Chapter fifty

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That was when opposition arrived.

Tisa would say she was mad she saw them, but in this occasion she was happy to see them.

Arceus landed with a crash as a group of Pokemon walked up the stairs.

"No!" Barked a familiar Umbreon as he raced with his scarf flowing in the wind.

Following him was a Primarina, an Oshawott and a shiny Wortortle. It seems like Pip and his friend evolved from the last time they met.

"Stop right there, Darkrai." The Oshawott proclaimed, putting out a paw.

Sklirós turned around with a smirk on his face.

"You're already too late, Wott. We have already taken down Arceus. It's only a matter of time before we accomplish our ultimate goal!" Sklirós gleefully chirped.

"No! No! I won't let you!" Ron roared, knocking over Sklirós with a Quick Attack.

"Get him!" Sklirós screeched madly, out of character.

Lassie immediately went after him, but was sent back with a Dark Pulse.

Tisa, Rau, and Majnun just stood around.

Tudi, Pulse, and Kiumbe attacked the Umbreon, but were deflected by Pip, Parker, and Spout.

A Treecko came up and immediately started to help, screeching a loud ear cry for whatever weird reason.

A couple Pokémon flew in from the top of the tower, including but not limited to Paarthurnax, Bucky, a Pikachu being carried on Bucky's back, and a Nidorina being held by his claws.

There was a swarm of flying starters.

It was like no one else besides the squad, a couple of villains, and one police officer wanted to stop arceus' defeat.

Tisa was hoping to see someone in the sky or coming from the dungeon, but all she saw was some normal starters and some pretty cool Pokemon.

Not to mention she also saw the one Pokémon who visited her in some sort of weird vision.

Then her eyes focused on an Emoleon and an Infernape group. The two approached her.

"Tisa," the Empoleon growled.


That voice is familiar to her.

"Harley?" She asked, squinting at her.

The Infernape growled as Tisa approached them.

"You've been busy, huh?" Harley asked her.

"No. It's been Sklirós and Tudi. I...I'm a villain, yes, but I have a bad feeling about this." Tisa commented.

"Shouldn't you have decided that before trying to Murder Arceus, you monster?" The Infernape snarled. He was just barely holding himself back.

Tisa backed up.

It was true. She was given many opportunities to try to stop this herself, but she never took them.

Though, maybe I never had my voice in the first place. She thought.

Though the idea of being tamed by anyone made her blaze with fury.

"I...It doesn't matter! I'm a villain! But even I know when things get too far! It's just...this was never my show in the first place. I wanted to get revenge on Harley!" Tisa growled.

The infernape pushed Harley behind him who complained she was more than viable for beating a fire type like Tisa.

Tisa rolled her eyes. "I still hate you for abandoning Me for our family and some dinky squad, but I think there's something worse than being abandoned." Tisa commented.

Her eyes glazed over as she looked towards the sky.

She turned back towards her used to be sister.

"I think...maybe I was wrong to completely become evil, but I'm not wrong with the fact that I shouldn't have been talked about behind my back. I burned the place down because I was angry. I joined Tudi because I was angry. Now," Tisa's gaze turned towards the sky.

"Arceus might die because of it."

Tisa continued. "I think I'll join up with you and the squad just this one time. Sklirós seems a bit too intent on the darkness for me to continue to fight for him. I've only been here this long because....well just because."

Tisa turned her head to the Skyarmory who was viciously attacking Kiumbe. Kiumbe was handling it way too well.

"Huh? Well okay, but you're still a villain." Harley commented, shocked upon hearing the Ninetales comment on Sklirós' evils.

"Yeah. I still am. I just...never intended to join this team with Sklirós. He's probably playing us all." Tisa commented.

She had to find a way to convince Tudi that Sklirós was not going to help him get what he wanted.

He wanted to destroy the starter Squad. And Tisa? Well she wanted to destroy her sister.

Destroying Arceus...was probably above their league to be fair. They were dangerous, sure, but they weren't more than s ranks. Even S ranks never wanted to destroy Arceus.

