to-be sister of Blaze. Her name is.....................

Frosty the cat. This is what she looks like as a half cat/ human.

(This pic was drawn by userSonAmy)

Okay so now you know who she is. Let's get some facts about her!

Am: Like her fashion!!!
Ro: No, her jewelry!

Okay, how do you people STILL get into my house?!?!??!?!?!?! I locked it with a combination lock!

Ro: Locked doors don't keep me away, honey!

"....." You broke in, didn't you?

Ro: Guilty!

*sighs* Whatever.

Am: Um, hello?! Let's continue!

Okay, but since I don't really know her, what does she wear, Am?

Am: Well, she wears this ugly blue dress with ugly blue boots with a ugly girl hair tie, and.......
Ro: Nice things, Am!
Am: What is nice about her outfit?!
Ro: Well, its better than yours!
                ( Blaze walks in)
Bl: I don't normally say this, but Am you got burned.
Am: Well, EXCUSE me, " Miss Perfect!" Who invited you?!

..................And here we go...........again!

Ro: Hey, Blaze! Why don't YOU tell us what Elsa wears!

Elsa? I thought her name was Frosty.

Ro: It is. Elsa is a nickname we gave her after we watched Frozen.

Oh, got it.

Am: You are SOOO annoying, Blaze!
Bl: Amy......... let it go!
Ro: Ooh!

Aww, snap! Rejected!

Am: Humph!

Continue, Bl. Actually, let's go back a few paces. Why don't you explain her looks then her outfit

Bl: Sure so her fur, which is really silky, is a icy blue color.
Ro: Her hair as well?
Bl: Yes. Also she has bubble blue tips on the ends of her hair and tail like mine except mine is a dark plum.

Style of hair?

Bl: Um... pulled back with a high ice structure- looking icy blue crown ponytail that allows the hair to flow back her back to the lower part of her back.
Ro: Eye color?
Am: Probably a ugly gray like her dad!
Bl: "....." That's it!
    ( Bl burns Am hair to a crisp)
Am: Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ro: ( dying of laughter) Ha, ha, ha,ha!

*rolling on the ground crying from laughing so hard* H.....hey Amy! Want some potatoes with that roast?!

Am: UGH! ( stomps out)
Ro: That.......was wickedly awesome!
Bl: ( smiles) I know. So now that we don't have any more..
..... interruptions
Ro: (snorts) More like AMYrruptions!

( Everyone stated to laugh even harder)

O....ok....okay, enough. My side are now cramping! Please continue, Bl.

Bl: Okay so her eye color is a aubergine.
Ro: Aww, so pretty! Does she have a jewel in the middle of your head as you do?
Bl: Yes, in fact, she has a star-shaped snowflake jewel on her forehead.
Ro: Aww! So cute! I can't WAIT to know what she wears!
Bl: ( laughs) Hang on, and I will tell you. Frosty (or Elsa as we better know her) favorite and most worn outfit is a a deep midnight blue, above the knee dress that has a dark blue 1/2 inch belt strap with a single snowflake clip right on the middle of it. Under her dress, she is wearing  dark blue leggings with 2 inch heeled dark blue boots with a design very much like Silver the hedgehog's boots except she had with blue toes with Kingsolver heels. On the collar of her dress, the rim of the ends of her dress, and the ends of her short sleeves part of her dress was white furry fur lining that was actually cotton. On the end of her hands was white gloves that were attached to a  dark blue cloth that wrap around her arm and on the ends of her finger to elbow gloves was cotton-like cuffs.

Ro: She sounds like a ice princess!
Bl: (chuckles) That is because she is.
Ro: Wait.....she's a princess too?!


Bl: Of course.

Ro: So.........what's next on the list?

Well, we need to know what her personality is like, oh I forgot! What is her human form Blaze?

Ro: Can we get a pic?
Bl: Sorry.....Elsa doesn't want a pic to be seen ALL over the internet.
Ro: Aww.......
Bl: But what she looks like in human is she has pale white skin like a Japanese, but her eyes change color to a bright violet as a human. Her hair changes to a milky snow white with icy blue tips that is pulled into a side fishtail braid with snowflake clips running all over it. She wears the same outfit as her animal form.

Ro: Aww! Cute!

Bl: Actually...I jave a secret picture of her..

Ro: She's so pretty!!!!

So what's her personality, Bl?

Bl: Well, she's very shy and withdrawn. She hates drawing attention to herself, but don't think that she won't defend you if you're in trouble. Her words can be as powerful as the edge of a icicle!


Bl: But, she's mostly gentle like the soft snowflake that lands on your nose in the morning.

So......what is her power?

Bl: You mean powers, Danielle, and she has ice, snow, and water.


Ro: So.........I'm guessing her symbol is winter?
Bl: Right again.

What's your?

Bl: Summer.

Makes sense.

Ro: Does Elsa fight?
Bl: Umm, it's pretty rare. But yes she can.
Ro: Is she powerful?
Bl: Well powerful enough to make hurricanes.
Ro: Whoa.......

Hey, speaking of hurricanes!l, was she the one who did Hurricane Florence?!?

El: ( background) Blaze!
Bl: Well, it's not just me who thinks so!
El: No it was Dad!
Bl: Rrrrrrrright! We'll go with that!
Ro: Does she carry weapons?
Bl: Yes.

Which one?

Bl: Umm...........

Hey, um, its time for my bedtime, guys. I have a GREAT idea!

Ro: Shoot!
                          ( BANG)
So: ( roars in pain) OUCH! SHADOW!!!!!!!!!!!
Sh: What?! They said I could fire!

ANYWAY.............tomorrow, Blaze bring Elsa over tomorrow and we can give her a 100 question quiz!

Bl: Sure! I really want you to meet her!

And meet her we shall, tomorrow!

Ro: Me too?!


Ro: Please?! Amy won't appear in your room again!

DONE!!!!!!! Come back every day of the WEEK!

Ro: Yea!
Am: Hey, jerk!

Shut it, pink freak who can't get a date with Sonic!

Bl: Ouch!
Am: Well, at least I have a better chance with him!

Amy, you wouldn't have a chance with the DEVIL!!!!!!

Ro: Oh!
Bl: Rejected!

And I also have his phone number! Cowbunga!

Am: Ugh! ( defeated)

Catch ya next time!

Bl: Bye.
Ro: Bye, cuties, and don't forgot to bring jewels!
Bl: Bad idea.

Bad idea.

Ro: .....Speaking of jewels.......
Kn: ROUGE THE BAT!!!!!!!!GIVE ME BACK THE MASTER EMERALD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*sighs* Only, Rouge........

I hoped you enjoyed this fun chapter and plan to stick around for the 100 question quiz with Elsa! Then......its on to the next sister!

My truth and dare is coming out with a 1st and  2nd chapter soon. Bye, you mortals!

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