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"You know you could always be good guys." Harley suggested.

Goofball, the Infernape Tisa finally learned the name of, nodded in encouragement.

"Yeah! You'd make a powerful team of good guys!" Goofball exclaimed making other noises as well.

"Pft! As if I'd lower myself to that position. I'm perfectly fine with being a villain. Though, maybe killing Arceus wasn't the greatest plan." Tisa snorted as she whipped her tails around, smacking Goofball.

Goofball sneezed.

"You think?!" Lightning, the Pikachu that rose Bucky's back, exclaimed.

Tisa dismissed her with a wave of her paw.

"Oh it's fine now." Tisa snorted.

"Only because Eon had a Pecha Berry to help Arceus from dying from poison!"

"Oh, but it's fine still. Arceus is probably gonna need to heal, but he's okay." Tisa commented. "And that's all that really matters."

Hours later after speaking with the Starter Squad—they let them go for once, it was just Majnun, Witness, Boulder, Tudi, and Tisa.

Mostly because Majnun was calmly kicking his paw down to the bone.

"Well, we're off!" Tisa informed Boulder and Witness.

Witness made friends with the ground quickly.

"I... I want to join you guys again." She said, gazing at Boulder like she wasn't supposed to want to go with them.

Boulder only nodding, seeming really sad she was leaving him again.

"It's okay." He said, looking away.

"You can go with them. You can visit me if you want!" Boulder exclaimed, tears slipping out of his eyes.

Witness gave her friend a hug one more time.

Tisa gagged. Gross.

Witness and Boulder parted and Boulder left them alone. Well, Majnun was still there. He was standing there menacingly. Not really helping anyone except himself.

"Don't you have somewhere to go?" Tudi asked him.

"I do." He growled.

"Thanks for that stupidly useless quest." He remarked before running off to who knows where.

"That guy is weird." Tisa barked. "Tell me about it." Tudi replied.

"Wanna go kill some Mudkip?" She asked Tudi.

"Even better, how about we divebomb that weird Treecko?" Witness chirped.

"Fine by me. As long as someone suffering except me..and Arceus." Tisa remarked.

The three then joyously continue their evil, chaotic spree of murder.


"I can't believe it. Those bitches betrayed me! Well, if I can't destroy Arceus, then I guess I'll settle on someone more...useless."

"Hey! You shouldn't be getting up!"

"Shut up you useless Dragon type!"

That's it! I'll destroy something else with help of the new ''friend' I have found.

And no one will be able to stand in my way. No one.

Authors note: How to give meaning to what happened in one of your stories. Include it in the epilogue of another. Lol.

Anyways, that's all for this story. No sequel or anything.

But hey if you wanna know what I'm talking about regarding explanation to another story that story is The Ghost Squad so check it out if you haven't. Lol.

And thanks for making it to the end! Hooray!

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