But how could she convinced tudi? For all she knew he was far too obsessive with following the Darkrai than to listen to her.

He never really listened to her much anyways, so why would he follow her orders?

Harsh breathing could be heard behind her.

Tisa turned around, and noticed Sklirós had been listening. He had been fighting a Mightyena who wouldn't stop using Sand Attack, but now he was behind her.

"Traitor!" He roared, using a Shadow Ball, sending her near the edge of the tower.

I'm going to fall! She thought in panic as her paws scrambled for a good grip.

The Darkrai laughed mischievously. "Looks like traitors get what they deserve." He laughed darkly as he put his shadow paws on hers, trying to make a scene out of a movie come true.

"Hope you like the Distortion World! One way stop!" The Darkrai growled, about to throw her off.

A second later, the Darkrai went sprawling on the tower, a friendly Umbreon offered his paw to her.

"You!! You've gotten in my way for the last time!" Sklirós shouted in anger.

The Dark type prepared a Poison Jab, about to stab Eon.

"This is the greatest show ever." Majnun commented, just watching the whole entire fight in action.

His head got smacked by a Gengar with a stick in his mouth, and he started screaming.

Sklirós grumbled about quiet, but tried to jab Eon with poison.

Eon dodged with his tongue stuck out.

Tudi was trying to help him, glaring in Tisa's direction.

Tisa managed to pull herself up when Pulse's ghost used Faint Attack.

Tisa cried out.

"This is what you get for betraying us, stupid mutt! Tudi was better without you!" He screamed, about to use Sludge Bomb before a Hydro Canon somehow washed the ghost away.

Once Pulse saw that Tudi wasn't really helpful to Sklirós he shouted, "Come on, it isn't that hard to hit an Umbreon! Useless child," Pulse growled.

Tudi was about to say something when Pulse continued. "If I saw this when you were younger I would have never taken you. You're way weaker than my own child. Jeez. And she's an Eevee. Why was I cursed with stupidly weak children?" Pulse snarled, shocking Tudi.

He is a bad dog, but he shouldn't have insulted him that much.

Tudi altogether stopped what he was doing beforehand, Growing with anger.

He curled his fist. "You know what, fine! I'll join the starter squad if I'm that weak! You're not the Pokémon who I thought you were! You were like a father to me! I can't believe you!" Tudi growled.

Pulse rolled his eyes.

"Pft, as if I care. Stupid."

He was hit with another Hydro Canon.

He screamed as it seemingly cut through his ghost form.

It was unknown how this was happened.

A grunt could be heard before a familiar green spotted Togekiss flew down and dropped a black footed Swampert.

"Uhhh, he's fine right? He's a ghost. He should be fine." The Swampert asked right before the Houndoom disappeared forever.

Tudi flinched, as if that was the first time his replacement father had died. It was sort of only the second.

"What happened to a ghost of a Pokémon when they get destroyed?" Witness asked.

Tudi shrugged.

"It doesn't matter. He's not important anyways."

Tudi turned towards Lassie.

"What's important is destroying those who are still on that stupid mutt's side."

"This was never about Pulse, Tudi. Sklirós was the one who fooled us." Tisa informed him.

"It doesn't matter. Let's just...destroy these guys before they call me weak like Pulse did." Tudi Growled back.

Lassie laughed. "You're weak because you are just a runk. You're an asshole who deserved to die at the paws of that villain instead of being saved."

Seconds later, she fell, and didn't faint.

She cried out in pain, and her body twitched madly before going limp, some ghost blood pouring out of her body.

She was dead.

Upon seeing this, Rau who was now fighting fled.

Sklirós growled madly, preparing an attack right before Eon sprung at him with a Shadow Claw to his face.

He screamed and fell off the building. Gone.

Eon looked sad. "I didn't mean to send him to his doom." He commented.

Sklirós was gone it seemed, and Kiumbe fled as well.

Majnun just sat there, licking his paw as peace seemingly appeared once and for all.

Authors note: and that's the final chapter for this story. At least until the epilogue. I'll probably update that today. Let me know your thoughts. I know I could have made this better, but I wanted to get it over with, and now it is....

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